posted on Oct, 14 2011 @ 04:31 AM
I have been thinking all afternoon about why Obama would pull such a poorly constructed false flag event. ( The Iran plot to blow up the Saudi
ambassader to the US.) It just seems so fake.There are so many flaws in the so called story. Used car salesmen that takes drugs and hire prossies. And
then Mr Holder. That is in so much # up to his eye balls with fast and furious. Im sure you know the rest. Im thinking this is surpose to take all
the liberals minds off the protest. I think the elittes were starting to freak about the growing anger with the fed.
So now the left can have all the spotlight in the wall street protest.
I think Obama knows what buttons to push with liberals and Reps. Republicans and neo cons will scream for war. Liberals will put alot of effort into
finding the floors and trying to bust Obama. This could be a type of cycllogical warfare with american minds. What do you think. It just seems so so
so poorly put togeather.
Heres a interveiw with Pipi Escobar on Info wars. on 18/01/11 by aarys because: (no reason given)