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Will Americans rise up and overthrow the goverment, in light of all thats happening?

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posted on Oct, 16 2011 @ 03:35 PM
This is a question and topic I feel very strong about so Im asking what YOU, The intelligent members of ATS think about this?. Its happening now, People are gathering, peacefully for the most part but the military side of me thinks that this is a precursor to something larger, In my experiences Americans are slow to react to things but when they do look out because there is nothing worse than an American who is pissed off, It just seems to me like everyday its getting more difficult and more and more expensive, Hard working Americans are losing jobs and homes and it seems like nobody in our goverment cares because they have fat pockets and sleep very well at night but I for one feel like we are losing our country, what would have to happen for "we the people" to initiate such an act?
edit on 10-06-2011 by Blu82 because: spelling error

posted on Oct, 16 2011 @ 03:43 PM
The last thing I want to encounter is armed US citizens engaging US troops and law enforcement, it would be interesting especially with so many former military living in our country and not to mention the militia groups who are here in the states, again im just tired of how the goverment is being run and nothing is being done about it, or is it?

posted on Oct, 16 2011 @ 03:48 PM
reply to post by Blu82

You know many militia groups who have tanks, jets or missiles?

I don't think violence is the way forward. Peaceful Non Compliance, stop feeding the machine and it will die.

posted on Oct, 16 2011 @ 03:52 PM
And replace the government with what?
You've only got two political parties and they're both working for the same corporations.
Damn, now you've got m saying that word... No, not corporations, families....

posted on Oct, 16 2011 @ 03:52 PM
reply to post by Cobaltic1978

Thats what I hope for as well, and not many militia groups have tanks, aircraft, and ordnance so id say they are SOL there.

I agree that we should stop feeding the machine, that was very well put.

posted on Oct, 16 2011 @ 03:54 PM
in any other country, yea

in USA, thats impossible because we are the ultimate world POLICE STATE

history since its inception, proves the government would easily self destruct us all, rather than be 'overthrown'

resistance is futile, yet encouraged (ie, occupy bs)

posted on Oct, 16 2011 @ 03:55 PM
looking at what the arab nations had to go through to free their nations this year, then seeing people crying about police brutality when a protester gets pushed over in new york. no, i dont think you guys stand a chance.

posted on Oct, 16 2011 @ 04:02 PM
I do not think the government in itself is exactly the problem. I think it is the corruption within the government. It has become too entangled with corporations, getting the corporations out of the government is the first step. What needs to be done is to cut all the strings between government and business, then we can see what the real condition of the government is. I do agree that the government does has things that needs to be reeled in, but until we can get rid of the bulk of the corruption we cannot get a clear view of the government.

I think some of the vagueness of protests demands is not a bad thing. While it confuses some of the authority as to what the protesters are wanting, but rest assured there is a group that they know exactly what the protesters are seeking. As authority keeps pushing back they are also going to find themselves between a rock and hard spot, because of the confusion. Eventually, the authority is going to start looking further up the ladder for answers themselves. I think this will, in time, start flushing some of the guilty parties out and into the open. As the authority starts breaking down from within and even among themselves. It will get to a point where they will quit protecting each other because it will get to a point they will need to protect themselves personally, then we start seeing them turn on each other, which I think we have seen a few examples of this recently.

I do not think we are too the point where over throwing the government is what is needed. Things are not that bad, but the controlling corporations do need to be overthrown and disbanded. Once we get these corporations back in line, I think the government will start falling back into place where it belongs. Although, depending on the chain of events that plays out, the government could possible be overthrown as a result of the bigger problem.

Until the police decide whose side they are on, the one thing they must do without any doubt is to maintain a level of fairness and respect, because once the citizens quit recognizing the police authority, then it is game over.

I also think that if the recognition of police authority is lost, I think I would be ok with military forces moving in to keep order. I am of the opinion the military serves a greater cause than police and would be right there protecting the citizens and at the same time keeping the citizens in check as well. I just trust the soldiers more than I do police officers.

All that being said, I would like the government to start working itself away from the supposed democracy and start getting back to a republic as was originally intended.

edit on 16-10-2011 by Skewed because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 16 2011 @ 04:02 PM
We have the opportunity to overthrow our government every 2, 4 and 6 years. If people are too stupid to understand that their vote counts more than than their trash in the streets or excrement on police cars, then they deserve the government they elect. From the crap I have heard from the OWS crowd, they haven't a clue about what a republic is about. Our government is a republic, not a democracy. Democracy is merely tyranny by the majority. A republic is founded on our constitution with basic inalienable rights. They should be protesting Capitol Hill and and the steps of the Supreme Court who have decided they can govern by decision and not law. If people want change, let's change it back to the way it was when it worked.

posted on Oct, 16 2011 @ 04:03 PM
reply to post by lacrimosa

I agree, and I for one dont want to come down to US military and law enforement engaging citizens in firefights on our streets, I can only hope the peaceful demonstrations will be heard, Something just doesnt sit right with me and im bothered by that, maybe ive become desensitized to many things since my service to this county and my numerous deployments and to be honest these are some discussions we have had while off running around far off lands.

posted on Oct, 16 2011 @ 04:05 PM
This is a really hard subject because if you were to overthrow the current government what would you replace it with or with who?

How would you know who we owe money to or who would be in control of what? Would everything just come to a grinding halt?

I don't think we would really know where to start...You have to remember the US was founded by prominent business men of means, but they had ideals that were good. Unlike the men of means that are currently running things...

I think what we need is a president who is actually going to change things and steps up and says guess what I am in charge this is how its going to be and replace all congress members with volunteers that are not paid or have any financial incentives in any way.

If we can actually get someone like Ron Paul in office and he does follow through with what he says then we might start seeing actual change in america. It should not have to come to a violent revolution but I fear that it may have to.

Maybe we should have an full independent voting system rather then letting it be handled by the government, and rather then the way we vote now they count every single vote individually and whoever has more votes actually wins.

How you do these things, IDK?

The biggest problem now days is if you have anything negative to say about the government you are considered a terrorist and they can kill you. That is not freedom.

posted on Oct, 16 2011 @ 04:05 PM

Originally posted by Nite_wing
We have the opportunity to overthrow our government every 2, 4 and 6 years. If people are too stupid to understand that their vote counts more than than their trash in the streets or excrement on police cars, then they deserve the government they elect. From the crap I have heard from the OWS crowd, they haven't a clue about what a republic is about. Our government is a republic, not a democracy. Democracy is merely tyranny by the majority. A republic is founded on our constitution with basic inalienable rights. They should be protesting Capitol Hill and and the steps of the Supreme Court who have decided they can govern by decision and not law. If people want change, let's change it back to the way it was when it worked.

Star for your post, thanks for contributing and I stand up and applaud you for that reply, if i could award you with applause i would!

posted on Oct, 16 2011 @ 04:06 PM
Unfortunately the patriot act allows the president to bring in the national guard and declare marshall law on anyone that dissents against the government.

It would be great if the 99% could rally on a common cause, however we are so separated by race, gender, orientation and political orientation that the 99% is just 99 groups of 1%.

I would rather see all people be human first and consider the needs of humanity as a whole versus remaining nationally focused.

Baby steps are encouraging though.

posted on Oct, 16 2011 @ 04:10 PM
reply to post by zroth

Posse Comitatus and lets hope its doesnt come to that, I just want to see things change, I know they may not and im a dreamer but i fear for my child growing up in this country.

posted on Oct, 16 2011 @ 04:14 PM
ya know i feel like thead like this are part of the problem. we really need to make PEACE the main focus of this
i know it sounds corny and cliche but if we have tru love in our harts and want to make our country the best virsion of itself we need to carry the messge of peace first and formost then defnetly need some good leadership

posted on Oct, 16 2011 @ 04:18 PM
reply to post by jplaysguitar

I respect your opinion and I didnt create this topic to promote violence at all so please dont think thats my MO and if there is a way to fix whats terribly wrong with our goverment peacefully then Im all for it as well, Ive been around too much death and destruction to want to be part of any more.

posted on Oct, 16 2011 @ 04:25 PM
This whole OWS "movement" is just laughable, in my opinion.

No answers. After a while (say, after about two days of cold overnight temperatures in NYC, and a little snow), people will head on home...and it's over!

No more more corporations...all the rich people give up all of their money to the poor people...yeah that's got legs. That rich 1% to 10% already pay something like 50% of the income taxes in America...while more than 50% of Americans already pay no income tax at all.

Yeah...they should pay no taxes - and get a check in the mail too. That sounds fair. Oh wait, most of this crew already do get monthly dole of one kind or another.

So, the short answer, no revolution or overthrow coming out of this lot.

What will happen, though, is the Democrats will try to suck 2012 votes out of the "program dependent" voting block by claiming to sympathize with the views of the OWS movement...if anybody can figure out what their views actually are...other than "me me me".

posted on Oct, 16 2011 @ 04:30 PM
reply to post by lacrimosa

Free, as in military juntas?
Bet they're happy now....

posted on Oct, 16 2011 @ 04:33 PM

Originally posted by jplaysguitar
ya know i feel like thead like this are part of the problem. we really need to make PEACE the main focus of this
i know it sounds corny and cliche but if we have tru love in our harts and want to make our country the best virsion of itself we need to carry the messge of peace first and formost then defnetly need some good leadership

We have people that are not willing to play by the peaceful rules. We have to quit looking at this idealistically and look at it realistically. What are the facts. What is the situation. Where is the problem. We may want things a certain way, and that is fine. But we have to deal with the situation as it is, not the way we want it. We have to tackle this head on, and if it means breaking a few eggs then we have to break them, like it or not. It is these tough decisions that separates the men from the boys and it is the tough decisions that no one likes to make is what will get the country through this. I am not one to throw the first punch, but I have no problems with the second and however many it takes after that to get the job done. Are people going to get hurt? Absolutely, we do not like it, but that is the way it is. Any one that puts themselves on that front line and they are injured or killed is a testament to their pride and their will to fix this country, what ever it takes. It is up the rest to see it through to completion, otherwise all the deaths and injuries will all be in vain.

I think people have a hard time understanding what peace actually is and how it is achieved. It is not pretty, I can assure you of that. It is all a matter of perspective and with 7 billion people on the planet, getting people to agree on what peace is, is an exercise in futility. We cannot even get 25 people to agree on simple things. It is a disease of human nature.
edit on 16-10-2011 by Skewed because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 16 2011 @ 04:57 PM
reply to post by Blu82

Wondering if Americans will rise up and overthrow the government?

One thing has to happen first.

When parents can not feed their children due to loss of jobs or inflation,
It is going to be when the security and livlyhood of the inner family core gets screwed up.

That is when it will happen.

Till then, it will not get too bad.

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