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It's a Who's Who..Nazis and Communists Throw Their Support Behind Occupy Wall Street Movements

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posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 12:35 AM
reply to post by navy_vet_stg3

OWS is all about bridging divides, about working as one huge movement. Much like the Tea Party failed to do.

At my #Occupy event we had all kinds there, anti-capitalists, anti-fed, anti-war, anti-greed, general supporters and so on. If one group supports the movement that doesn't mean the whole face of the movement will endorse that platform or that they'll even consider their ideals worthy of support.

CPUSA supports nearly every democratic candidate everywhere...that doesn't mean any of them are remotely communist.

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 03:23 AM

Originally posted by navy_vet_stg3
Birds of a feather....

The fact that OWS isn't actively removing these people from their ranks speaks volumes. The Tea Party didn't tolerate people like this. When it was pointed out, they were removed and openly denounced. Meanwhile, the OWS crowds march hand in hand with them, but turn around and claim they aren't. Hmmmmmmm.

Yeah! What the heck!? People GETTING ALONG with eachother?!? That makes me sick! Before you know it, the whole world will be hugging eachother... Revolting!

Oh the National Socialists and the Communists have done horrible things! We can never trust them again, I'm just sure they'll have concentration camps up and running in no time! Yeah we need to stick with political groups who have never committed any sickening atrocities, like the Democrats and Republicans! Yeah! They would never hurt a hair on a fly's head! If you support anyone besides a Democrat or Republican, then you deserve to hang in my rednecked opinion... They've Never made a mistake. Ever. But a looong time ago, like... Over 65 years ago, this one group of National Socialists had gas chambers and a bunch of sick sh# so that means every single last one of them has dreams of murderous plots every night.

Oh, and also, dont forget, just because they are protesting against the same thing together, that means that every single ows protesters wishes we would elect a National Socialist or a Communist as our president. No, tjey want one of them to be our dictator! Yeah, that's it...

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 05:44 AM
Wow didint take long for another garbage post to try to slander people just trying to get there voices heard.

Tehm evil nazys and commies are the real power behind these protest lol, muahahahah

Ah well im sure im going to get a nice msg from a mod saying my slanderous language has forced them to delete my comments lol...

You sir have won the award of worst thread of the minute...

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 06:57 AM
OK folks...time to go and grab a history book....

What is happening now is what happened in Germany in the 1920s. A government that could not pay it's bills, an economy collapsing from debt, a populace burdened by economic destruction- rising prices- and mass unemployment.

Sound familiar?

So, the populace rose up in an ever growing series of protests. People grumbled and discontent fermented in the social and political watering holes. Political parties and action commitees formed and split and formed again, some were mainstream...some were extreme...some grew violent.

It was into this volatile mix that the groups and societies with forethought interjected their influence. The Thule Society had heard of a talented speaker on the wrong side of town...a WWI veteran that held nationalistic views...somewhat anti Semetic and like many of the peoples and veterans of Germany, thought that subversion had defeated Germany from within...Adolf Hitler.

He was actually recruited and manipulated by the Thule Society to infiltrate the beer halls and prey on the smoldering frustrations of the working people. He actually came to accept some of their views...and in 1928, formed and led the Beer Hall attempt to over throw the German Republic... and it failed when the stirring did not ignite the support of the majority of Germans.

In between, there were numerous clashes...some turned into outright armed violence. Go back and look at the home-made armoured cars and the diversity of armed civilians at the protest...they were WWI veterans, nationalists, communists, socialists, etc.

This is what is happening now in 2011 America. The Tea party has been hijacked by one side...the OWS is about to be hijacked by the other it Obama and the Democrats...the socialists, the communists, the Nazis...

Like sharks, they "smell blood" and want to jump on the populists band wagon and take the reigns and steer the growing tide of discontent. Hey, do I like metaphors or what?

They...these different political groups... know that whomever controls OWS controls a diverse and active populist power house. They will speak and shape their actions in an OWS paradigm, but BEWARE. Do their actions match their verbage? They talk the talk, but do they walk the walk....

With the deception being perpetrated by the media, the dark intentions of potential leaders of OWS, and an economy in free fall...all bets are off and it is disturbing where this could take us.

Nothing against the OWS...but one more analogy pleae...

The OWS has the car, the OWS is behind the wheel...OWS is about to pick up a varied group of hitch hikers... which one will reach over and grab the wheel and yank it completely off it's intended course?

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 07:03 AM

Originally posted by DavidsHope

I have morals. And so do they.....

Yeah, like taking a crap on a cop car and sex in public with condoms that organizers are handing out...Thems some gewd moralz son!

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 07:19 AM
reply to post by jibeho

Just keep buying in.
Doesn't matter who supports. Lots of people get on the bandwagon to get attention. Who is to say it's not an attempt to hijack or discredit. If conservatives weren't toking up the right wing radio host b.s. they could be out there voicing too. It's their choice to leave the platform to be hijacked instead of doing their part. I guess the tea party and right wingers want a huge socialist movement because they aren't doing their part by joining in and having discussions with the protestors. They are just sitting idly by letting only the groups we don't want talking to them voice their ideas.

All conservatives should be ashamed.
Everyone is welcomed to these protests, but rather than helping conservatives are just bashing the movement from home.
edit on 17-10-2011 by GogoVicMorrow because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 07:25 AM
reply to post by GogoVicMorrow

That's not true GVM. My political principals are very conservative and I HAVE been to the protests and engaged with the "protesters". I actually witnessed the crap that most OWS'rs deny is happening.

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 07:28 AM
reply to post by DerbyCityLights

I'm a libertarian and just spent 5 hours at one and everyone was intelligent and reasonable and there were tea partiers there. I was there to talk to people and help shoo away these problems that are plaguing OWS. Other people, libertarians and conservatives should be doing the same.

Doesn't matter who lays down the gauntlet, matters who picks it up.

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 07:29 AM
reply to post by AlreadyGone

Great post.
History is a valuable learning tool. Some embrace it, some want to change it and some just refuse to study and learn from it.

As far as OWS is concerned... the loudest and squeakiest wheel will get the grease. Just like in the protests turned riots in Europe. Those with good intentions set up the events and the radical element swoops in. We are now seeing that with the OWS movement. The call for more bodies went out and the unions showed up in full force. Some of them are probably on the clock and being compensated also. The die hards never make a move without being paid for their valuable service...

The trouble makers like LIsa Fithian are already stirring the pot, Van Jones is tossing in his element. Obama, who is greatly despised by an element of OWS will probably use 99% on his campaign bumper sticker, Charlie Rangel, a key player in our nations financial mess and a lead backer of TARP, has shown up to show support. The fact that he was not booed off the streets says it all. The people have been blinded and don't know who is really at fault with the BIG MESS.

Time for OWS to drop the chatter, the talking points and the jargon. Time to get serious and end the disgusting displays on the streets. Parties, training sessions, bands, 2 hour lunch breaks.... all provided by someone else. The calls for clothing, blankets, food and shelter all provided by someone other than the protesters. No self reliance whatsoever. I'm a prepper/suburban survivalist and I would never dream about heading out for the long haul without bringing everything that I need to sustain myself.

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 07:31 AM
reply to post by jibeho

Yeah.. It was making me insane that conservative talk show and radio show hosts were insinuating that this a pro Obama thing. It most certainly is not. He just has to get behind it. He has no choice if he wants to get re elected and it still isn't going to help.

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 07:34 AM
reply to post by GogoVicMorrow

It's awfully hard to find the will to want to have anything to do with a movement that advocates defecating on a cop car and begging for free hand outs from an already over budget government, especially knowing the only way these people would ever get what they want is if taxes skyrocketed to 75% of each persons wages. This is just a guess on my part, but if we actually gave them free tuition and housing and all the other crap, I don't see any other way to pay for it.

Its no wonder why the Communist party and the Nazi party are aligning themselves with the OWS'rs. They all want to be dependent on Government handouts.

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 07:58 AM
Those racists and communists just want to use the movement as a tool to recruit more people and try to be accepted by the MSM where they can spread their garbage.
And we all know that the MSM will pick a skinhead out of a crowd of peaceful protestors who have a completely different goal.
The other problem is that every town has a few skins and commies, once they make their way to the protests, its bound to result in blood on boots and braces and skin on the sickle the hammer strikes.

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 08:18 AM
Wow, so I expect headlines in MSM: "Nazis and communists join the protesters".
And even here people will fall for it.
It's not OWS anymore, you stick to it if ya like, but realize same thing is going all over the world, so I would opt to bring back OccupyThePlanet name

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 08:18 AM
Hey... The Tea Party and the OWS are opposite sides of the same coin. Both see something is inherently wrong...but both have chosen different ways to confront the problem.

What is the problem? A Republic with a capitalist economy, but with no moral guidance... no Judeo-Christian foundation to influence and guide decisions. That's not to say that we need a state religion or that religion should play a role in governing and conducting business. However, a good solid moral foundation of " Treat others as you would want to be treated."...."Love your neighbor as you love yourself."

Our leaders have lost those principles and so have the majority of large businesses and corporations. So what we have now is Corporatism.

I help manage a retail outlet of a national chain of farm supply stores. I have a position open this very moment and it has been open for about 6 weeks now...not that I don't have applicants... not that i don't have qualified applicants. The reason it is open...the District Manager won't hire someone that asks to be paid what the job is worth. In other words, it is easily a 13.00-14.00 an hour job...but they only want to pay 9.00... maybe 10.00 for the position at most. Less if they can fnd someone desperate enough to do it. Meanwhile, I have interviewed more than a few people who could do the job, have given then good marks and turned the process over to our DM...who then shoots them down.

We are about to enter one of our peak periods with christmas on the way... and this role position is a key role in our store. Since this developement, I have re-examined the goals, ethics, and hypocrisy of the company I work for and am finding more and more common ground with the OWS folks....yeah, kinda suprises me too, since I am a conservative and a capitalist through and through.

But the example I just gave is repeated again and again through out our country... good days work for a good days wages.... now it seems to be a harder days work for absolutely the most minimul pay possible. I can't help but wonder what they have in store for me and what my future might be with them...

Frankly, I do have a farm and have the means to support and emply myself. Spring and farmer's markets are about 5 months away...time enough to do just that.

In a long way around the barn way of saying things, I find common grounds with both the Tea Party and OWS...I hope that OWS doesn't lose it's way.

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 08:19 AM
Still makes me laugh how Americans are absolutely brainwashed and convinced into thinking Communists are evil

Of course Communists support the movement, what's the big deal?

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 08:44 AM
reply to post by NadaCambia

Who said anything about Communist being evil??? I'm sure most of them are great people, they just believe in a system of politics that doesn't work in America. Now the NAZI party...yes, THEY are evil.

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 08:50 AM
Oh good, the Communists are here to help Democracy!
Thank God I live in a Republic.
Are they going to march back to ancient Athens?
Is there a time machine big enough for all of them?

Maybe they will hook up with the skin heads and cancel each other out.

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 09:10 AM
More the merrier what are you whining about if the black panthers joined you wouldnt say anything. Not saying im for nazis but if they do something stupid its on them they will be pretty easy to spot. Let them cause some panic and scare some bankers they didnt oust hosni Mubarak by singing kumbaya.

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 09:48 AM
Im only seeing human beings there trying to empathize with other human beings that are suffering in sme way. Why you keep labeling with the same old patterns that creates separation?? Dude you are so brainwashed and entrenched in your beliefs that no longer can see the humans behind your labels.

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 10:15 AM
The who's who of the MSM continue to demonize the common American citizen
who obey the laws and pay taxes.

This policy of equating your American brothers with Nazi's and Socialists
is gonna backfire in your face, protect the corruption while you can, you cannot
bully everyone with your tactics of fear.

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