posted on Oct, 12 2011 @ 04:57 PM
I just got through doing a how to on freezing bell peppers, because it's time to get them now:
We've got the roof up on our greenhouse as of today. Stupid decking nails are 17.00 a box and we are out so the rest of it will have to wait for a
few days.
I've been converting 2 liter bottles into self watering planters. Hope to find some plastic totes that I can convert into earth boxes, and we're
building some solar heaters for the greenhouse. Our back porch is also converted into a green house.I've always gardened in the spring/summer but
I've never tried to do it year round before this year.
There's a good facebook group if anyone's interested - it's called self sufficient skills.
We've been stockpiling and putting back for a few years now - and I'm glad b/c when my hubby lost his job, we'd have never made it otherwise. My
husband always thought that something would happen and the SHTF and we'd need it, but I was always looking at the frog in the pot scenerio myself.
Well, the pot's plenty hot, and there's no place cool to land when you try to jump. We're going to try to keep jumping as long as we can.
Had a friend say a gallon of milk was 4.59 this week up up north. GEEZ
Don't know about you guys but for the last 4 years income has only went down, down, DOWN. It's about as low as it CAN go now. Water is HOT.