Hello All,
Anyone game for trying to ask ETs to show themselves to the world one more time? I'm thinking of shooting for 11/11/11. It's a Friday and the
seasons are more conducive for the Global community of believers in both Hemispheres for milder weather. The clock on this site
wwp.greenwichmeantime.com... will be the only reference for the timing of the new event.
Since nothing occurred back on 7/20/2011 most fears of anything bad happening should be almost non-existent and perhaps more will wish to participate
this time around. After 11/11/11 no more attempts will be made, at least by me. As in the last time, anyone wishing to join in will do so for their
own reasons as, again, it will be conducted as a personal endeavor to overcome any fear issues regarding the subject.
If there were not so many wishing to come together in order to take UFO-community-oriented action I would not bother with this again. But at the end
of the last project there was quite a bit of enthusiasm with many wanting to be involved should another program of presenting an invitation to ET to
show themselves in a world-wide display be generated.
I am still not a believer but it did not interfere with the spirit of the previous project as I didn't have an Alien agenda of my own, and still do
not. So, with no theories or hypotheses to push, the project remains pure and objective. Nothing to muddy things up on my end. If this is something
anyone is interested in doing just say so and the project will begin. The first time around got off to a bit of as rough start because the idea was
new to many and the concept of "Asking", although simple in principle, was nonetheless difficult for some to grasp.
The most important feature of this second invitation is, like the first attempt, that it will NOT A PREDICTION of a showing. It is not a demand or
anything like that. It is only giving ET PERMISSION to show; it's simply saying that it's OK to do so because people want to know about their
existence. This is a passive, harmless, approach using mental telepathy for about one minute as a collective body of believers, all holding the same
thought at the same moment. After the one minute of asking the project ends and life goes on with or without a showing. Just like last time.
Unlike last time however the time leading up to this second Event will not be five months. It will be much shorter, more like three weeks or so.
Anyone up for a second try at ET contact? It's free to do and could be a worthwhile endeavor. It completely circumvents the powers that be in all
regards. Something just between you and ET with no middle-man; just you and ET- one on one. If ET exists and the reports of telepathic communication
are true then this kind of project allows that to be performed on a large scale. It all comes down to what you believe and how much of that belief one
is willing to accept without proof.
There is tons of evidence pointing to the existence of ET. The problem is that the evidence only POINTS to ET. It does not PROVE ET. A world-wide
display would prove without any doubt that Aliens exist. Most will agree that proof is way overdue. This project, like the previous one, is an avenue
in which one can take action with the purpose of getting an answer. There are no guarantees here, just a collective way that the community as a whole
can do something with a determined goal in mind.
After this, after the second time of seeing that the UFO Community can get together and get involved in a single action as one entity, the next step
should be a world collective to force the issue into the open. I see few (if any) options available for private citizens to secure answers to this 60+
year old enigma. This is again only a start, where things go from here is up to you as a community with a vested interest in your time spent so far
trying to gain answers and access to information. Until that time this IS an action that one can be involved in.
I tried to make a difference for five months up until 7/20/2011 and I am not even a believer. Just someone who cares about folks getting strung along
with what's been passing for facts and Truth. And I am STILL trying to make a difference. Are there those around who think the same way? I am only
one person but, I don't care, I'm going to try ANYWAY! Any takers?
Regards, hiflier.