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A song that discusses EVERYTHING we are discussing. Its ahead of its time.

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posted on Oct, 16 2011 @ 09:29 PM
and if you go carryin pictures of general mao, well that aint gonna make it with anyone anyhow......dont you know its gonna be, alright........alright......


posted on Oct, 16 2011 @ 09:41 PM

George Harrison documentary on HBO

What did this previous revolution get us?

It gave us an end to the vietnam war!
It started with small groups , moved to college campuses
and then to the population.

We became aware of the true nature of the war........
and it's consequences!~
and again we forget and have to be reminded!

edit on 10/16/2011 by Ex because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 16 2011 @ 09:42 PM

Originally posted by FreedomXisntXFree
But when you talk about destruction
Don't you know that you can count me out

This is the part of the song that strikes the biggest chord with me.

Literally a week ago, I was telling everyone I know that we were could POSSIBLY be moving towards a One World Fascist Government, The Federal Reserve is evil, Obama is Hitler, FEMA camps yada yada yada. The whole works. My biggest reason for my urgency and worry was that people weren't paying attention. Well this Occupy Movement shows that people ARE paying attention more and more by the day. Its just the government screwed us over so bad everyone woke up.

One thing I do believe is that our government/corporations are greedy and corrupt. There's no denying that. The US of A that we live in ALREADY socialist. So the "socialist takeover" has occurred over time. Through sneaking in laws and mandates they have created the Socialist nation that we already are. When we have a million different Social Program government departments then its already socialism. So the crazy Hitler-esqe take over already happened over years worth of laws and mandates.

BUT, We are still the US of A and we have the ability to PEACEABLY ASSEMBLE and CREATE a PROCESS as to which these problems CAN BE ADDRESSED. I know some police are beating people but sometimes....sadly....they deserved it. So long as they are civilly disobeying they are going to be arrested. But thats why civil disobedience works.

People show up and civilly break the law because they are there for something they believe in. SO......IF.......the police got the orders to start raining bullets into the Occupy WallStreet crowd. We would have full blown Fascism and eradication of the population. More so if the police actually take the order and carry it out. But from what I can see the police are giving us more and more leeway so long as we don't break the law.

But of course we are going to keep breaking the law.......civilly. We continue this civil disobedience if the people who deserve to be in jail don't ever go.

Thats the best thing about America. Even though our government appears to be Fascist/Socialist they one thing that keeps them from FULL TAKEOVER is our Bill of Rights.

I'd say start worrying when freedom of speech doesn't exist anymore. It still exists. If it didn't, Occupy WallStreet wouldn't exist. Occupy the Nation wouldn't exist. The Civil Rights movement of the 60's wouldn't exist. Start worrying when you tell a cop "Obama is Hitler" and they arrest you for just saying it.

There is a difference when you're chanting "Obama is Hitler" in the middle of the street blocking cars. They're arresting you for standing in the street. Not what you're saying. But what you are saying.....and standing up for.......makes civil disobedience so effective.

You seriously think that Obama is anything like freaking Hitler, I don't like the guy but come on. And your comparing the US to Nazi Germany...... "So the crazy Hitler-esqe take over already happened over years worth of laws and mandates." WOW is all I can say. Someone HAS been brainwashed.....I think it's you sorry to say lmao. I know things aren't perfect but that is a little extreme.
edit on 16-10-2011 by billy197300 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 16 2011 @ 09:47 PM
To put it bluntly....the founding fathers were SO FAR AHEAD of they're time that what they created will always protect us in the long run.

I don't see people being executed for speaking their mind. The more we ignore the real problems is when our government becomes tyrannical. Who would carry out the executions? The only people I see that would ever want to is the 1%. We outnumber them a million to one. So they're going to need a TON of corrupt individuals to fight against us.

What I do see is our country has adopted socialist qualities through big business. But the people are already so fed up. Maybe the outcome of this is scaling back all of the problems we allowed happen. Hmm......sounds like Ron Paul.

I see this Occupy Wall Street ending exactly like the 60's revolution. In the 60's we addressed alot of different issues and in the end we got a bunch of results for the good. There will be pockets of violence here and there....just like the 60's.......but for the most part people understand PEACEABLY ASSEMBLE gets the point across much better then torching buildings.

What so revolutionary about this movement is that the GENERAL FOCUS is GREED and CORRUPTION. Never in history were people able to PEACEABLE ASSEMBLE against a "king". The would have head there head chopped off.

So what I see happening is the people who govern us are allowing us to tell us how much they screwed up.

In medieval times, if someone told the king they sucked. They would be dead where they stand. That doesn't happen in this country. The founding fathers let us be critical of government without consequence. FREEDOM OF SPEECH. That's why its the first right on the Bill of Rights.

This is why I see a POSITIVE outcome finally. Trust me. A week ago I thought an American/Global Holocaust was going to happen for sure. I'm losing those thoughts. But I do advocate holding those responsible "feet to the fire". Occupy the Nation is holding there feet to fire because WE CAN.

Stop with all the talk of destruction. Its going to be alright.


posted on Oct, 16 2011 @ 10:12 PM

Words Of Wisdom!!

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 02:12 AM
I believe, what I myself started calling, is that we live in "socialist capitalism". The government and corporations work together to get as rich as possible while appearing to be humanitarian.

Socialism/Communism means you have to give up a certain amount of rights to be "cared for from cradle to grave". This is a bad thing because this gives the government control of who lives and who dies. Who gets to eat. Who gets healthcare. Who gets Education. Corporations profit off war. It gives governments control of its people. Usually the ruling class is filthy rich with these circumstances put in place.

So that's why people don't like that OWS protesters want MORE handouts. They are being tricked into believing the answer is to have the government just give us more.

What I want them to give me is more freedom. The more the Federal Government runs how much food you receive, how much healthcare you get.......... We know they don't care because the 1% are sitting there with 90% of the world's wealth and they say they're isn't enough money?

So our whole lives we have been led to believe the 99% of the world's population can "just make ends meet" on 10% of the world's wealth. That isn't freedom at all. Its institutionalized slavery with the guise of humanitarian efforts.

But we are standing up now. Think of how the bill of rights is structured. The first amendment is Freedom of Speech. That's the first wall of defense the founding fathers set up against tyranny. Back in the day if you said "Screw the King" in the middle of the street you would have been decapitated on the spot. Unfortunately, The Second Amendment is the right to bear arms and I hope it doesn't come to that. I hope it comes peacefully. The best part is our US soldiers are on our least I hope so. They've been used just like us. More just need to wake up is all.

Civil Disobedience has won so many "wars".

The only part I think I have finally believed is that we need to Give Peace A Chance. Its sounds corny but this is what we are coming to. We see how war is used for profit now.

That's why our leaders go to war. OWS is in a way like the 60's again except the target is Corporate and Government greed and we see how they drain the population institutionally. We out number them so its going to be a very quick war if it came down to it. We are almost saying, "why do we need you, the government, if you screw up so bad all the time?". Can't even balance a checkbook.

I don't think, IN AMERICA, they can convince our police and military to kill us. Like you said, they are attempting to manipulate the police/military to control our "revolt". They are quelling it on both sides. But what if it started looking like the end of V for Vendetta where everyone walks calmly by the police forces. People could start hugging the police? Maybe? Its possible. As long as they truly sympathize with us.

John Lennon use to speak of peace and I think I see what he means now. How it can actually be attained. Through Civil Disobedience like Ghandhi and MLK. That's how police will side with us. The police hold up the 1%'s laws. What happens when they stop upholding the laws that protect them?

That's why I think its gonna be alright........
edit on 17-10-2011 by FreedomXisntXFree because: (no reason given)

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