That is awful, just sick and awful. How can they just walk on my a let that baby just lay there? WTH is wrong with those people. Heartless! The human
race is a sick sick breed.
That is one of the most horrific videos I have seen for the pure lack of humanity.
It also suggests in a very loud voice that we're about to go to war with China. That certainly trumps the Gadaffi servant burn victim for inspiring
the warrior in one.
I doubt we could ever go to war with china. Do you think Walmart would allow that? I mean the USA wouldnt even put sanctions on china ever for
whatever they do. Maybe thats what WE need in the USA sanctions then maybe we could get our economy back and start making stuff again to fill our
stores shelves.
I mean us, as individuals, should check the labels on the products we want to buy and when it reads "Made in China" we put it back on the shelf and
look for something which comes from somewhere where they don't half-cook a fish and eat it while it's still alive.
We are the consumers... it is our choice. Just make sure everyone you know sees the video.