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An Open Letter to Occupy Wall Street (From Judge Napolitano!!)

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posted on Oct, 14 2011 @ 06:57 PM
I watched his show last night, saw this:

The whole show was actually quite good, look it up if you get the chance. This message he brings to OWS is one that shoud_not be ignored. Many OWS supporters are quite obviously liberals who, while in principle may have some ideas correct..REALLY aren't choosing so far to see the *real* root of this country's current problems.

After weeks and weeks of watching the MSM bash/ignore Ron Paul, the frustration tends to build up so much that one can only start to become numb to it by pure choice to avoid serious potential health issues! However, this guy (Judge Napolitano) is a cool refreshing change from what we are usually seeing in the media today. I'm actually surprised that the show is even on FOX. He's clearly a libertarian, one that respects and understands the constitution and the position of Dr. Ron Paul.

Although the video is not really about Ron Paul himself, it's clearly a message that shares his vision. OWS supporters, PLEASE take the advice in this video!

Ron Paul supporters, get this message out!!

#1 End the Fed
#2 End the Wars
#3 End the Income Tax

edit on 14-10-2011 by Wookiep because: (no reason given)

edit on 14-10-2011 by Wookiep because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 14 2011 @ 07:17 PM
I like the Judge. He's really good at explaining Constitutional Law, too. I didn't see this commentary, though. Thanks for posting.

posted on Oct, 14 2011 @ 07:23 PM
there's people everyday down here at occupy Atlanta who speak on Ron Paul and try to promote him among the people who haven't already chosen him as their pick. some people of course just plan on not voting.

posted on Oct, 14 2011 @ 07:34 PM
reply to post by Wookiep

Judge Napolitano might find himself blckballed by the MSM shortly. I have noticed he has come out more and more strongly. Against the bought and paid for establishment. You know the Republican and Democrats. When you make enemies on both sides things tend to happen. I hope he keeps on telling the truth that is a commodity not easily found.

posted on Oct, 14 2011 @ 07:41 PM

Originally posted by redrose123
reply to post by Wookiep

Judge Napolitano might find himself blckballed by the MSM shortly. I have noticed he has come out more and more strongly. Against the bought and paid for establishment. You know the Republican and Democrats. When you make enemies on both sides things tend to happen. I hope he keeps on telling the truth that is a commodity not easily found.

You know, I've thought about that exact same thing. I sure hope they don't pull him!! His show is the *only* show on a mainstream network that doesn't black Ron Paul out. Not only that, but he seems to be the only one with real libertarian views!

posted on Oct, 14 2011 @ 08:11 PM

Originally posted by
there's people everyday down here at occupy Atlanta who speak on Ron Paul and try to promote him among the people who haven't already chosen him as their pick. some people of course just plan on not voting.

That's good to hear!
There are some here in the Springs too, and #Occupy Colorado Springs isn't all that big yet. The majority here still seem to not really have a clue. RP supporters are out there, but more importantly the *message* should be out there. I don't see it really impacting the majority of the OWS movement just yet.

posted on Oct, 14 2011 @ 08:54 PM
One last post for a bump, then I'm done posting for a while.

I'm really surprised at the lack of response to this. Was there another thread on this that I didn't see? (I searched!) I usually have bad timing/luck when posting threads, which is why I don't post them all that often. Maybe that's it I dunno.

I just wonder, doesn't anyone want to end the corrupt federal reserve, end the wars and have no income tax? Surely, at least the no income tax would appeal to the liberal left, no??

posted on Oct, 14 2011 @ 09:09 PM
reply to post by Wookiep

I actually doubt if very many bother to watch the video. Then again I haven't heard too many of the protesters calling for any of this. I have made post similar to the fact that one would think since so many of them claim to be progressives and liberals these ideas would be on their agenda. I also mentioned end the patriot act due to violation of civil liberties. ACLU has been involved with attempting to stop the patriot act. Not a peep. If it looks like a stage movement. Sounds like a staged movement and smells like a staged movement. Then it must be a staged movement. Al Gore, Obama, Soros, and the rest of the Globalists don't want to end anything mentioned. Now whose streets, their streets apparently.

posted on Oct, 14 2011 @ 09:29 PM
reply to post by redrose123

Thanks for the post redrose12.

I actually began to suspect that this occupy thing might have been staged a litte while ago myself...

A thread by "Slayer69" really started to kick it off for me.

When real, viable solutions that could *actually* be enforced with enough support are presented to this movement and all we hear are crickets from the protesters...then we know something must be amiss.

The problem with OWS is no matter how much they claim to have a clear message, they still really don't.

We hear "Stop corporate greed!" - Great! Got any specifics, or are you saying you want to bring down ALL corporations?? Not clear enough.

We hear " Stop corporations from paying politicians to fit their political agenda!" Great!! Is that all? If so, make THAT your message, just DO_SOMETHING!

But when anyone mentions something like "End the Fed!!" It becomes - "Go away you whiny libertarian!" Wtf. This is clearly a left wing political movement, not welcoming in REAL solutions, even when it comes to ending income taxes!! It's a real shame.

edit on 14-10-2011 by Wookiep because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 14 2011 @ 09:38 PM
reply to post by Wookiep

i hear you OP this is what i have been tossing over
like when i do somthing i really like know my s***
you know ? i think what the Judge has propoused is good enough for me no income tax end the fed
wars yeah that to sounds good no if only some folks at the occupation read this
someone let them know we decided on somthing lol

posted on Oct, 14 2011 @ 09:46 PM
reply to post by Wookiep

Ah yes. I have been watching "The Judge" lately, and I haven't been disappointing with him yet. I like nearly everything he says and he makes sense here. I think it is funny, all these people wishing to make change.... But they may actually become effective if they banned together and actually fought for something, with logical proof and ideals to back them!

As for your timing... I know how you feel. S for a good post, F in an endeavor to make it seen by many more people.

posted on Oct, 14 2011 @ 09:54 PM
Well, "The Judge" is on in about 7 min so I'm gonna go watch that.
Thanks for the responses so far, I'll check back in a bit!
edit on 14-10-2011 by Wookiep because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 15 2011 @ 02:39 AM
reply to post by Wookiep

Many of them are Marxists and socialists who do want to bring down corporations, because Marxists classically hate all Capitalism. I think many of the others are misled, and/or are genuinely concerned about the state of the economy, but they have been exposed to Marxist professors in the colleges. Then there are the strays, like the WWII gentleman. A few Ron Paul people, and a whole lot of partially informed and wholly misinformed people, and students who just can't pay their loans back. A few celebrities like Sarandon and Moore sprinkled in, with a generous helping of corrupt labor unions, SEIU, Communist Party activists, La Rouche people etc. It's really a mixed bag but there is clearly a lot of anti Capitalist energy seething around.

posted on Oct, 15 2011 @ 02:00 PM
reply to post by ThirdEyeofHorus

I hear Al Sharpton has now joined the mixed bag.. That is NOT the direction OWS needs to be taking! I fear for this movement, I really genuinely do....

posted on Oct, 15 2011 @ 02:19 PM
reply to post by ThirdEyeofHorus

Obama is a Marxist, so I guess he supports OWS as well, ya think?

This movement reminds me of the Return the Republic movement, which made bold claims, supposedly made some MSM popularity for a couple of days with the letters mailed to the State Governors that got FBI attention... then *poof* gone. What is it that OWS really wants to achieve? The act of protest is great, I could hold up a sign and yell slogans, polish the dust off my shoes, blow my nose... how is that going to rectify what has been done? How is that going to initiate criminal proceedings against those corporate and government entities responsible for all of these crimes that they have committed? How is that going to set precedence to insure that none of the things being protested will ever occur again?

I feel that the vibe in the air is not as portrayed, but as perceived. If people aren't too sure what it is that they are protesting, then an education in history needs to manifest itself.

posted on Oct, 15 2011 @ 02:32 PM
I understand that you have sympathies for this guy. He's libertarian, quite intelligent, worth to hear what he has to say.

This is Fox. You know. FOXeey. Don't delude yourself that somehow he is a guy, who is pushing his own agenda, oppose producers, speaks truth, blahblahblah. Nope, he's still a speaking-tool for a lying corporation. He just represents the softer view, something for different kind of audience. You sneer on O'Reilly and like this guy? Well guess what, your neighbour does exactly opposite, and everybody keeps happy and tuned in, swallowing propaganda.

Don't eat raisins picked out from pile of dung, they will be still smeared in it.

posted on Oct, 16 2011 @ 03:59 PM

Originally posted by stainlesssteelrat
I understand that you have sympathies for this guy. He's libertarian, quite intelligent, worth to hear what he has to say.

This is Fox. You know. FOXeey. Don't delude yourself that somehow he is a guy, who is pushing his own agenda, oppose producers, speaks truth, blahblahblah. Nope, he's still a speaking-tool for a lying corporation. He just represents the softer view, something for different kind of audience. You sneer on O'Reilly and like this guy? Well guess what, your neighbour does exactly opposite, and everybody keeps happy and tuned in, swallowing propaganda.

Don't eat raisins picked out from pile of dung, they will be still smeared in it.

So then why is he inciting views that directly oppose the goals of these corporations who supposedly 'control' him? Why is he supporting a movement that directly opposes their control over the Federal Government. What could corporations possibly stand to gain by encouraging rebellion against the system that they have worked so hard to create?

Yes, the MSM is owned by the corporations. But, at the end of the day, they make money based on how many people watch their shows. The fact that this show (and Dylan Ratigan, etc.) are on the air and continue to be supported by their respective news stations would suggest that enough people actually watch these shows to warrant their existence.

It's guys like these, the 1% of reporters in the MSM who actually care about the truth, that give me hope that somehow we can change things. No need to be so negative all of the time

posted on Oct, 16 2011 @ 05:43 PM

Originally posted by CaptainIraq
So then why is he inciting views that directly oppose the goals of these corporations who supposedly 'control' him? Why is he supporting a movement that directly opposes their control over the Federal Government.

To make an illusion of lack of bias? You don't get it?

No need to be so negative all of the time

Sadly, im just being realistic. Even truth spoken out in MSM is served the way to fit their purpose.

posted on Oct, 16 2011 @ 06:17 PM
Judge Napolitano is not saying anything new. He (& Fox) are using a well understood social process of mainstream media called 'cognitive dissonance'. If Judge Napolitano truly believes what he says then he needs to take off his fancy suit and tie and walk his butt down to OWS to participate in that street level movement. However I sincerely doubt he will do anything that will jeopardize his Fox paychecks.

Notice that the Judge's propaganda is at the base level : end war, end Fed, end income taxes.

Even if he did take off his suit & tie and join OWS on the street ... well, the people down on the street probably wouldn't accept him anyway since Napolitano is part of the 'bought media'.

I would be very careful of falling in love with this former Judge, on Fox News payroll, who is spouting revolution with no solutions, with his video background of waving American flags....... this is base propaganda at it's most vile.

posted on Oct, 16 2011 @ 06:29 PM
reply to post by SayonaraJupiter

While I will say that I can't STAND fox news, and I'm surprised the show is even allowed on that channel....
Please explain to me how "End the Fed, end the wars and end the IRS" is propaganda???

edit on 16-10-2011 by Wookiep because: (no reason given)

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