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Gallop -v- Cheney Final Judgement 10/14/11: Pay Up!

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posted on Oct, 14 2011 @ 07:53 PM
It's over.

April Gallop's idiot legal team were just handed a final decision and it aint pretty for the Truther legal team:

(1) The motion of Dennis Cunningham, Gallop’s lead counsel of record, for admission to our Court pro hac vice, is hereby GRANTED.

(2) Gallop is hereby ADMONISHED that the submission of future frivolous filings may result in sanctions.

(3) Dennis Cunningham, Mustapha Ndanusa, and William Veale are hereby ORDERED to pay the government double costs in addition to damages in the amount of $15,000, for which they are jointly and severally liable, within 60 days of the date of entry of this order.

(4) It is further ORDERED that (i) unless such payment is timely made, attorneys Dennis Cunningham, Mustapha Ndanusa, and William Veale shall be required to request leave from this Court before filing any papers with the Clerk of our Court or the clerks of any court within this Circuit; (ii) within 24 hours of receipt of the $15,000 penalty imposed on Gallop’s counsel, the government shall submit an affidavit to this Court confirming its receipt of such payment; and (iii) if no payment is made within 60 days of the date of entry of this order, the government shall promptly so certify to this Court, along with a statement regarding additional remedies that may be available under the circumstances.

(5) William Veale is hereby ORDERED, for a period of one year from the date of entry of this order, to provide notice of the sanctions imposed upon him in this case to any court within this Circuit before which he appears, or seeks to appear. Failure to comply with this order may result in additional sanctions.

(6) Dennis Cunningham is hereby ORDERED to show cause in writing within 30 days from the date of entry of this order why he should not be separately sanctioned by being required to provide appropriate notice to any court within this Circuit before which he appears, or seeks to appear, of the sanctions imposed against him in connection with this appeal.

A major league ass whoopin was just given to her crack pot legal team! Dig deep losers...

posted on Oct, 14 2011 @ 11:02 PM

Originally posted by Six Sigma
It's over.

April Gallop's idiot legal team were just handed a final decision and it aint pretty for the Truther legal team:

But...but...but....Pilots for 9/11 TRUTH weighed in! Don't these Legal Eagles know who Pilots for 9/11 TRUTH are? Their ranks are growing! Don't they know who the leader is of Pilots for 9/11 TRUTH? Airline CAPTAIN Bob Balsamo? These judges obviously don't know who they are dealing with - specifically Airline Captain Bob Balsamo! I expect - any second now - any moment - the full fury and force of the Pilots for 9/11 TRUTH will lumber out, sharpening their legal talons and giving that silly Second Circuit Court of Appeals what for!

Its never over! Not as long as Pilots for 9/11 TRUTH (our ranks are growing) is on the case!

posted on Oct, 14 2011 @ 11:05 PM
So will Pilots for Truth help with the $15,000 fine and the doubled court costs?

posted on Oct, 14 2011 @ 11:13 PM

Originally posted by Orphia Nay
So will Pilots for Truth help with the $15,000 fine and the doubled court costs?

Of course they will. Their magnanimity knows no bounds. They'll just open up another Pay Pal donation window. They'll get those thousands virtually overnight! Such munificence!
edit on 14-10-2011 by trebor451 because: add

posted on Oct, 15 2011 @ 01:34 AM
Wait. We're assuming Lawyers for 9/11 Truth don't have loads of cash from all their many succesful court cases and careers.

posted on Oct, 15 2011 @ 04:38 PM
Where are all the truther comments?

Where is Captain Boob and one of his sock puppets?

April... hon...your supposed to be getting money from the government...NOT GIVING IT BACK TO THEM!!

edit on 15-10-2011 by Six Sigma because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 16 2011 @ 12:19 AM
9/11 Truth has its day in court... and truthers are nowhere to be seen!

posted on Oct, 16 2011 @ 05:14 AM

Originally posted by Orphia Nay
9/11 Truth has its day in court... and truthers are nowhere to be seen!

Are you surprised they will avoid it like the plague. They can't/won't deal with reality. They just yammer on about nonsense just we see in the vast majority of the threads here....

posted on Oct, 16 2011 @ 08:30 AM

Originally posted by Reheat

Originally posted by Orphia Nay
9/11 Truth has its day in court... and truthers are nowhere to be seen!

Are you surprised they will avoid it like the plague. They can't/won't deal with reality. They just yammer on about nonsense just we see in the vast majority of the threads here....

This is so true. As soon as something happens outside an internet chat room- in real life, the Truthers disappear. I hope at least one Truther reads the findings of the court and see just what a back of imbeciles these people are.

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 06:59 PM
I'm curious as to why there are not any comments from the truthers.

I was reading some tidbits outlined in another forum.

"The response of Gallop and her attorneys to our April 27, 2011 order to show cause fails to demonstrate that this appeal was anything but frivolous. Like other papers submitted by Gallop and her team of attorneys in this appeal, the response presents only irrelevant information in a jarringly disorganized manner, united solely by its consistently patronizing tone."


"Conveniently, the apparent litmus test for whether a judge’s normal intellectual functions have been compromised such that he or she must be disqualified from hearing Gallop’s case is identical to the question of whether a judge agrees with the original panel’s determination that Gallop’s action is frivolous. But as Veale is surely aware, no party to litigation is entitled to a prescreened panel of sympathetic judges, and we have no patience for Veale’s homegrown psychosocial theories contrived to achieve that end."

That is a good ol' fashioned ass kicking!

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 10:39 AM
The interesting thing here is that the facts of the case were given an airing and found wanting. If they were - as Truthers regularly claim - so self evidently convincing in advancing a conspiracy narrative, then why was nobody swayed? They can't all - the judges, the court officials, the general public familiar with something conducted in an open forum - be in on it.

Oh no, wait... Add them to the list

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 10:56 AM
reply to post by Six Sigma

I'm curious as to why there are not any comments from the truthers

C'mon, be honest. You're not really curious - you know exactly why - there's no retort. There's nothing they can say. Except, of coure, they're all in on it. The courts, the judges, congress, the president, every professional technical society and organization, every newspaper, magazine, televsion and radio. Every first responder, every member of the armed forces, every contractor, subcontractor, witness and dogcatcher. All part of the plan to suppress the masses. Noting, of course, that the masses are also in on it.

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 01:55 PM

Originally posted by hooper
reply to post by Six Sigma

I'm curious as to why there are not any comments from the truthers

C'mon, be honest. You're not really curious - you know exactly why - there's no retort. There's nothing they can say. Except, of coure, they're all in on it. The courts, the judges, congress, the president, every professional technical society and organization, every newspaper, magazine, televsion and radio. Every first responder, every member of the armed forces, every contractor, subcontractor, witness and dogcatcher. All part of the plan to suppress the masses. Noting, of course, that the masses are also in on it.

Not one "Kangaroo Court" commernt? I was hoping for just ONE!

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 02:37 PM
reply to post by Six Sigma

Well, maybe you'll see one. Plus some conspirafacts thrown in for good measure. You know, stuff like the judge is a personal friend of Cheyeny, or known Illuminati, or some such thing. Maybe.

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 03:55 PM
reply to post by Six Sigma

A major league ass whoopin was just given to her crack pot legal team! Dig deep losers...

This is very juvenile a thread created to bash and ridicule April Gallop.
A thread to insult April Gallop and ridicule her by posters who are always defending nothing.
The fact is there is enough evidence that supports April Gallop and her son who were seriously injured in the False Flag attack at the Pentagon.
Perhaps some of you believe in shielding treasonous acts and laughing at the victims that witness something completely different then the laughable OS fairytale.

Bush court dismisses 9/11 suit against Bush officials, orders sanctions

[color=gold]Of the three judges on the panel, John Mercer Walker, Jr. is first cousin of former President George H.W. Bush and first cousin once removed of George W. Bush, who used 9/11 to manipulate public emotion to support passage of the unconstitutional PATRIOT Acts and waging illegal wars of aggression in the Middle East. According to Wikipedia, Walker shares a grandfather with the 41st president, George Herbert Walker, whose daughter married Prescott Bush. A motion to force Judge Walker’s removal from the case was denied, despite a clear conflict of interest.
The bravery of April Gallop in her attempt to expose the truth is as laudable as the obvious official corruption is contemptible. An unbiased judicial review of the events surrounding 9/11 will not be found in the United States. But refusal to do so only heightens global suspicion. The conspiracy and cover-up was so poorly executed that the vast majority of the planet’s population doubts the official version of events.

With John Mercer Walker Jr on the bench defending the 911 fairytales and defending George W Bush, how would you think the outcome would be?

The conflict of interest from the Judges panel alone speaks volumes. This stinks of corruption, cover-up for the Bush administration any idiot can see that.
If anything is laughable it is the conflict of interest on the bench John Mercer Walker Jr and the 911 fairytales, in protecting his first cousin George W Bush.

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 04:06 PM
reply to post by impressme

A few facts about April...
1 - She intentionally chose to turn down a victim settlement. Why? - so she could sue everyone.

2 - She sued American Airlines 2X for failure to provide adequate security against terrorist attack. The first suit was tossed, the second was settled for an unknown amount.

3 - She sues Bush and Cheney for masterminding 9/11 and in the process suggests that there were no terrorists and no plane at the Pentagon - it was ALL a Gov't put up.

Take the money from AA - then turn around and sue saying the exact opposite. Hmmm...

Yeah, she's a real patriot and clearly her only concern is for the truth.

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 04:47 PM
reply to post by userid1

A few facts about April...
1 - She intentionally chose to turn down a victim settlement. Why? - so she could sue everyone.

Perhaps the real reason April Gallop turned down the victim settlement was because she had to agree to never talk about what she had witness, and perhaps the money was not enough and April thought she would have to deal with a life time of medical bills for her injured son. Your opinion is so she could sue everyone, besides Richard Cheney and American Airlines law suits who is everyone?

2 - She sued American Airlines 2X for failure to provide adequate security against terrorist attack. The first suit was tossed, the second was settled for an unknown amount.

Nothing wrong in that, or did you forget it was American Airlines who claimed it was their alleged plane that supposedly slammed into the Pentagon? That is part of the OS fairytale am I correct?

3 - She sues Bush and Cheney for masterminding 9/11 and in the process suggests that there were no terrorists and no plane at the Pentagon - it was ALL a Gov't put up.

The evidence supports her allegations, or have you not done any real research on the subject?

Take the money from AA - then turn around and sue saying the exact opposite. Hmmm...

Yeah, she's a real patriot and clearly her only concern is for the truth.

I think she is a true patriot especially going up against a corrupt government by herself, perhaps she thought suing AA would have exposed the fact that AA couldn’t prove it was their plane that allegedly plowed into the Pentagon, I think it was a smart move on her behalf. It is a shame that the justice system failed because of political corruption. What should we have expected?

edit on 18-10-2011 by impressme because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 05:17 PM
Originally posted by impressme
reply to post by userid1

A few facts about April...
1 - She intentionally chose to turn down a victim settlement. Why? - so she could sue everyone.

Perhaps the real reason April Gallop turned down the victim settlement was because she had to agree to never talk about what she had witness, and perhaps the money was not enough and April thought she would have to deal with a life time of medical bills for her injured son. Your opinion is so she could sue everyone, besides Richard Cheney and American Airlines law suits who is everyone?

She's also sued several muslims including Osama Bin Laden, as well as Riggs bank. That's at least 5 separate lawsuits. How many is enough for you?

2 - She sued American Airlines 2X for failure to provide adequate security against terrorist attack. The first suit was tossed, the second was settled for an unknown amount.

Nothing wrong in that, or did you forget it was American Airlines who claimed it was their alleged plane that supposedly slammed into the Pentagon? That is part of the OS fairytale am I correct?

Can't have it both ways - either there were terrorists who hijacked a plane - or there weren't. Attempting to collect money from both sides just makes her a cheat and a liar.

3 - She sues Bush and Cheney for masterminding 9/11 and in the process suggests that there were no terrorists and no plane at the Pentagon - it was ALL a Gov't put up.

The evidence supports her allegations, or have you not done any real research on the subject?

Far more than you apparently. However, if you have actual EVIDENCE to support her POV - I'd love to hear it.

Take the money from AA - then turn around and sue saying the exact opposite. Hmmm...

Yeah, she's a real patriot and clearly her only concern is for the truth.

I think she is a true patriot especially going up against a corrupt government by herself, perhaps she thought suing AA would have exposed the fact that AA couldn’t prove it was their plane that allegedly plowed into the Pentagon, I think it was a smart move on her behalf. It is a shame that the justice system failed because of political corruption. What should we have expected?

edit on 18-10-2011 by impressme because: (no reason given)

I see lot of "perhaps this" and "perhaps that", but what I don't see is any evidence on your part to support her claims. Don't you think your argument would go a little farther with just a little verifiable support?
edit on 18-10-2011 by userid1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 06:39 PM

Originally posted by impressme

Perhaps the real reason April Gallop turned down the victim settlement was because she had to agree to never talk about what she had witness, and perhaps the money was not enough and April thought she would have to deal with a life time of medical bills for her injured son.

Horse crap! Starting the sentence and continuing it with the word "perhaps" proves you haven't a clue about what you're talking about. The only thing you agreed to in the Victims Compensation Fund was not to sue. PERIOD The average payout at the Pentagon was a million per injury. (IIRC) EDIT - $600K is a closer number.

Your opinion is so she could sue everyone, besides Richard Cheney and American Airlines law suits who is everyone?

She DID sue AA! She WON! She sued because of the failure of security...she then sues the government for the plane NOT BEING THERE! What don't you get??

oh wait...then you spew this gem:

Nothing wrong in that, or did you forget it was American Airlines who claimed it was their alleged plane that supposedly slammed into the Pentagon? That is part of the OS fairytale am I correct?

LMAO! Comments like the above is the reason why the idiot legal team got their asses kicked and made to look like the fools that they are.

The evidence supports her allegations, or have you not done any real research on the subject?

Um, no they don't. Hence, the reason why her lawyers were fined $15K +

Yeah, she's a real patriot and clearly her only concern is for the truth.

What about her attorneys? Real patriots huh?

........I think it was a smart move on her behalf.

Why don't you call her and see how smart she feel right now....

edit on 18-10-2011 by Six Sigma because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 06:53 PM

Originally posted by impressme
This is very juvenile a thread created to bash and ridicule April Gallop.
A thread to insult April Gallop and ridicule her by posters who are always defending nothing.
The fact is there is enough evidence that supports April Gallop and her son who were seriously injured in the False Flag attack at the Pentagon.
Perhaps some of you believe in shielding treasonous acts and laughing at the victims that witness something completely different then the laughable OS fairytale.

The ridicule is pointed more toward her legal team.They were warned, yet continued to make themselves AND April look like idiots. Now, they have to pay the penalty for clogging up the court system with a frivolous lawsuit.

What did she witness?? You don't pay attention do you?

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