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OWS be careful, you might get what you wish for.

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posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 12:22 AM
Imagine tomorrow you wake up and you have a job, whether you want it or not. You have a free place to live, the Gulag or a Fema camp. Corporate taxes doubled, your next loaf of bread will be 8 dollars. Minimum Wage 20 dollars, gallon of gas 45 dollars. Fair flat tax with no deductions, everyone pays 40% rich, poor. seniors, disabled, black, white, hispanic, male, female, child, adult, blind, and deaf. A government that get things done quickly and equally. Communism. I don't know what the answer is, but I sure know what the hell it shouldn't be. So all I can offer is to be careful, somethings aren't aways what they seem, and everything has a price.

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 12:25 AM
whatever you'd like to call the current system we...THE WORLD has is far worse then communism. and if you hate communism soo bad, you should of told your beloved leaders to stop sending our jobs to commie countries, and for us to stop borrowing them dirty commie dollars from china.

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 12:26 AM

Originally posted by Bullcookies
Imagine tomorrow you wake up and you have a job, whether you want it or not. You have a free place to live, the Gulag or a Fema camp. Corporate taxes doubled, your next loaf of bread will be 8 dollars. Minimum Wage 20 dollars, gallon of gas 45 dollars. Fair flat tax with no deductions, everyone pays 40% rich, poor. seniors, disabled, black, white, hispanic, male, female, child, adult, blind, and deaf. A government that get things done quickly and equally. Communism. I don't know what the answer is, but I sure know what the hell it shouldn't be. So all I can offer is to be careful, somethings aren't aways what they seem, and everything has a price.

Why do people have this view about the OWS movement?
#ING HELL, it's about the equality of all not supremacy of some.

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 12:28 AM
So tired of seeing posts like this and other stupid posts that say things like "OWS doesn't have a leader" "OWS does have a list of demands" "other stupid comments"

I don't see anywhere or anyone that wants to adopt communism that has anything to do with OWS

You should get a clue about what OWS is all about before you post about what you THINK its about

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 12:33 AM
Have a little faith comrade!

What do you suggest people do? It seems inevitable that there is going to be some form of collapse in the years to come, that was going to happen regardless of the OWS movement. It is a planned demolition by the big players, I get that, it doesnt mean we shouldnt act now. I have a lot of faith in the potential of humans, we can make change happen, once we pull our heads out of the sand of selfishness, and start to redefine success, redefine happiness, there can be a new foundation for an enlightened form of society. but maybe I am too optimistic, we'll have to find out.

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 12:36 AM
Apparently nobody is reading the complete post. I will say it again. I don't have an answer, society will have to determine what they are willing to accept. I'm just making observation and conclusions based on my understanding of history and how society thinks and acts collectively. Government only have as much authority as we as a society give them.

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 12:39 AM
"OWS be careful, you might get what you wish for"

I read your post and please show me where OWS is asking for us to be communist or any of the other stupid things you put in your posts...

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 12:47 AM

Originally posted by dc4lifeskater
So tired of seeing posts like this and other stupid posts that say things like "OWS doesn't have a leader" "OWS does have a list of demands" "other stupid comments"

I don't see anywhere or anyone that wants to adopt communism that has anything to do with OWS

You should get a clue about what OWS is all about before you post about what you THINK its about
So tell me what are they about and what is their plan. I've heard about 20 different answer. Because I can't figure it out, the only thing I know for sure are they are protesting about somebody who has it better than them. I can understand that. But what's the plan. Or is this worldwide protesting just a pissing contest. I would surely hope not I would actually like to see something accomplished, otherwise we might as well go home now

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 01:13 AM
They are protesting against the corrupt government, corrupt banking system, corrupt wall street trading. The billionaires of the world controlling what happens in government through lobbyist and political bribes. They are protesting the FED printing money like its going out of style and not willing to let anyone audit them and the fact that the FED is not a government entity but the government also has no control over it. They are protesting being at war with other countries for not good reason at all, they are protesting an outrageous military budget, they are protesting black budgets, false flag missions, america selling weapons to other countries, the fact that its legal for congress to do insider trading, they are protesting the fact that wallstreet and the government do what they want with out pensions, retirement funds, 401k, investments, money and if they lose it all we get is a sorry and have a nice day...

They are protesting the fact that our entire government and financial system is corrupt and its killing america and everything that america stands for.

They are protesting that education budgets are getting slashed more and more every year, children are getting less education, worse food, the dumbing down of america.

They are protesting that even though we know all of the people on wall street who broke the law very few of them are in jail or have gotten any type of punishment for what they have done...

They are protesting the limos, private jets, helicopters, security, mansions, servants, ect that we pay for and government officials enjoy.

They are protesting the massive wastes of money and the huge debt that the US government has incurred.

They are protesting many things, the system is broken and we want it fixed, the law should be the same for everyone, taxes the same for everyone, everyone should have the right to a free education, congress and government officials should not be getting rich because of their positions that's not how the system was made to work.... if you don't want to do the job for free someone else will someone that actually cares!!!

Dont be a sheep and be fooled into thinking that things are good for you right now so why worry because when YOU wake up and the government starts telling you what to do and what you can wear and how much food you can have, ect, ect because you are not one of the elite just another sheep...IT WILL BE TO LATE

Any REAL AMERICAN would support OWS because they stand for bringing America back to what it was meant to be what our four fathers died for it to be what we have fought wars and countless have died for, fix the problems or WE will fix the problems for you...

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 01:22 AM
Apparently "Deny Ignorance" is a motto. When the very people you ask for enlightenment want to keep you ignorant It tends to make you think the Government is the one in control. Thank you for the help and if anyone has any credible non biased links on this please directed me to them. I would like to know what's going on with out all the yelling and carrying on.

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 01:25 AM
Yeah they do seem to like the CPUSA.

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 01:33 AM

Originally posted by dc4lifeskater
They are protesting against the corrupt government, corrupt banking system, corrupt wall street trading. The billionaires of the world controlling what happens in government through lobbyist and political bribes. They are protesting the FED printing money like its going out of style and not willing to let anyone audit them and the fact that the FED is not a government entity but the government also has no control over it. They are protesting being at war with other countries for not good reason at all, they are protesting an outrageous military budget, they are protesting black budgets, false flag missions, america selling weapons to other countries, the fact that its legal for congress to do insider trading, they are protesting the fact that wallstreet and the government do what they want with out pensions, retirement funds, 401k, investments, money and if they lose it all we get is a sorry and have a nice day...

They are protesting the fact that our entire government and financial system is corrupt and its killing america and everything that america stands for.

They are protesting that education budgets are getting slashed more and more every year, children are getting less education, worse food, the dumbing down of america.

They are protesting that even though we know all of the people on wall street who broke the law very few of them are in jail or have gotten any type of punishment for what they have done...

They are protesting the limos, private jets, helicopters, security, mansions, servants, ect that we pay for and government officials enjoy.

They are protesting the massive wastes of money and the huge debt that the US government has incurred.

They are protesting many things, the system is broken and we want it fixed, the law should be the same for everyone, taxes the same for everyone, everyone should have the right to a free education, congress and government officials should not be getting rich because of their positions that's not how the system was made to work.... if you don't want to do the job for free someone else will someone that actually cares!!!

Dont be a sheep and be fooled into thinking that things are good for you right now so why worry because when YOU wake up and the government starts telling you what to do and what you can wear and how much food you can have, ect, ect because you are not one of the elite just another sheep...IT WILL BE TO LATE

Any REAL AMERICAN would support OWS because they stand for bringing America back to what it was meant to be what our four fathers died for it to be what we have fought wars and countless have died for, fix the problems or WE will fix the problems for you...
Finally a good answer. Thank you very much. I have heard they really don't have any kind of a real leader. Is this really true? Are the protester in the other countries protesting for the same reasons? Is there any kind of structure or quasi leader? Do they have a list of specific demands or just general demand? Is there a plan to reach their goals, or is there one in the works?

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 01:40 AM
Just because some people like the KKK and the Communist whoever are trying to get involved all of the sudden with OWS does not mean they represent OWS.. I am sure despite our differences in some ways of thinking both of the parties agree with many of the things I have stated above...

I do not have all of the answers, I don't think anyone does at this point.....This is still grass roots and as time goes by and more people wake up and join the fight a leader will emerge and we will be able to really figure out how to make the changes needed...

If Ron Paul can manage to get elected and follow through with what he says then he would be the perfect leader for the OWS movement..

I cannot say anything for people in other countries I would imagine from what I have seen/read they are pretty much fed up with their own government and financial institutions as we are.

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 01:45 AM
reply to post by Bullcookies

Here you go bullcookies - first off a statement from OWS to In case you're unaware, have attempted to co-opt #OWS, but this was addressed a couple of weeks ago by the following succinct statement from Occupy Wall (no embedded image due to language warning). It's almost beyond being co-opted, at least OWS itself is. IMHO This is a true grassroots movement.

Secondly a blog piece:

This is some unbiased reporting of #OccupyWallStreet by a dude who identifies himself as a Libertarian. This is one of the best and most thoughtful analyses of #OWS I have yet seen. You'll note his interesting point about "populism" mirroring totalitarianism. That's a very valid point which has been floating around in the back of my own mind but I hadn't positively identified.

Whether you're for, against, or indifferent - it's an enlightening read.

I'm a supporter of Occupy in my area, however I had grave concerns after a series of pissing matches with some dudes on facebook. Turns out these idiots actually ARE communists (well, Cuba-style socialists to be more precise according to them). The absolute crap they were spouting was straight out of a cold-war era communist insurgency recruiting playbook - right down to disallowing any free-thinking as well as criticism/self-criticism sessions online - crazy, whackjob stuff. However, they are in the minority and appear to only be using the Occupy movement as a dress rehearsal for their own fantasy revolution. I ended up leaving the facebook page after being accused for the umpteenth time of being "deeply reactionary" LOL. While these particular idiots are very vocal and have multiple fake facebook accounts to give the illusion of numbers, no-one's buying what they're selling. Indeed, my personal twitter account has three times more members than their national organisation's twitter account. Seems like that whole end of the cold war thing has hurt their recruiting bwahahaha. Yes, I detest extremist commies too.

Despite what some may say, this is an apolitical movement and is all-inclusive. Right wingers will get the same amount of "airtime" as left-wingers, which is exactly the same amount as a Libertarian, which is exactly the same amount of airtime as you or I. If you have a voice, it will be heard.

If you're worried about communist or socialist infiltration in the movement, then go down to your nearest Occupation and see for yourself. Voice any concerns in a congress or general assembly and they will be addressed. Unlike the electoral systems around the world, your individual vote/agreement/consensus counts. The media and certain folks online are discrediting the movement because either they are bankster-worshippers or they simply don't understand it. The best way to understand it is to observe it first-hand. Knowledge is power.

We've never seen anything like this before - it's a whole new way of doing things.

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 01:46 AM
I will speak for myself.

I went to the Occupy protest to stand with people who I think want to see a better world.

I want to see a restoration of a brilliant concept. The constitution. The Republic.
Christ, i'm not even American but i'd be willing to die for something as beautiful as Liberty, Freedom and EQUALITY.

Most importantly though, Justice.

Allowing these people to continue on, unabated, without a word, would be an injustice to ourselves.

Restore the Republic.

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 01:51 AM
reply to post by dc4lifeskater

Ron Paul is my man, I have been voting for him from the beginning. I think he's the only one who believe in the full faith of the Constitution. As for what the protesters want I believe some of the demand you listed that they want are good all though I don't know how we get there from here. But on the same note I don't see how some are doable under the present constitution. Do you know if they have asked or talked about any specific constitutional changes?

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 01:56 AM
reply to post by Bullcookies

which parts are you talking about?

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 02:03 AM

Originally posted by yourmaker
I will speak for myself.

I went to the Occupy protest to stand with people who I think want to see a better world.

I want to see a restoration of a brilliant concept. The constitution. The Republic.
Christ, i'm not even American but i'd be willing to die for something as beautiful as Liberty, Freedom and EQUALITY.

Most importantly though, Justice.
Allowing these people to continue on, unabated, without a word, would be an injustice to ourselves.

Restore the Republic.

What exactly do you mean by "equality? If you mean equality under law it makes sense, but almost every other kind of equality requires curtailing freedom.

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 02:12 AM
reply to post by dc4lifeskater

Mainly education, that should be handle under the states. Which is another can of worms. Taxes, mainly Income taxes. Not even sure if they're constitutional. but if they are, they are meant to be fair, apportioned, and voluntary from what I've read, Corporate Taxes are totally useless, the consumers pay that, they just pass that on

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 02:20 AM
Truth has 3 stages.

First, it is ridiculed
That is what you are doing in this thread.

Second, it is violently opposed,
This will happen when martial law is started against the protesters,

It is accepted as self evident.

So there is a long process to go through before anything will change. But that process has already begun. The truth about the greed and corrpution in the world has been revealed.

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