We're allowed to rant about GLP here, right? Because we sure aren't allowed to over there. I think I've seen GLP-related threads on ATS before. If I'm
mistaken, I apololgize. There is a certain amount of overlap between the two communities, so I think what I say should be of interest to at least some
I have been a longtime fan of GLP, so I'm used to their periodic temper-tantrums, meltdowns, bouts of extreme (even by conspiracy-theorist standards)
paranoia, and other forms of Intrawebz drama. But I've NEVER seen anything like this.
The entire place seems to have devolved into some kind of grim, lockstep fascist state overnight. Does GLP stand for "Goering-Like Productions" now?
According to them, you are either hard-against the OWS protests, or you are a comm'nist stooge and Soros/"Obummer" shill. For the last week or two, it
seems like 90% of the pins are ambient OWS-bashing. And woe betide you if you show even the slightest bit of pro-OWS sentiment...or even healthy
skepticism and open-mindedness.
And its not just the owner. Seems like most (maybe all?) of the big-name regs there have fallen in line. People who used to "fight teh powah" and be
anti-NWO, anti-bank, anti-TBTB are sounding like the Mr.-Smithers toadies for 17th-generation Rothschilds, falling all over each other to denounce the
"hippies" and "commies" that supposedly are on the march to grab yer freedumbs. It's sickening. People I thought were bright, open-minded, questing
minds have morphed into bleating bullhorns for the cause of high finance. Complex arguments and logic are shelved in favor of cheap punning and
name-calling. Rooting for "their team" has taken precidence over seeking the truth. Could you possibly want for a clearer textbook example of cultlike
Don't get me wrong, I'm not a fanataical OWS supporter myself...I am in favor of the movement, but like any open-minded individual, I retain a healthy
dose of skepticism. I thought skepticism was the minimal requirement to be a good conspiracy theorist. Guess I thought wrong...at least according to
the new GLP playbook.
I've never been one to buy into the theory that GLP is anything other than what it claims to be - a site owned and run by a private individual. But
for the first time I'm starting to wonder if it's some kind of TPTB shill node. I feel hurt, sickened, and saddened...like I've lost a good friend to
a cult or a nasty addiction, with the sudden change.
So very, very disappointed.
edit on 10/16/2011 by FailedProphet because: (no reason given)