posted on Oct, 15 2011 @ 05:11 PM
It's funny how the occupy movement has been by and large not reported on by the MSM in the U.K.
Yet as soon as trouble flairs, as seen in Italy, it is the Headline news. This in my eyes is absolute proof that the MSM are being guided by TPTB.
I appreciate that not everybody is behind this movement, but what I have been able to see of events, mainly through Russia Today and Press T.V, it has
been fairly peaceful.
I did suspect that they were waiting for something like this to happen to cast a shadow over the movement and I am sure that the events in Italy were
mainly due to agitators infiltrating Occupy.
Undoubtedly, if events were to turn ugly at other Occupy events it will continue to be headlines. If they don't then the Western MSM will carry on as
before, with very little reporting.