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Maybe Rich, Greedy, Corporate CEO's Should Be Running This Country?

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posted on Oct, 15 2011 @ 10:31 PM
I can already feel the outrage and the hate from the WallBagging crowd, OWS and their sympathizers, but let's address this objectively.
For starters, they call themselves the "99 per-cent" but they never called me to ask if they can represent me.
Btw, for the record I surely don't belong to the 1%.

It's clear that Obama want's something that all these greedy CEO's have,
...MONEY, MONEY, and more MONEY!

...and most of his useful idiots are right behind him out, ready to ask for a hand out.

The OWS folks seem to be at war with "corporate greed", but they seem to be haphazardly marching forward with no real clear plan for victory.
Almost reminds me of the much criticized tactics used during the Iraq war.

There almost seems to be no real clear agenda, and based on what has transpired in some parts of the country, there are many modern day hippie folks protesting, just for the sake of protesting.

They claim to be protesting Wall Street, yet half of them are still sleeping at the sound of the opening bell.

Don't mean to rant, but the point of this thread is to point out the hypocrisy that is playing out.
I mean, Obama and the 99% folks want to take what the 1 per cent possess.

This is more evil than what the ninety-niners are accusing the greedy CEO's of being.
Because "Thou shalt not covet thy neighbors _blank_!"

Don't mean to throw in a Biblical reference but the main point is this:

Year after year, adminstration after administration, our careless government leaders continue to spend-spend-spend, and continue to increase our national debt to all time highs, all while the so called greedy CEO's fat cats and their corporations continue to get fatter and fatter.

So, if CEO's know how to make the money that Obama and his followers want, maybe Obama should step aside and let the greedy corporate CEO's run the country and let them do what they do best?

They obviously know how things should be done since they are quite successful at it.

Get the point?

posted on Oct, 15 2011 @ 10:35 PM
I think for the most part they already are.

posted on Oct, 15 2011 @ 10:37 PM
Its a movement against everything that is wrong in the world.
And how most of it is being caused by the top global corporate entities.

Prime example: Middle east - Oil profits, Weapons deals and weapons profits, While the expenditure for said wars comes out of the taxpayers pockets.
Another prime example: Clearcutting rainforests for farmland and more oil.
Destoying the ecosystem
Destroying families,

While your life may be okay, not everyones is. And more people are feeling the squeeze. A big part of the movement is education. And if you went to one, you would see that.

The wings of change are upon us, And it is a much needed change.

Also, Big CEO's already run the world, so whats your point?
edit on 15/10/11 by AzureSky because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 15 2011 @ 10:41 PM
reply to post by Alxandro

How many people have to post on here before they just google what the movements about ? Despite what the MSM is telling you there are clear goals, there is clear leadership, there is organization, and it has been the creators of OWS that have been organizing it. Check for yourself before you listen to fox news...

Creators, and organizers

Don't let Fox News fool you into deriding the very thing that can set you free, and try to use google

List of demands, just look for them instead of assuming they are not there.

edit on 15-10-2011 by DrunkNinja because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 15 2011 @ 10:43 PM

Originally posted by Alxandro

So, if CEO's know how to make the money that Obama and his followers want, maybe Obama should step aside and let the greedy corporate CEO's run the country and let them do what they do best?

Get the point?

Is the point that everything you suggested has already come to pass ?

If it is then I think there are more of us who get the point than you would imagine

posted on Oct, 15 2011 @ 10:44 PM

Dear all, its best not to answer the questions that press pose. always always always stick to talking points. acknowledge questions, but then always go back to the talking points. there is a reason politicians do this and we should filter what we say to the media so our words can no be twisted or used against us. also, its valid that you hold your opinions but do not share these with the press. the people you should share these opinions with are YOUR FELLOW ORGANIZERS. if you do not feel safe telling us who are your friends, then tell confide with a close friend that you trust but never the press. Peace and Love, Jason

The only thing those people know is what twitter and the "economy forums" have told them read those occupy wall street emails.

Read More here:

They don't have a clue.

posted on Oct, 15 2011 @ 10:47 PM

Originally posted by neo96

Dear all, its best not to answer the questions that press pose. always always always stick to talking points. acknowledge questions, but then always go back to the talking points. there is a reason politicians do this and we should filter what we say to the media so our words can no be twisted or used against us. also, its valid that you hold your opinions but do not share these with the press. the people you should share these opinions with are YOUR FELLOW ORGANIZERS. if you do not feel safe telling us who are your friends, then tell confide with a close friend that you trust but never the press. Peace and Love, Jason

The only thing those people know is what twitter and the "economy forums" have told them read those occupy wall street emails.

Read More here:

They don't have a clue.

Dunno, there's plenty of information on the internet about how screwed we are. They're just mailing lists. So what? Organizers gotta organize, just like at all the occupy spinoffs.

Oh. Its a psyop.

posted on Oct, 15 2011 @ 10:55 PM
reply to post by Alxandro

The sweetest job would be to hop on my computer and type in numbers as cash. Then I could buy my way into large investment houses, corporate boards, and government agencies by literally lifting a finger.

What? Incoming memo? Damn it, banks got there before me!

posted on Oct, 15 2011 @ 10:57 PM
reply to post by neo96

Its very odd that I cant find one email from the creators, it seems only the protest hang around "scene stars" are on there, and they do not speak for the core of OWS. Those emails are not from the core organizers, or creators.

posted on Oct, 15 2011 @ 11:02 PM

Originally posted by DrunkNinja
reply to post by neo96

Its very odd that I cant find one email from the creators, it seems only the protest hang around "scene stars" are on there, and they do not speak for the core of OWS. Those emails are not from the core organizers, or creators.

Why even acknowledge this guy? His agenda is to write his congressperson. You're keeping him totally preoccupied... Now he has an excuse for not practicing what he preaches. He'd fail to be constructive anyhow, but still... You wouldn't be wasting your time in the process.

posted on Oct, 15 2011 @ 11:03 PM
Corporate dogs already run this country but some folks are too stupid to see it.

posted on Oct, 15 2011 @ 11:03 PM
Rich, Greedy, Corporate CEO's ARE running this country. The Federal government is their tool and weapon to ensure that they stay in power. Let's take away their weapon then take the country back for the people.

posted on Oct, 15 2011 @ 11:19 PM
reply to post by Alxandro

Maybe Rich, Greedy, Corporate CEO's Should Be Running This Country?... after 2 secs of analysis... its already happening!!! for god´s sake!!

posted on Oct, 15 2011 @ 11:22 PM
I am frustrated by the lack of, or contradictory nature of, information from OWS. I am beginning to believe it will say or do anything to become a political army. Not partisan political, although there is a slight drift that way, but revolutionary political.

The idea that there is an official list of demands, while not completely laughable, needs some evidence.October OWS e-mail Here's one piece of that e-mail:

On 10/11/11 12:45 PM, Marisa Holmes wrote:

>> I agree with Will. We cannot represent the movement as a whole.

>> Also, a demands committee would not represent the NY occupation.

>> Any political statements must go through the GA process.

>> Personally, I'm against having demands at all.

>> We've already adopted principles of solidarity and a declaration.

>> We know what we're about at the NYC GA without "demands"


>> Marisa

There was not even agreement a few days ago that there should even be demands, let alone what they are.

I would rather see someone more solid than a group receiving Tides Foundation funding, and working from a different country as a leader of this movement to fundamentally change America.

posted on Oct, 15 2011 @ 11:22 PM

Originally posted by AzureSky
Its a movement against everything that is wrong in the world.
And how most of it is being caused by the top global corporate entities.

Hmm. The biggest thing wrong with the world is.... Malaria. 10% of all the humans who have ever died, have died of malaria. Probably a quarter of all humans are infected with some form of this disease as I type. But you think the problem is Burger king?

Prime example: Middle east - Oil profits, Weapons deals and weapons profits, While the expenditure for said wars comes out of the taxpayers pockets.

Is Yemen's problems caused by oil profits? They don't have any oil, ya know. But you're sure that that's the problem. What about Syria? Their problem is ....corporations? Really? I'd have said it was the Assad Dynasty, keeping those people down. How about Pakistan? They don't have oil. But they have nukes, and a majority that wants to set up a global theocracy. Is that about oil?

Maybe Americans are not important enough to actually have caused all the world's evil.

Another prime example: Clearcutting rainforests for farmland and more oil.
Destoying the ecosystem
Destroying families,

There's hardly any clearcutting going on now, you know. That peaked in the 90's. Because the Mestizo governments learned to accuse the natives of clear cutting when they practiced the form of crop rotation called "slash and burn agriculture" that they've been using for the past 5000 years. And so now the government has been armed by environmentalists with the rationale to drive all the natives out of the jungle. Way to go, environmentalists, helping authoritarian regimes herd natives into the urban slums.

While your life may be okay, not everyones is. And more people are feeling the squeeze. A big part of the movement is education. And if you went to one, you would see that.

What are you doing about it? Working in a soup kitchen on Saturday? It's what I did. But hey, if you can't make another human being feel better, at least you can make yourself feel better. Go downtown, smoke pot in public, shout at some empty buildings. Wow, that's relevant.

The wings of change are upon us, And it is a much needed change.

LOL! The cliche is "winds" of change. Not wings. I thought a big part of the movement was education.

Maybe the "movement" comes after eating too many hot wings of change.

posted on Oct, 15 2011 @ 11:33 PM
reply to post by Alxandro

We’ve already seen your “solution” in action. Greedy corporations have been running this country since before you were born, and the fact that I’m basing your age on the age of the Most Interesting Man in the World is saying something.
You people need to open your eyes and realize that your Government is a playhouse of marionettes; their strings pulled by men who have mastered the art of making money by turning Americans into content fools, much like ancient Rome and the rise of ‘The Games’; designed to keep people entertained, fed, and most importantly… quiet. HDTVs, cellphones, video games, reality shows, all of it designed to keep your eyes on a screen, flooding your mind with poison to keep your brain occupied. They keep you fed, filling your bellies with mind-altering drugs pumped into our drinking water and food.
Slavery isn’t dead, they’ve just learned to do it out of sight by outsourcing jobs to countries with no minimum wage. They control every aspect of your life and you have the nerve to entertain the idea that you are free? You’ve never picked a President in your life. You’ve never had a say in any of the legislation that has broken this once great nation’s foundation.
Hand the country over to the rich? How about we hand it back to the ones who are supposed to, by design, have a say in how this nation is run.

Occupy the planet.

posted on Oct, 15 2011 @ 11:55 PM
reply to post by FugitiveSoul

It seems like you're proving you're case too well for it to stand. Americans are brain-dead slaves, totally controlled. OK, fine. Yet you want to give the running of the country to them? Sorry, you can't have it both ways. Perhaps you're one of those who can see more clearly than us and will reluctantly take on the job of governing us, after we get rid of our current government with its messy elections and freedoms.

posted on Oct, 16 2011 @ 12:00 AM
In all honesty, protesting seems the most absolutely useless thing a person could do.

-Will it deprive any of the greedy bankers of their profit stream?

-Will it disrupt their business plans? I mean, their phones still work; their email still works. How does a few hundred people chanting in the street affect them? Hell, they probably can't even hear you. They aren't trapped in their offices, are they? They still go home after work and eat dinner and sleep in a nice soft bed....

-Will protesting redistribute anything, other than body odor?

Yet there are tangible problems with protests

-They mobilize the people who dislike the movement

-They allow any idiot to become a "spokesman for the movement" and make you all look bad

-It allows you to be filmed, so that face identification cameras can note your presence, and put it in a file. (Have you seen any people walking around with cameras, but photographing the crowd, instead of the speaker? Well, those are the cops, Man.)

-Protests make you feel like you are doing something important, when in reality you're just checking out of the economy for a while.

There are some definite sheep alright. But maybe not the ones you expect.

posted on Oct, 16 2011 @ 12:00 AM
Yes of course, corporate fat cats are already running this country, but they do so indirectly.

Why not let them take the driver's seat, directly, and get rid of all the funny money siphons that have been in place since forever and a day?

The goal is to get rid of the national debt, or at least get it down to a managable level.
The only way this can happen is to apply the same principles that it takes to run a successful corporation and quit spending money that we don't have.

Get the point now?

posted on Oct, 16 2011 @ 12:03 AM
reply to post by Alxandro

This movement is nothing more than a thinly disguised attempt at wealth redistribution.
Social justice.
It is no wonder that OWS gets full support from this White House administration.

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