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The Monk has broken.

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posted on Oct, 16 2011 @ 09:00 AM
I am relatively young. I have been upon this earth less than two decades, and yet I am constantly told that I have the eyes of a veteran. I'm not going to go into detail of my past, it's irrelevant aside from the fact that it happened, and I have seen and endured a myriad of hardships, as many others here have. Poverty, physical violence, mental abuse, we all suffer it throughout our lives. We accept it, and, in cases that are no longer so extreme, crave it. Children cut their own wrists, teenagers overdose on substances that were never intended to be ingested by humans, much less animals altogether in many instances, parents drink themselves into comas and geriatrics are taking their own lives in hopes of an escape. Now, people are starting to wake up and ask for this change, while those in suits and in offices are chuckling as they convince the still-sleeping that we are all delusional and should be ignored.
We aren't occupying Wall Street. We aren't occupying Nashville, Los Angeles, Washington DC or any other specific location or idea either. What everyone fails to understand is that WE OCCUPY. There is no boundaries, we ARE our planet. What we want, we get. If you want change, then get off your ass and change it. Everyone is afraid of government reprisal and violence and all that bull#, when we wouldn't have a country without these very 'evils.' Here's another thing to think about: The US Government is being watched by all nations at all times. Not only would they be stupid to try to 'Martial Law' us or anything similar merely because we civilians outnumber all military and government personal in our nation 5 fold, but they would also be drawing quite a bit of negative attention for a country that is currently invading the Middle East under the banner of Freedom. The 'Occupy' movement will fail if we are too afraid to fight for what we are owed as human beings. Words have failed, it's time to take action. Our non-violence has been met with open oppression and lies from the mainstream media, yet we continue to turn to them for news about how our brothers and sisters are fairing amongst crowds of uniformed gang members. I'm only one person. I am not capable of changing ANYTHING on my own when there are so many who choose to take the beating instead of protest against it. I swore I'd never be in Mexico City for more than a couple of days at a time after I came back...

The D.F. doesn't look so unfriendly anymore.

I'd rather know for a fact that the guy down the hall could at any moment shoot me dead, than to have my throat cut by those supposed to help insure our quality of life.

I am the ShadowMonk no more. The tranquility and balance I used to pride myself in maintaining has been thrown off scale by another for the last time. Even Monks know when it's time to fight back. Just a thought.

END OF RANT, thank you for your time

posted on Oct, 16 2011 @ 09:15 AM
I think the best way to OCCUPY the world, right now, is if everyone still goes to work, each morning, and do it all without any pays, without having to pay for the materials you need as an enterprise or as an individual, and keep on making the world turn.

We produce a hundred tons of milk more than we need; give it to a country in need of it. We need raw materials for constructions? Someone will provide.

No more money, no more greed, personal gains. No more castles, no more big centers, only an even distribution.

So, when and only when people will understand that the biggest illusion is the need for a monetary system will we be able to move on peacefully, allowing everyone a true chance of growing and benefit the world. Even if only in a small way.

The "elites" should simply be ignored, and all the earth declared a free zone!

You call me communist? I say let's all go in Star Trek mode. We have nothing to loose because we have already lost, as it is.

posted on Oct, 16 2011 @ 09:35 AM
reply to post by ShadowMonk

Exactly what has the US government done to you to piss you off so much? Just curious.
2 nd

posted on Oct, 16 2011 @ 09:35 AM
reply to post by NowanKenubi

I agree with you wholeheartedly and one hundred percent.
Have you heard of The Venus Project? A true resource based economy and TRUE communism would be the best thing for the entire world. Unfortunately, as history has proven, true communism is impossible to achieve, as humans are far too greedy to ever remove themselves from a position of power in order to join the common man. I can dream though, can't I?

posted on Oct, 16 2011 @ 09:41 AM
reply to post by billy197300

The Government is only a small part of this rant, but repeated harassment from law enforcement officials on basis of past crimes,(Crimes committed as a minor, I might add,) the IRS is constantly mixing up my SSN somehow, I am unable to find employment through an agency because people who are currently on Welfare get priority, yet I am not eligible as I have not held a 'real' job long enough because of a tanking economy, increasing taxes I cannot afford, I have had multiple friends commit suicide after returning from war due to mental anguish, and allow me to impress upon you once more my age. None of them were older than 23. As I said, the government is only a small part of the rant, it's directed at society as a whole for refusing to do anything more than whimper and roll over for more lashes.

posted on Oct, 16 2011 @ 09:44 AM
reply to post by ShadowMonk

I found two Venus Project! LOL

One by Jacques Fresco and the other one by Bahram Maskanian... Which one were you talking about?

posted on Oct, 16 2011 @ 09:50 AM
reply to post by NowanKenubi

Jacques Fresco is your man!
You basically described exactly what he has been proposing for years lol

posted on Oct, 16 2011 @ 09:57 AM
reply to post by ShadowMonk

I like him already!

On another note, sorry for the loss of some of your friends. Glad to see you managed to stay afloat!


Let's not just eliminate poverty, but also wealth! No one should possess what a 1000 humans could use.
Now I'm going to read Fresco's project!

posted on Oct, 16 2011 @ 10:13 AM

Originally posted by ShadowMonk
reply to post by billy197300

The Government is only a small part of this rant, but repeated harassment from law enforcement officials on basis of past crimes,(Crimes committed as a minor, I might add,) the IRS is constantly mixing up my SSN somehow, I am unable to find employment through an agency because people who are currently on Welfare get priority, yet I am not eligible as I have not held a 'real' job long enough because of a tanking economy, increasing taxes I cannot afford, I have had multiple friends commit suicide after returning from war due to mental anguish, and allow me to impress upon you once more my age. None of them were older than 23. As I said, the government is only a small part of the rant, it's directed at society as a whole for refusing to do anything more than whimper and roll over for more lashes.

Seriously, all this talk about communism and over throwing the government because you are young and hit a couple of bumps in the road? Dude, hate to tell you life isn't easy. When you are young and starting out, you will struggle....we all did. Society hasn't singled you out, it's part of growing up. I appreciate everything I have now, because I had to struggle to be here. Not trying to be a troll, just saying give it some time before you resort to communism, your life will get better eventually.

posted on Oct, 16 2011 @ 11:41 AM

Originally posted by billy197300

Originally posted by ShadowMonk
reply to post by billy197300

The Government is only a small part of this rant, but repeated harassment from law enforcement officials on basis of past crimes,(Crimes committed as a minor, I might add,) the IRS is constantly mixing up my SSN somehow, I am unable to find employment through an agency because people who are currently on Welfare get priority, yet I am not eligible as I have not held a 'real' job long enough because of a tanking economy, increasing taxes I cannot afford, I have had multiple friends commit suicide after returning from war due to mental anguish, and allow me to impress upon you once more my age. None of them were older than 23. As I said, the government is only a small part of the rant, it's directed at society as a whole for refusing to do anything more than whimper and roll over for more lashes.

Seriously, all this talk about communism and over throwing the government because you are young and hit a couple of bumps in the road? Dude, hate to tell you life isn't easy. When you are young and starting out, you will struggle....we all did. Society hasn't singled you out, it's part of growing up. I appreciate everything I have now, because I had to struggle to be here. Not trying to be a troll, just saying give it some time before you resort to communism, your life will get better eventually.

Billy you can not be serious? Did you get that from govt cliche' of the day? First, try not to use the blanket hate communism idea here and try to see the paradimn that Monk is talking about. Our current system has strangled the US economy because it is being controlled by a very small group of people. Only 3 major players own all the banks, faking capitalism which is supposed to not accept monopolies. Same with communications, which by and large is own now by one group - ClearChannel. A true capitalistic society does not limit the small business for consolidatation because that keeps people from being able to create, manage and maintain employment in favor of those who claim they have all the money so let them do it. They haven't produced 2% of the jobs that they were at fault in destroying which were millions! You bought into the toilet trickle down lie while, unlike yourself, millions are out of work and no one has replaced those jobs. The stats are there. Don't be so lazy.
Now, in your perfect capitalistic idealism, you waste more food and resources that could have fed nations and prevented hundreds of thousands of deaths. A person who says it's better for this surplus to go to waste since someone can't buy it, is not a humanist in the least. And these are the people that society worships - the ones that only care about their bottom line. You are sadly mistaken that they will improve the US anytime soon, They are still making money off of the losses of those they have disinfranchised by providing unemployment on a largely permanent scale.
ShadowMonk, your idea will never work either because people like Billy have been too brainwashed to ever believe they could raise their own food or cattle without a suit collecting billions off their minimum wage labor. You have to remember, the majority who are disinfranchised were never really poor to begin with, so they don't understand the fraud, waste and abuse of this society. Heck, they don't even see the hipocracy of capitalistic agenda which is apposed to their so called christian beliefs which were supposedly founded in charity! They rather label things as communism and move on with their shrinking pie than to see that they could go out, get the materials and make tons of pies and share them because it didn't cost as much as the pie the suits make and bake. This is what the PTB don't want us to do and that's be independent of the system. They don't want their 1% agenda to end and they don't want competition!
How do we get to a similance of utopia with the mess we are in today - by getting the balls to group up, get a state that already wants sovereignty, move to that state and inact sovereignty completely. Then turning all those profits into nightmares from the corporate facists by taxing them to damnnation, just as they had our government do to us on their behalf. Then on a huge scale, industrialize their complete downfall by the utilization of goods that were unjustly banned in this country because the truth was these banned commodities were the only true competition to paper milling and petroluem. Once the industry is up and running right under their noses, switch the petroleum/paper intake from them to our constantly renewable, less enviornmentally impacting goods and services and watch them stuggle to maintain the fiction that they were the only way society could run in the first place. Wait for the 100 monkey event & we win!

posted on Oct, 16 2011 @ 12:24 PM
reply to post by DaWhiz

OK, Monk is a teenager living in TN who is obviously upset with life. Not a freaking super hero that can fly in take over our corrupt society and create a utopia on earth.....that's just silly lol. The truth is you live in the this country and things work how they do like it or not. How about we give him some real advice like make some clear goals, stick to them and you can eventually accomplish them. Such as start off with a regular a@# not paying very much job and be happy you have it, GO TO SCHOOL, and then start a career in your chosen may take 10 years to get to were you want to be but don't loose heart, if you work hard enough, study hard enough and just stick with it you can do almost anything you want..........everything WILL work out if you are patient and diligent and make clear goals for your future.

posted on Oct, 16 2011 @ 12:36 PM
reply to post by billy197300

And how about everyone gives that same reply to people like monk, thinking they know who people like shadowmonk are and what they've been through, let alone what is possible for them to accomplish? Funny but the cookie cutter paradigm you keep shouting about isn't much in existence anymore. Got a good idea how he can get that loan for school since they've pretty much stop giving loans? Why don't you try this: The young should be infused with knowledge and good ideas instead of being driven insane constantly repeating the same actions over and over again with no change in the result - which by the way is a definition of insanity.
It's nice that it worked for you twenty years ago. Now, get off your couch and pretend you need to do what you propose Shadown needs to do and see if you can do it today - not from your past experiences. Then come back and preach, if you can.
edit on 16-10-2011 by DaWhiz because: add noun

posted on Oct, 16 2011 @ 12:56 PM
reply to post by ShadowMonk

You may wish to consider the Plan at the bottom of my Posts my friend.

It is time for a "new" paradigm indeed.

With Love,

Your Brother

posted on Oct, 16 2011 @ 01:05 PM

Originally posted by DaWhiz
reply to post by billy197300

And how about everyone gives that same reply to people like monk, thinking they know who people like shadowmonk are and what they've been through, let alone what is possible for them to accomplish? Funny but the cookie cutter paradigm you keep shouting about isn't much in existence anymore. Got a good idea how he can get that loan for school since they've pretty much stop giving loans? Why don't you try this: The young should be infused with knowledge and good ideas instead of being driven insane constantly repeating the same actions over and over again with no change in the result - which by the way is a definition of insanity.
It's nice that it worked for you twenty years ago. Now, get off your couch and pretend you need to do what you propose Shadown needs to do and see if you can do it today - not from your past experiences. Then come back and preach, if you can.
edit on 16-10-2011 by DaWhiz because: add noun

Ok, what do you suggest he do then? Give up, sit and wait for that perfect society you are about to make for us so he can just be handed everything because he can't accomplish anything? Seriously, what color is the sky in that other world you live in? A crappy survival, make it through school job is easy as going in door after door and saying....I need a job, I am a student, can I work here? School is as simple as going to the financial aid office and asking for assistance, they will hook you up with some grants or's their job, that's what they do. And no "they" haven't stopped giving student loans, that's just silly. Just last year I had to get one to finish some stuff up.

posted on Oct, 16 2011 @ 01:20 PM
reply to post by billy197300

Billy, no one is saying throw out conventional wisdom, but to say there is no other solution but yours is wrong as well. And who says I'm going to create a utopian society? I'm suggesting like minded people and ideas, so relax, you still don't have to do a thing. But to tell anyone that they cannot have dreams and aspirations outside the box is just plain silly. We would not have this society, flawed as it is, if everyone stepped on everyone's dream as you seem to do - many inventions would have gone undiscovered because of classism and racism long ago. So ease up. Geesh!
edit on 16-10-2011 by DaWhiz because: fragmented sentence

edit on 16-10-2011 by DaWhiz because: (no reason given)

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