posted on Oct, 14 2011 @ 12:22 AM
I meditate most nights for some length before going to bed, and I wanted to see if anyone else noticed that it feels like the energy currents are much
stronger. You'll have to forgive me if I don't use the commonly chosen words as I tend to keep this more a private experience outside of any one
particular path or discipline, but I was curious if anyone else was having a similar response.
I'll share a few personal details.
Last night, specifically, while I was meditating I almost felt like a conduit between the sky and Earth. I was operating with the idea of sharing
some of my energy with the Earth, but the amount of energy returning to me seemed almost transformational in nature. I had many respiratory issues as
a child and for years thereafter including allergies and asthma, which I fortunately don't experience these days for different health and wellness
issues, but last night when I felt the energy coursing through me, my lungs actually felt rejuvenated.
I'm very spiritual in what I believe, so I was trying to open a bridge of sorts between my faith and this world, hoping to give it help. I can
sometimes be selfish, as we all are in life, but the thought I had then was very much sincere, and it felt like it opened up more of me. But I'm not
new to doing this, and while meditation has been less of an influence on me than say lucid dreaming, I just felt like there was more energy out there
to be had.
Now, I suppose I could be delusional, I could have had a breakthrough, or I'm wondering if there is something more. I can't explain why but I do
believe we're approaching some culminating event in terms of global consciousness and activity, as many here have said, and though I don't know what
to expect, I'm just trying to be there with an open mind and an open heart.
I would be curious to hear if anyone has noticed a similar resonance or if your meditation has seemed more like what you are used to experiencing.