As a humble slave , I've always been backward in coming forward.
Outspoken , was never spoken .... I knew my place .
Then , the Occupy movement steadily gained momentum around
the world , and now it was on my doorstep .
I took a day off my 85 hour week , and took a mingle in the crowd.
That was the turning point .
The 99 % , lifted me to their shoulders , and with one voice ,
began , ......occupy the world .!
I was given a microphone , and after a few puffs of ventolin ,
my courage returned .
Within a week , the grass roots NWO had liberated us all .
Nuclear weapons were banned , : free energy was reinvented .
coal and oil stayed in the ground . Non sustainable pollution
and agriculture ceased . War became a bad memory .
Love flowed instead !
The heads of corporate bondage were exiled to a deserted island
and left to feed off each other .
Freedom and commonsense prevailed .
The paradigm shift had arrived , and I was riding the crest of
that wave !
...... Then the alarm went off .
it was 3:00 am already . Time to clock on , again !
Had a good night's sleep though .
.... it had one of those nice dreams ,
the one's you can never quite remember .....
edit on 15-10-2011 by radarloveguy because: hit the snooze button
edit on 15-10-2011 by radarloveguy
because: 1% called