posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 06:57 AM
OK folks...time to go and grab a history book....
What is happening now is what happened in Germany in the 1920s. A government that could not pay it's bills, an economy collapsing from debt, a
populace burdened by economic destruction- rising prices- and mass unemployment.
Sound familiar?
So, the populace rose up in an ever growing series of protests. People grumbled and discontent fermented in the social and political watering holes.
Political parties and action commitees formed and split and formed again, some were mainstream...some were extreme...some grew violent.
It was into this volatile mix that the groups and societies with forethought interjected their influence. The Thule Society had heard of a talented
speaker on the wrong side of town...a WWI veteran that held nationalistic views...somewhat anti Semetic and like many of the peoples and veterans of
Germany, thought that subversion had defeated Germany from within...Adolf Hitler.
He was actually recruited and manipulated by the Thule Society to infiltrate the beer halls and prey on the smoldering frustrations of the working
people. He actually came to accept some of their views...and in 1928, formed and led the Beer Hall attempt to over throw the German
Republic... and it failed when the stirring did not ignite the support of the majority of Germans.
In between, there were numerous clashes...some turned into outright armed violence. Go back and look at the home-made armoured cars and the diversity
of armed civilians at the protest...they were WWI veterans, nationalists, communists, socialists, etc.
This is what is happening now in 2011 America. The Tea party has been hijacked by one side...the OWS is about to be hijacked by the other it
Obama and the Democrats...the socialists, the communists, the Nazis...
Like sharks, they "smell blood" and want to jump on the populists band wagon and take the reigns and steer the growing tide of discontent. Hey, do I
like metaphors or what?
They...these different political groups... know that whomever controls OWS controls a diverse and active populist power house. They will speak and
shape their actions in an OWS paradigm, but BEWARE. Do their actions match their verbage? They talk the talk, but do they walk the walk....
With the deception being perpetrated by the media, the dark intentions of potential leaders of OWS, and an economy in free fall...all bets are off and
it is disturbing where this could take us.
Nothing against the OWS...but one more analogy pleae...
The OWS has the car, the OWS is behind the wheel...OWS is about to pick up a varied group of hitch hikers... which one will reach over and grab the
wheel and yank it completely off it's intended course?