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I'm a One-Percenter...and I Support the OWS Movement.

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posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 11:52 AM

Originally posted by JohnnySasaki
I hate to go off topic here, but since you seem to have some knowledge on real estate, how do you think the market looks right now for rental properties? I'm 23, I've got about 100 grand, and everyone seems to think that I'm crazy to want to invest in real estate in the current market. I, however, think it's a great time for rentals beings everyone is losing their jobs/homes.

So what do you think? I was thinking duplexes to start out, but I want to eventually gain enough capital/equity to go into full size apartment buildings. If you do the math on some of these places, they seem to be making a killing.

Thats a good idea since most places are tied up in section 8 with hud.
However that wont be enough money.
If i had that money i would sell chicken wings.

Be careful unless you want to end up in the 1% and be happy and content.

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 11:59 AM
reply to post by darkest4

What you are failing to point out is that he is removing the death tax and other various taxes as well. Yes, these will benefit the wealthy. But it will also benefit the regular money earners in this country as well. There are MILLIONS of middle class and lower workers that have investments. That will have to pay through the nose in taxes once they want to tap that income. Why should they be punished for making interest on their hard earned and invested money? Heck, the Fed doesn't pay taxes on interest so why should the rest of us?

You see, you say this is aimed only at the wealthy. No, it's aimed at EVERYONE. Which, the last time I looked, was pretty dang fair. Oh wait, you aren't interested in fair. You just want the rich to give up everything so that it can be spread evenly throughout the nation. In other words, you want a socialist state. Ok. Got it.

Here is what lowering the corporate tax to 15% will do. It will spur hiring to levels unseen in this country for decades.

What should be done is any company that moved their operations overseas should have to pay hefty tarrifs. I mean MAJOR hefty. But if they are U.S. based then they should only see the 15% max.

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 12:01 PM
reply to post by FailedProphet

They are right for the most part, a richer country = richer citizens overall. Because the citizens well... ARE the country. Those in power have determined they are more capable of making decisions than an entire nation, the proof of their wrong is that the country is stagnating (or at least beginning to slow down at an increasing rate) and its citizens are not being allowed to openly express themselves to create a progressive nation, many people without much of a place in society are suffering, these are the ones on the other side of the Lucky coin you speak of. I am of a personal belief that we (humanity) only have so much time to overcome our next hurdle, so why sit around waiting?

The problem lies in the plethora of unnecessary laws and organizations seemingly with the combined goal of funneling wealth out of your everyday public and eventually into the hands of one person. I think this is why Ron Paul says restore America's liberties and its economy will eventually fall into place.
edit on 18-10-2011 by RSF77 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 12:03 PM
reply to post by FailedProphet

warren is that you?

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 12:03 PM
reply to post by randomname

I thought the OP was being very honest in their opinion and beliefs. I didn't sense any greed or selfishness on his/her part.

Your reply however was dripping with vitriol. envy, hatred and greed. Yes, I said it greed. Trickle down economics? What do you have to give that you need to be trickling down? Nothing you say? What about that computer you are typing on? Hand it down brother. Not yours you say? What about the clothes on your back? Trickle it down comrade. The blood in your veins...surely someone needs that more than you do. The human body is worth millions surely you should be trickling that down and passing on your wealth. Can you see how silly the argument becomes? There will always be someone that has less than you. There will always be someone that looks at you, wags a finger and says I want what you have.

Please I beg of everyone to cease placing blame where it does not belong. Accumulation of wealth is not in and of itself the source of evil. What are the protestors protesting for after all? Isn't it to have the right to seek that same accumulation? To at least have a fair shot at a living a comfortable life, to be able to earn an honest wage, paid fairly based upon merit? Isn't that the goal? To have the powers that be cease taking the opportunity to earn our fair share away from us?

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 12:03 PM

Originally posted by ldyserenity
reply to post by darkest4

"Paul would also make far-reaching changes to federal tax policy, reducing the top corporate income tax rate to 15 percent, eliminating capital gains and dividends taxes and allowing for repatriation of overseas capital without tax penalties. All tax cuts enacted under former President George W. Bush would be extended."

Source, please, this doesn't sound like Ron Paul if this is true he's lost my support!

It's from his own plan he released.

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 12:12 PM

Originally posted by GmoS719
reply to post by FailedProphet

post removed by staff

If you're a supporter of OWS, it's "have" not "borrow".

OP: I read it, and you don't seem to believe that you're the enemy. You have what they want. You can apparently afford it, and good on you for working hard and getting your just reward for it, but you are "part of the problem" as far as they are concerned.

Support whatever cause you want, but don't expect the cause to support you.

edit on Tue Oct 18 2011 by DontTreadOnMe because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 12:18 PM
reply to post by dariousg

Sorry but your post is very dishonest. Mr Paul claimed he wanted to lower/eliminate things like income taxes and what not, but those promises are sadly absent from his actual plan which has the people that actually read it quite saddened.

Furthermore you must either be rich, or delusional, to think that the lower/middle class is making a big portion of their income from taxes/bonds etc... How many truck drivers, mechanics, secretaries etc are sitting around day trading in the stock market with all their hard earned money. At most some people in the middle class own a few stocks or bonds which they let sit for many years, not raking in big bucks in capital gains income every year. Unless you're pushing around millions of dollars a year in stocks and other trading then you are not going to greatly benefit from a tax elimination on capital gains and dividends. This IS aimed directly at wallstreet and the rich, it benefits them tremendously and makes the rich richer.

2nd there is zero proof that tax cuts on corporations will make all multinational corporations come home and create jobs. First off, big corporations are still going to use tax havens elsewhere and more importantly exploit cheap labor abroad. Many jobs are gone because they rather pay 10 cents a hour to some kid in china/poor country than $8 a hour here.

Sorry but "trickle down" economics has been PROVEN through statistics to have not worked over the years, its why we're here in the first place. Rich people getting richer doesn't create jobs. DEMAND is what creates jobs, demand for jobs due to demand for more goods and services. DEMAND is created by the 99% of americans in the middle/lower class, the top 1% of people can only demand so many goods and services (they each only need 1 new iphone, 1 new computer, 1 new tv etc etc). Thus getting money into the pockets of the middle/lower class will create jobs, not making the rich richer like fox news wants you to believe.
edit on 18-10-2011 by darkest4 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 12:19 PM

Originally posted by Phenomium
It just seems everyone is missing the mark. Everyone says they are angry at WallStreet. Just who (personally) are we angry at? A company? An organization? We need REAL people to append the blame to. Someone in Wallstreet made the descisions and was born as a human with a name. We need to find out just who, personally, stole Americas money. We can't throw WallStreet in jail, it is a corporate veil the criminals are hiding behind and as long as we are mad at "Wallstreet" we might as well be protesting a wall. There are those who have faces and that are born of flesh and blood who are not being recognized for what they have done. We need to find these people and prosecute them....not some corporation,rather the woman running the corporation.
edit on 18-10-2011 by Phenomium because: (no reason given)

your idea is ridiculous, sorry to tell you !! it's not ONE person responsible, it's a SYSTEM and everybody is responsible for playing in that system without understanding the hidden rules !!

EVERYBODY is responsible, but not all at the same level of course because some very conscious about the after-effects of the game and others just by letting them do and go with the game rules changing ....
so, the system can be changed ! that is sure, but there are much too much players ( traders for example ) in the game ... so what :

First stop the Fitch and Moodys that are somewhere corrupt and have not at all the right to JUDGE countries !!! first things first. They judge like they want, who controls the judging ???
Second, stop the traders from speculating against countries !!!! the have NO right at all to speculate against other countries, be it Spain or Italy or whatever !!! just maybe against firms and corporations !!!
thirth : stop the bankers that are playing with YOUR/OUR money in subprime liking games .....
fourth : difference has to be made between "savers banks" and financial speculation banks .. so my and your money should be safe from bad speculation ...
lots of other things to do, but I THINK THIS IS ESSENTIAL !!!! peace and prosperity for all !!

edit on 18-10-2011 by Sunlionspirit because: (no reason given)

edit on 18-10-2011 by Sunlionspirit because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 12:26 PM


posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 12:28 PM

Originally posted by Anjin

Originally posted by cenpuppie
Amen brother

Hey, since you ARE a 1%er.. why not buy me a car

Lets say hypothetically the OP grants your request but instead of buying you a $20,000 car he decides to buy 200 bicycles so more people can benefit from his generosity.

Not speaking for you but I would bet at least 3/4 of those people getting a free bike would still demand more if they knew they were given by a wealthy person.

It just seems that no one really cares how a person makes their money but if they have more than you they are the enemy.

You made the point I was about to, and that is.... if this OWS bunch really have a dirrection, I kind of think it's to force 'bigger' handouts. They seem to think that an escelated entitlement would solve their problems. I just see an inflation coming about. The 1% people are that way because they manipulated some entity and gathered wealth. Wealth is always gathered at the cost of the shmuck unwilling to put the effort forth. We should be protesting corrupton in government, corperate fingers in politics and lobiests. They are the problem...! We should uphold our laws and we also should restore our job market by running off the parasite illegal aliens who steal our jobs and also cause wages to plumet to nothing by their willingness to work for pittances. We didn't build this country to have it sucked dry by vermin parasite illegals. Regulate banks and oil again, do not allow ofshore bussiness to exist or have tax breaks here. If you leave the US, you have given up your right to do business here. and put tarrifs on Chinese and Indian junk low quality planet destroying Junk.

edit on 18-10-2011 by Plotus because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 12:30 PM

Originally posted by KnowledgeIsPowre
You are not a 1% unless you have power. Do you have power or do you just have more assets than most people? This isn't about money in the bank, it's about what you can do to stay on top and in control.

it's about KOCH and other neo-con bast**********************************big rds !!!

and much more to find on internet google about those neo-capitalist gangsters, sorry to say but yes they are !!!
in the shadow of the Capitol, always in the dark but not on the dark side of the moon - pitty ...
sorry but I love Pink Floyd and everybody who loves Pinkfloyd cann't be a NEO-capitalist slave ... I hope ....
listen to the dark side, look at it right in the eyes ... and understand ..... have a beer ... have some welfare ...
edit on 18-10-2011 by Sunlionspirit because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 12:36 PM
reply to post by Mcupobob

I used to think that. But now realize it is BOGUS...

Investors toak out more than they put in..hence investing...

investors buy into things, makes the price increase, then everyone who must buy the item now not only has to pay for the item, but also have to give the investor a "cut"..

example... commodities!!! food prices 2007 13 billion dollars worth invested.. prices of food 50% lower than 2011..
food prices after the 216 billion has doubled!!! all so some "investors" can make a profit..

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 12:37 PM
reply to post by darkest4

His official campaign website says this:

"As President, Ron Paul will support a Liberty Amendment to the Constitution to abolish the income and death taxes. And he will be proud to be the one who finally turns off the lights at the IRS for good."

There is far more than you realize...politico published a half-sentence skewed to make RP look like a corporate whore it isn't true....RON PAUL 2012 !!! Still my pick

Won't post source as my stupid PC is running like the chinese POS it is...but it is his official campaign website and first to come up when you search "ron paul" in google.Then you gotta click on the issues section and click on "taxes"
edit on 18-10-2011 by ldyserenity because: idk why it put the wrong copy I didn't copy that sentence that first appeared

edit on 18-10-2011 by ldyserenity because: add

edit on 18-10-2011 by ldyserenity because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 12:38 PM

Originally posted by deadeyedick

Originally posted by JohnnySasaki
I hate to go off topic here, but since you seem to have some knowledge on real estate, how do you think the market looks right now for rental properties? I'm 23, I've got about 100 grand, and everyone seems to think that I'm crazy to want to invest in real estate in the current market. I, however, think it's a great time for rentals beings everyone is losing their jobs/homes.

So what do you think? I was thinking duplexes to start out, but I want to eventually gain enough capital/equity to go into full size apartment buildings. If you do the math on some of these places, they seem to be making a killing.

Thats a good idea since most places are tied up in section 8 with hud.
However that wont be enough money.
If i had that money i would sell chicken wings.

Be careful unless you want to end up in the 1% and be happy and content.

I apologize, but I'm not 100% sure I understand this post.

For example, I can't tell if the first line is sarcasm or not, and how much money would be enough? The third line I don't know what to make of at all, and the fourth line is equally perplexing. Sounds like a joke, but beings I didn't get the other three lines, I can't be 100% on that one either, lol.

Anyway, I'm not looking to be a super 0.00001%er and rule the universe with my money, I just want to adequately prepare for when TSHTF, and that will take way more than 100 grand imo.

....oh, and I want a Ferrari too.

......and Amber Heard and/or Megan Fox.

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 12:49 PM
reply to post by FailedProphet

As a protester and active member of the Occupy movement, I thank you for your support and this contribution towards spreading compassion and understanding. There is a web site 1percent for the 99 percent. You might check it out and post an image/story there. No one that i know in the movement begrudges any hardworking, honest person their success.

We want similar opportunities for our children. We want to undo the wealth redistribution that gave trillions to the top at the expense of the masses. Anyone who misses this obvious fact must be under a rock.

Again, thanks. And, if you can, contribute to or attend a local rally.

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 12:53 PM
reply to post by JohnnySasaki

Well chicken wings are dirt cheap to buy. If you go into any restaurant they are priced pretty high...if it's happy hour their fifty cents a wing and after happy hour you can expect to pay at least a buck a wing. You can buy a pound of wings for under three dollars full price. One pound of wings usually yields about twelve wings. Three dollar investment some time and a little sauce and you make at least twelve dollars.

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 01:24 PM
reply to post by dariousg

Triple down economics doesn't work. Republicans have been touting that for years, obviously it doesn't work.

These companies are rabid in their dealings. They take the tax break, they keep the money. Just because the government gives it to them, does not mean they suddenly get shot with a moral arrow and do the right thing.
They have been getting tax breaks for years, yet we are still in the Great Repression, many companies are making record profits. So why are they hanging on to every penny till it screams, instead of investing it back into people and the economy? They are low by international standards, there is no excuse for them.

If this article doesn't make you angry, I don't know what does.

One study, released by the National Bureau of Economic Research, found that for every dollar of repatriated cash, companies bumped up shareholder payouts between 60 and 92 cents.


edit on 18-10-2011 by nixie_nox because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 01:24 PM

Originally posted by 1ofmany
post removed by staff

Well personally I do not have any problems at all with rich people. Enjoy your money I say, do whatever you like with them, I will never get jealous of anyone. I might think that bad decisions are being made, but I will not get jealous.
The way I see it, when I am minutes away from dying, I want to be able to think about how much I gave away and the people I helped, not how big my wallet or bank account are.
But hey, that is just me. It is up to each and one to come to some kind of insight about what is best in that persons life.
edit on Tue Oct 18 2011 by DontTreadOnMe because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 01:26 PM
reply to post by rebeldog

What? It was hard to understand what you were trying to say, but what I got was "How dare they make a profit!". They put money into the business, then they get a return on the investment exchange for getting the business off the ground. Of course they want to make a profit off of what they invested in, otherwise why invest?

They investors take the risk if they business doesn't come through and loss out on all the money they put forth.

Look if you gave money to a friend to start up a restaurant. Then you're friend started making a good amount of money off of it wouldn't you want a return on your investment with interest? It would only be fair because you're friend wouldn't have the money to have the restaurant in the first place, then no one would benefit.

Look, investors are a way better alternative to the predators of banks and loaners.

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