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Predictiions shemictions! aka Why I don't follow them.

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posted on Oct, 12 2011 @ 06:24 AM
A prediction, the belief you can without prior knowledge or technical skill, believe you know what will happen in the future.

So, here we are with SOME believing they can foresee the future due to some somewhat magical ability, please don't take that as a slight, its just there's no real scientific factual knowledge as to why people should believe they have this power. Of course there's the experimental science that says that maybe some can sense other dimensions that are a parallel or alternate of ours but this is just theoretical mumbo jumbo so to speak.

I look at these predictions and ALWAYS see the same issue, continuity & quality, two things that I've yet to see performed, I've seen people use what is called a prediction which in actual fact is a scientific logical continuance, ie they have some or a lot of knowledge of a subject and say predict an earthquake, yet all they have done is read the scientific signs, use their experience and call it a prediction, I disagree with the term prediction there as they DO have technical skill, its a genuine likelihood.

Now some (and please don't) would bombard the thread with Nostradamus predictions that they claim have came true but what percentage of these predictions are purely scholars interpretations of rather loose wording used by some to 'fit' happenings in history. Of course luck will play a part in any prediction, I may predict a mountain climber will fall off the top of the mountain, yet in truth I can't even be sure he or she will even make it to the top but for every X that do there will be a fatality.

For me the only way I'll take any of this seriously is that if a free member of here that likes to predict actually gives sustainable accurate results over a period of time, this has YET to be seen and this brings me to the whole point of the post.

Its NOT to have a sly go at those who claim to make predictions, time with either slander or vindicate them naturally, its about getting those with rather too open minds to reign in the amount of trust they put in these problematic claims. Please don't control your life around these people, unless someone can release proven data of the ability as opposed to a wild guess then take it like all life's challenges and choices.

Does it have real proof...NO

Is it affecting your life as it stands any more than it did BEFORE you heard the claim...NO

Should you let it affect how you perform until an accurate date is given...NO

Has any totally scientific proof been shown in the prediction, did it sound an exact defined, timed event or a
mere guess based on just that..NO to the first, YES to the second part.

Should you lead you life based upon others 'guesses'...NO, NOT EVER.

Until someone says that on X day at X time you will be standing at X place and X will happen then take all with a pinch of salt, if however you feel this prediction may have some substance then wait till that day and see how it plays out from the start, if it soon becomes clear that its a load of rot ie you will be 50 miles away at that time then use that wonderful wake up call to disregard any future from that person and maybe think even more carefully about ANY prediction based on no knowledge.

Life, as far as we know it ISN'T predefined, anything can happen from day to day, things can be affected by your choices as well as a million other people making things that will affect you in some way and change in a second, to claim you can predict from that scenario takes some real balls as opposed to the rather one sided lottery the prediction maker is using.

Rule YOUR life, don't depend on fantasy...

posted on Oct, 12 2011 @ 06:59 AM
You couldn't be more wrong friend... I have the gift/curse of precog. It is real. Read my introduction to ATS if you care too. I feel sorry for people like you who can't understand or dont want to believe that "supernatural" elements exist in this world. If science makes you feel warm and fuzzy and justified in your opinion then good for you. And I wont be putting on any freek show for anybody.

posted on Oct, 12 2011 @ 07:15 AM
You really felt the need to start an entire thread to say what has been said here 1000 times? So you don't believe prophecies, then why are you cruising and posting on the predictions and prophesies board?

posted on Oct, 12 2011 @ 07:15 AM
The problem for you is, as I see it, is that you question the future without proper respect for the past. In every ancient mysticism or belief, you may find that past and future are expressed by the same word or symbol. We are indeed limited by our language.

posted on Oct, 12 2011 @ 07:22 AM
reply to post by constantwonder

I also wonder the same thing... maybe they like seeing their name in lights?

posted on Oct, 12 2011 @ 07:26 AM
reply to post by Mclaneinc

i generally agree...

we , some more than others... connect dots, see patterns in the timeline of the world... these should be more often termed Trends rather than be classified as predictions or prophecie...

year before Jurassic Park i was telling a similar fictional/futuristic story to friends and aquaintances who stopped by my Murrells Inlet home.

i also told friends two year prior to it... that a visible Super Nova would be seen in the Southern Hemisphere in the constellation Triangulinium (i was incorrect with the constellation however)

911, Jurassic Park, (the contaminated meat supplies, MadCow disease & prions. and the flooding of the East Coast from global warming were elements which led scientists to the need to clone fresh dinosaur meat within the primal wetlands of south NewJersey (dinosaurs cloned from blood samples of Amber encased mosquitoes... this was story was pre 1977) ...the Super Nova in the southern hemisphere were all creations of a active mind & not blossomed from some etheric source.

posted on Oct, 12 2011 @ 07:32 AM
James Randi's million dollars is still safe after more than a decade (1996).

The Paranormal Challenge

In 1968, James Randi was working on a radio program with his friend and parapsychologist Stanley Crypter. During one of the programs, a caller challenged him to "put his money where his mouth is", and Randi offered $100 of his own money to the first person who could provide objective proof of the paranormal. Eventually[when?] this grew to $1,000 and then $10,000. Later, Lexington Broadcasting wanted Randi to do a show called the $100,000 Psychic Prize, so they added $90,000 to the original $10,000 raised by Randi. Finally, in 1996, one of his friends, Internet pioneer Rick Adams donated US $1,000,000 for the prize.[13] As the prize fund grew, the rules that surround claiming the prize became more official and legal.[14] So far, about a thousand people have taken the challenge, and none have been successful.[15]


People are full of guff!


posted on Oct, 12 2011 @ 08:07 AM

Originally posted by PrecogPsychicSensitive
You couldn't be more wrong friend... I have the gift/curse of precog. It is real. Read my introduction to ATS if you care too. I feel sorry for people like you who can't understand or dont want to believe that "supernatural" elements exist in this world. If science makes you feel warm and fuzzy and justified in your opinion then good for you. And I wont be putting on any freek show for anybody.

And there lies the route cause...I have a power but I won't prove it...

Sorry I had to come back to this because it bugged me.....

So to follow suit I can happily say I have the power to cure cancer by a thought process.

But then say I refuse to be a freak show....

The point being that you claim to have an ability that if true COULD help people via prediction BUT you won't use it.

And what does that say about it...

I think the problem here is that I've stepped into the clique of the power holders and said to those that sit hopping for some sort of mystic help from clique, "no, don't bother, run you own lives" and this has offended the people who claim to have 'abilities' or believe in them.

Sorry, but the point of this was for those looking for help and not those apparently monopolising the abilities (if you go for that). I don't seek to pour water on your beliefs, you do that by hiding this so called ability, I just seek to help those that are at risk by saying that they must look at all possibilities and be guided by themselves.
edit on 12-10-2011 by Mclaneinc because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 12 2011 @ 08:14 AM

Originally posted by constantwonder
You really felt the need to start an entire thread to say what has been said here 1000 times? So you don't believe prophecies, then why are you cruising and posting on the predictions and prophesies board?

As I don't peruse this forum much I can't say I've noticed the many similar posts, maybe I should have used my sixth sense or such.

But as I do read the headlines on the main page and I see numerous 'predictions' I thought I'd put my thoughtful 2p in to an OPEN forum. Sorry, because its a predictions forum it does not mean that it's only for those of that mind, its open for those that see a negative use of these predictions and how thoughtless stupid individuals will prey on these poor 'believers' and in some cases ruin their lives.

I'm that means I'm disturbing the fluent thought patterns of those that claim to predict then I do so with a happy mind as not one who claims will put their foot forward and take the test but there are those that bash on about stuff knowing slightly weaker minds will listen and alter their lives, not always for the good.

Sorry if that disturbs in here but there's two sides to each and no trick decks...

posted on Oct, 12 2011 @ 08:19 AM

Originally posted by AnimositisominA
The problem for you is, as I see it, is that you question the future without proper respect for the past. In every ancient mysticism or belief, you may find that past and future are expressed by the same word or symbol. We are indeed limited by our language.

And by the same course of events, many ancients also used mind altering drugs as many tribes still do to communicate with spirits who will predict things for them, should these be classed as valid predictions or stoned predictions.

I apologise if that comes across as a bit of a slight but I was taught to focus on fact and logic, to seek answers that can be proved and replicated to allow for a firm understanding, with predictions and numerous other 'powers' there are still those that use it to ruin or obtain form those with a weaker mind.

Which was the point of the thread as opposed to trying to prove it or not...

posted on Oct, 12 2011 @ 08:22 AM
reply to post by InfaRedMan

Yes, I'm well up on the Randi test and as it still stands I have to wonder WHY no one has if powered taken this test just as proof.

But, the same people will tell everyone its a fact...

As often seen in the UFO threads, pictures or it didn't happen (not literally)

And I'm a UFO believer so please don't others class me as a stubborn cynic!

posted on Oct, 12 2011 @ 08:39 AM

Originally posted by PrecogPsychicSensitive
reply to post by constantwonder

I also wonder the same thing... maybe they like seeing their name in lights?

Bit ironic coming from someone with the username "PrecogPsychicSensitive"......Wasn't blagblah99 available?

And please, I'm a singular and not a different race...Unless you believe you are?
edit on 12-10-2011 by Mclaneinc because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 12 2011 @ 11:37 AM
There's no need to come to one of the forums with the expressed purpose of trolling, which you admit to when all your posts are taken as one. You happen to be a person that fails to see coincidences in their lives. We all have the power to predict the future, whether it is psychic in nature or an ability to subconsciously gather cues and predict an outcome. Some people take advantage of this and others don't.

I personally have had prophetic dreams, usually a week before the event happens. Are they verifiable? Not to anyone but myself. Would I tack a specific time to any of my prophetic dreams? No, but I know how to use, or pay attention, to my dreams I take as prophetic.

Stop worrying about other people. Start paying attention to your innate abilities.

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