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The Decline and Fall of the American Empire?

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posted on Oct, 12 2011 @ 06:46 PM
I put a question mark at the end of the original title because i would like peoples feedback......mind you the person that wrote this wasn't trying to predict the end of the world by any means his intentions are pure although I cannot say the same for the mainstream media that reported it. the article is thre pages and is to larget to copy and paste in one sitting but i advise that you read it and then comment upon its contents.

P.S. I apologize to the mods if this is in the incorrect topic.

A soft landing for America 40 years from now? Don't bet on it. The demise of the United States as the global superpower could come far more quickly than anyone imagines.Despite the aura of omnipotence most empires project, a look at their history should remind us that they are fragile organisms. So delicate is their ecology of power that, when things start to go truly bad, empires regularly unravel with unholy speed: just a year for Portugal, two years for the Soviet Union, eight years for France, 11 years for the Ottomans, 17 years for Great Britain, and, in all likelihood, 22 years for the United States, counting from the crucial year 2003.

Future historians are likely to identify the Bush administration's rash invasion of Iraq in that year as the start of America's downfall. But have no doubt: when Washington's global dominion finally ends, there will be painful daily reminders of what such a loss of power means for Americans in every walk of life. As a half-dozen European nations have discovered, imperial decline tends to have a remarkably demoralizing impact on a society, regularly bringing at least a generation of economic privation. As the economy cools, political temperatures rise, often sparking serious domestic unrest.

I have only put the first few sentences of the article but you must read to understand I have included the link. the timeline I am not fixed on but the events ring close to today. and it saddens me.

posted on Oct, 12 2011 @ 06:52 PM

Originally posted by MissCoyote

A soft landing for America 40 years from now?

Looks like we'll have to come up with some creative new foriegn wars to keep the machine going until the next wave of baby boomers reach their peak earning potential.

posted on Oct, 12 2011 @ 07:00 PM
reply to post by InformationAccount

those were the words of the gentleman that it was about its a very interesting article. It makes me sad to think that my own country wont stop and just take a look around. but thats a personal opinion based on the face that I make below the 20,000.00 dollar bracket. otherwise know as the scum.

posted on Oct, 12 2011 @ 07:14 PM
This concerns me:

By 2020, according to current plans, the Pentagon will throw a military Hail Mary pass for a dying empire. It will launch a lethal triple canopy of advanced aerospace robotics that represents Washington's last best hope of retaining global power despite its waning economic influence. By that year, however, China's global network of communications satellites, backed by the world's most powerful supercomputers, will also be fully operational, providing Beijing with an independent platform for the weaponization of space and a powerful communications system for missile- or cyber-strikes into every quadrant of the globe.

posted on Oct, 12 2011 @ 07:21 PM

Originally posted by CynicalDrivel
This concerns me:

By 2020, according to current plans, the Pentagon will throw a military Hail Mary pass for a dying empire. It will launch a lethal triple canopy of advanced aerospace robotics that represents Washington's last best hope of retaining global power despite its waning economic influence. By that year, however, China's global network of communications satellites, backed by the world's most powerful supercomputers, will also be fully operational, providing Beijing with an independent platform for the weaponization of space and a powerful communications system for missile- or cyber-strikes into every quadrant of the globe.

Ok world pick your master.

The US gives you military bases, gives your governments money, we support paganism and tolerate religion.

Or Chinese SkyNet

Your Chinese masters will likely not be so kind.
edit on 12-10-2011 by InformationAccount because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 12 2011 @ 08:11 PM
Won't be certain about the decline and fall of the American Empire until they are in irreversible economic decline and have to use foreign mercenaries to form the backbone of their military with ridiculous corruption and frequent coups like the Roman Empire around 300 AD.
edit on 12-10-2011 by Somehumanbeing because: (no reason given)

edit on 12-10-2011 by Somehumanbeing because: in irreversible

posted on Oct, 12 2011 @ 09:57 PM

Originally posted by Somehumanbeing

Won't be certain about the decline and fall of the American Empire until they ... use foreign mercenaries to form the backbone of their military with ridiculous corruption and frequent coups like the Roman Empire around 300 AD.

The use of foriegn mercenaries would indeed be the precursor I believe

posted on Oct, 12 2011 @ 10:03 PM
The decline of the American Empire will come way before 2040, only difference is that the USA won't be the only country crumbling (we are a global economy after all). All industrialized nations that have high energy demands will fall as well. That's not even mentioning the issues we face with environmental destruction and global warming (man made or not, nature doesn't care). I truly believe that in 20 years time the global face will have a facelift.

posted on Oct, 12 2011 @ 10:54 PM
reply to post by MissCoyote

He sounds to me like a fear monger.

If he's so intelligent, why can't he come up with solutions? Since when is it the job of the intelligentsia to tell us that we're all going to die? I thought that's what Bible-pounding preachers were for!

Political analysis by public regime is old hat.

The Roman Empire lasted for about 500 years until 476Ad in Western Europe, but the Vatican has survived to this day.

The British Empire also lasted for about 500 years if you include all its phases, but the City of London and the Monarchy survives to this day.

The US started fighting Spain over territories in the Atlantic and the Pacific around 1900. What fueled the flames of war way back then? Newspapers spreading dubious stories about Spanish human rights violations in Cuba and elsewhere!

Is this beginning to sound familiar?

And though two towering symbols of US economic and corporate power were somehow turned to dust in 2001, the Pentagon survived a "plane" crashing into it, and continues to spend money on war and weapon systems without bothering to keep proper books.

The RIng of Power analysis.

This political analysis, presented by a Canadian researcher and political activist who goes by the pseudonym of Grace Powers, paints a somewhat different picture of events compared to our historian from Milwaukee.

According to this analysis, the elites at the top of the planetary pyramid of power originated in Egypt but were actually Hebrews. One of their tribes, the house of Dan, went North when things got too rough in Palestine and became the Vikings. They took over control of Northern Europe and eventually set up headquarters in London. Another branch had already successfully taken over the Vatican. Later, international bankers from Germany joined them as their financial advisers. And when the various American colonies started to "revolt," control lines were maintained through the Vatican in most of South and Central America, and through the banks in North America.

Apparently, they are still working on Asia.

Each area that serves the Monarchy had to be supported until it was strong enough to do its job, then morally weakened so that it could not threaten the Monarchy.

The role of the US in this secret game is to supply arms to the supporters of this plan, and to punish non-supporters with various military "police" actions, under cover of protecting human rights.

The Monarchy has achieved many of its goals, but not without encountering resistance. According to some, its current problem is that a part of the US military was not willing to go along with the general plan. It has revolted and is trying to shut down that plan in the US.

The Monarchy had a similar problem in Europe in the late 1700's. That resistance to their plan also survives. And it is not clear that Russia or China are interested in this plan succeeding, either.

So the fear mongers may have it wrong. It is the British-centered takeover plan that may actually be in trouble. And though the concept of a US "empire" may also be cast off, a saner plan for coexistence may emerge.

There is no reason to conclude that the human race is hopeless. The US was given too much power in order to build her up militarily. That will have to be re-balanced. But all is not necessarily lost. A few history professors may need to take up farming in order to survive. But I don't think that will be any great loss, do you?

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