posted on Oct, 16 2011 @ 12:04 PM
The term hate speech is a form of trap that certain people have started using in order to deflect criticism that is aimed at anyone who may or may not
deserve the is up to the listener to discern what hate speech is....even a guilty party can call hate speech when allegations are
brought up.......The words hate speech have literally no boundaries, anything spoken about another person, even if it's true can be geniusly
construed as hate speech in order to deflect attention to what they don't want attention drawn is a psychological abuse designed to
constrict your way of communicating to conform to your opponent's belief that it should is a way of saying " I don't like what you
just said, so now I am going to punish you for it".....I've even heard of people getting post banned for using what the moderators, THEY themselves
deemed as hate speech......even when it wasn't meant as hate speech.......just remember, any criticism at all, even the tiniest bit, depending on the
amount of insecurity the person it is directed at feels, can be construed as hate speech......