posted on Oct, 15 2011 @ 07:19 PM
When an individual is hampered by more unuseful impressions than their throat can filter out, the heart will contract in such circumstances and they
will be unable to receive or give love. In this case they are in the righteous position to get angry, however most new age teachings teach that anger
is wrong in all circumstances, this is in fact incorrect. An individual who lives by such beliefs/imposed morals will bottle the anger that is begging
to be released either verbally or demonstratively (not advocated as violence toward another living thing, but actively nonetheless slamming
doors/inanimate objects etc.) If one chooses to suppress this impulse the anger sinks to the contracted heart chakra and depression sets in. Depending
on how contracted the heart is this will determine whether an individual will have moments where they are able to express/receive love or not. Enough
love and inspiration may still evoke love from them whilst they are suppressing anger with particular associations, but it will inhibit a general love
of all things; life itself. If the suppressing continues to contract further chakras all the way to the base they will have dysfunctional sexuality
issues and eventually involuntary outbursts of rage.
Anger is proactive, radiant, so it repels the inundating debris in a powerful directive manner. But the individual will loose energy if they stay
angry (hateful) as it draws on resources of the prana that bypasses the neutral point of the contracted throat and the heart chakras, which is then
centred on reception circulated by the sacral/solar plexus region. So if an individual stays angry their life force is not received by the solar
plexus as anger is radiant and continual expression of it radiates all incoming resources, such an individual will then become angry and depressed,
and will seek pity from others, i.e. lower vibratory love donations “sympathy” which is the shifting of depressing feelings onto the sympathiser
in exchange for the flow of their own vibrant life force energy toward the hater who has construed the sympathisers perception of the haters
worthiness of receiving their loving support. This is a parasitic intent (harsh that may sound but it is true)
Those who have succumbed to parasitism must learn to discern between constant anger and healthy dislike.
Disliking another who triggers associative memories of past arguments and disputes is not the same as hate, it just means one is unable to have
personalised (conditional) love from them as due to consequence of the associated thought pasterns that inhibit the hearts full flow in their
presence. This means being angry at the person who has inflicted such associations only when they actively stir or project anger in a undiscerning
manner out of misunderstanding that they are in the wrong, Being responsible for having overloaded the inflected one in the first place. This means
the individual who is disliking the other person is not hating them just returning equal and opposite intent in righteous position, thus they do not
loose energy from being angry all the time. This means they can love life as a whole which is also loving their inflicter unconditionally by proxy of
having moments of loving everything, thereby offering moments for the inflicter to reflect and see that they were in the wrong and thereby amend their
intentions toward the person in the right.
When ones own heart frequency is totally active, they can cancel out any inflictions by a single individual (and more than one as the heart increases
in power), and in the mean time once one learns how to allow collective inflictions of a higher magnitude than their Auras capacity to absorb and
transmute with their heart, to just go through them and out the south end of the pranic tube immediately back to their originations. this is when one
has entered the stage of becoming a master of their own Divine self maintenance.