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A theory I have been working on in my head.

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posted on Oct, 11 2011 @ 02:21 PM
"Those who are able to see beyond the shadows and the lies of their culture - will never be understood, let alone believed, by the masses." - Plato

Please have patience with my grammar since English is not my native language.

I have been researching every (almost) branch of this conspiracy world for 11 years now. I have been down the rabbit-hole further down than most people dare to go. I have read allot of books in my days, ranging from religion to regular books. Mostly i have been fascinated by philosophy and the way people perceive reality.

What i have found in my search for "the truth" is that almost 85% of the people doing the research never check any of the sources provided. They take what they want from the information provided and then add it up to their own conclusion. And if some information comes from a 2012 video and the other half from a reptilian video don't matter. The thing is that you cant take some bits from different theories and make your own theory and then call it truth. If it makes you feel good then be my guest, i will not intrude your free will.

People are really bad at leading them-self's, they rather follow someone and don't do any real work or research. As Albert Pike said: We always give the people their heroes.
And that quote pretty much sums up the whole "dis-information" that is going on. they don't want us to think rationally about the issues we are facing. And they have a huge percent of the world so controlled that they don't even are aware of the conspiracy. The ones that are aware need to "choose" what theory to believe in.
So we can conclude that they have done a good job since even in the "truth" movement people are still fighting over who's right. The smoke-screen is so thick that only some of us dare to go further. And when they see which one of the heroes is getting the most attention they put up new people to make that hero look like a fraud. So whoever wins, they win.

The problem i see is that people have been so caught up in the whole conspiracy-theories that they have forgotten the real problems. The bottom of the food-chain is dying. That means that our Eco-system is dying. (Why is not important at the moment.) And if they are slowly dying, so are we. Could it be that we are slowly killing ourselves? Of-course we are, and you already know it.

Mind-control is what we need to look at, because i strongly believe that most of the conspiracy's involving aliens and what not is MK ultra programs. If we take that as a fact just for the sake of argument where do we land in this whole conspiracy then? Why would they do that? Why do they want us to be looking at conspiracy's that are so big that they make our heads boggle? I can only tell you my theory, you have to make up your own mind.

My theory is that aliens are real, but they follow the rule of no intervention. And that somewhere along the line some governments have come across crashed disks and back-engineered some of the technology found on those crafts. Hence we have a huge leap in technology in the last 60-50 years. But they have built a whole system based on infinite growth, so something that give us free energy goes in a box and will never come out. Only stuff they can profit from will come out. And when they realized that we will hit peak oil they came up with the conspiracy theories as a tool of getting peoples attention away from it.
And if you research peak oil, then you know we are hitting it right now. And there is nothing that can get us out of it, except the technologies they have withheld from us. The problem however is that if they release it, you can kiss religion goodbye since it would prove ET to be true, hence the 12 000 year theory is kinda out the window.

So my theory is that the conspiracy is that we are hitting peak oil and civilization is going down the drain at the moment and they don't want us to look at the real problems (that they are stealing everything we own and probably are trying to kill us off slowly but surely).


PS. this is NOT my final theory about the world since i cant see into the future. I just wanted to see what other people think about this. We might evolve into 5d 2012 as some people have said.

posted on Oct, 11 2011 @ 02:32 PM
That will be the coming great deception talked about in the Bible for the end times. Read Revelation, it talks about, famine, war, death, a great deception by the devil to bring in a one world government, one world religion, one world monetary system. The devil is going to use this alien deception to bring in the one world government that will fool people into taking a mark in their right hand or forehead, the Bible says if you take this mark you will go to hell because you will be aligning yourself with the devil/antichrist.

We must be getting close to this deception because more and more people are talking about this and having dreams about this. Don't fall for their coming lies. They will show you miracles. Jesus is the Savior and they will do all they can to keep you from this truth and being saved. They will even take your life. Satan wants your soul to be lost...don't fall for it.

posted on Oct, 11 2011 @ 02:54 PM
reply to post by FejkNick

A well put together thread with some excellent observations and thoughts.

I agree that many people do not necessarily research what people claim and that is a very important point. Just like we should not accept what the MSM tell us at face value, we should also not be so easy to believe things that we come across on sites such as this one or other alternative view sites without further research.

As for the Peak Oil claim, I am not so sure. I appreciate that there is not an infinite amount of Oil, but in all honestly the amounts they have estimated that are left, are just that, estimates. I have looked at what the experts have said, but then I have also listened to what Ian R Crane has to say. Ian R Crane actually worked in the Oil Industry and he decided to speak out when he realised the Oil Companies were fudging the numbers. The reasons for doing such a thing are self evident. The coast of Oil is at an all time high and Natural Gas prices, well they are astronomical.

Are they trying to kill us off? I would think so. All the rhetoric from TPTB is around sustainability, sustaining a balance of the number of people currently on the Planet to the resources available. Yet you only have to see the food waste in the Western World to realise that this has to be BS. Maybe they are gearing us up for a World famine or at least to make educated people think about reproduction. Yet the elites always seem to have at least three or four children.

I personally think WWIII is around the corner. I hope I am wrong, but the way things are going in the ME, it seems like it is getting closer every day.

posted on Oct, 11 2011 @ 03:01 PM
So due to events on Earth, you doubt the possibility of events on other planets, such as the development of organisms? I don't see how they are related.

People can say anything they want about aliens and it has no effect on if aliens exist or not, that is a separate reality that is independent of our opinions.

I do agree that there are countless conspiracies that turn out to be true, like MK Ultra, but I would have to say that the majority of all propaganda put out gives the average population two impressions about aliens. That they can't possibly exist, and if they do, they want to harm or use humans in a negative manner, etc.

If they really wanted us to believe in aliens, I would have expected at least one decent disclosure of something in the last 60 years. Instead, they cover it up and deny it endlessly. They still deny it to this day...

I have never seen any proof that aliens exist, but I have seen UFOs of varying sorts which were inexplicable in context of known technology/astronomy. So I know as a fact something is up and that we are being lied to about this advanced spaceship technology in the least. I never saw who piloted them so that's up in the air for me still.

Also, since we are actually technically destroying our ecosystems here on Earth and potentially recreating a mass extinction event, it would be understandable why aliens (if they exist) would come and investigate us and why we are doing what we are doing. It would be fascinating scientifically speaking.

Plus, how could anyone honestly say with certainty that there couldn't be life anywhere else in the universe? Have you ever actually gone outside and looked up at night? The odds of another star system producing life is astronomical and very difficult to make any type of rational argument against.

If you think they are aliens here to deceive us, than let me ask you this. Why would God fake all of the stars and fake the speed of light (which is measurable to an extent)? Did God actually create a fake universe to mislead all astronomers into the false conclusion that the universe is vast and old? Doesn't this action put God on par with Satan the deceiver ? This is a serious contradiction.

Careful consideration of the information available should indicate that the truth of the matter goes far deeper beyond our assumptions and interpolations.

Think about it, if "aliens" are "demons", that means they are angels...fallen angels. That means that good angels would also appear as if they were aliens as well. (And the bible does indicate that good angels appear to some people sometimes).

There really isn't even a discernible difference between aliens and angels/demons in the first place either.

I will quote myself from another ATS thread:

Originally posted by muzzleflash
Is there any physical difference between aliens and demons/angels? I haven't found a good one yet.

Both aliens and demons/angels can walk through walls.
They come from the sky.
They can go invisible.
They can talk telepathically.
They spy on us.
They have agendas and plans.
We can split them up from good to evil.

The list goes on.

How do we differentiate between aliens and angels/demons?

Some people say aliens are actually demons/angels.
Some people say demons/angels are actually aliens.

Does it make any difference?
It looks the same to me.

So call them whatever you want. The odds are that they exist, and due to our deep history of reports of these things existing in all cultures worldwide, they probably have been visiting Earth quite regularly.

Also, I try not to "believe" theories. I entertain them, consider them, and ponder them.
I like to "know" things. I like to see it with my own eyeballs so that I know it without any doubts.

Always question everything, even yourself. Question my questions.
If you discover anything, even philosophically, please share it. I am always happy to learn new things, update my database, and have my mind blown.

posted on Oct, 11 2011 @ 03:20 PM

Originally posted by kwell
That will be the coming great deception talked about in the Bible for the end times. Read Revelation, it talks about, famine, war, death, a great deception by the devil to bring in a one world government, one world religion, one world monetary system. The devil is going to use this alien deception to bring in the one world government that will fool people into taking a mark in their right hand or forehead, the Bible says if you take this mark you will go to hell because you will be aligning yourself with the devil/antichrist.

We must be getting close to this deception because more and more people are talking about this and having dreams about this. Don't fall for their coming lies. They will show you miracles. Jesus is the Savior and they will do all they can to keep you from this truth and being saved. They will even take your life. Satan wants your soul to be lost...don't fall for it.

Satan could be an alien "pirate" leader of sorts, there's no way to know either way.

The one world government already exists in a few ways as well. And has for quite some time. It is still developing and culminating however, I will concede.

Also about the RFID chip implants, you should reject it even if you are atheist because it has been proven in lab studies to cause cancerous tumor growth in the tissue around where it was implanted. This is pretty straight-forward common sense. It's dangerous technology and primitive at best, too many drawbacks.

Such a far-reaching technology is also completely anti-freedom in many aspects as well. Even more reasons to reject it entirely.

My general approach is that I search my heart for the Truth. And it appears to me that the Truth is much more sophisticated and complex than we initially anticipate. There is so much more to this story that we haven't even dreamed of yet, so I like to remain open minded and try to think outside the box.

Why should I worry about the "coming future lies" when I am already swimming in a bottomless ocean of them?

As a general rule of thumb, it is perhaps the best strategy to just remain as an independent thinker, oppose authority, avoid conformism, and try to help other humans find a better world without trying to control them. This form of strategy will give an edge against most forms of manipulation and deception and keep you a few steps ahead of the game.

edit on 11-10-2011 by muzzleflash because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 11 2011 @ 03:27 PM

Originally posted by FejkNick
The thing is that you cant take some bits from different theories and make your own theory and then call it truth. If it makes you feel good then be my guest, i will not intrude your free will.

Ummm... that's exactly what conspiracy theorists do. And that's exactly what you did in the remainder of your post (except calling it "truth")

posted on Oct, 11 2011 @ 03:31 PM
I agree with you description on what is true to you and what i call how you choose you reality. Your reality is not fixed but is evolving as you get experiance/information. You can change yourself and your values so the fit the person you want to be and then follow them. There are about 7 billion people around this planet that all have different realities/faith. It's smallminded to belive 2 people don't belive differently in the same religon. There is always a little differnce. You are unique.

I guess there are aliens. Some religon might fail if that comes out but the thruth that there is something than we have understood yeet won't. Now im gonna be the crazy person and tell you my story:

I have went thru a depression and I even felt that earth was hell. I was always a seeker but had a big problem with Christianity. Still do have a problem with ego Christianity that don't understand that their thruth is not the only thruth. So a crazy person came up to me and told me he was god and that mana would flow from heaven on me. The crazy person was there in flesh like everybody else and had a son that was really tired of his dads rantings. I did not belive the crazy person. I had problem sleeping and was thinking a lot. 4 days later I read a New age book and had a moment where all thoughts speed up and clicked into a pattern that made sense. I heard 3 knocks in my head and after that I was different. I started feeling something touching my head when I thought nice thoughts. After a while I studied the net about chakras and there are these meditation videos on youtube that work for me. I feel a lot of energy flowing thru my body that makes me calm/harmonious/loving. I can still be upset and angry but mostly im a happy smiling person who have never felt better in my life. I can not prove that mana from heaven or chakra exist for other people, but it's hard for me to ignore it since I feel the energy all the time. It's like you have increased sense of touch. It is not all fun sometimes it goes to the nose and then it's like an pinch and it is annoying
. I have awoken and I get that what I choose to be my reality (my collection of experiance/beliefs) will in fact be false when I get to know the thruth. Who cares it's ok to not know the thruth and be the best you that you can be. Im extreamly happy to be me and I would not give up being me for all the things in the world. Namaste and forgive my ranting

posted on Oct, 11 2011 @ 03:37 PM
reply to post by muzzleflash

Satan is a fallen angel. The Bible tells us exactly how this is going to play out, it is no mystery. The only one that can save you from this and reunite you with God is Jesus Christ. He lived a sinless life and died for us so we could have our sins washed away and be with God. God is the source of life and without Him there is only darkness.

John 14:6 Jesus said unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man comes unto the Father, but by me.

posted on Oct, 11 2011 @ 03:41 PM

Originally posted by kwell
reply to post by muzzleflash

Satan is a fallen angel. The Bible tells us exactly how this is going to play out, it is no mystery. The only one that can save you from this and reunite you with God is Jesus Christ. He lived a sinless life and died for us so we could have our sins washed away and be with God. God is the source of life and without Him there is only darkness.

John 14:6 Jesus said unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man comes unto the Father, but by me.

What if Satan was able to deceive people really good?
What if he re-wrote parts of the Bible and erased a few parts?

Like for example, what if he came up with a clever plan to turn Jesus into a Idol worshiped as equal to God himself?

How do you know for sure that this couldn't be the case?

People make statues of Jesus and pray at them all the time, just like they did with the golden calf as Moses came down with the 10 commandments. Which clearly say not to make any 'graven images'.

There is a potential there has been foul play here and that the deception goes far deeper than most ever imagined.

posted on Oct, 11 2011 @ 03:47 PM

Originally posted by muzzleflash

Originally posted by kwell
reply to post by muzzleflash

Satan is a fallen angel. The Bible tells us exactly how this is going to play out, it is no mystery. The only one that can save you from this and reunite you with God is Jesus Christ. He lived a sinless life and died for us so we could have our sins washed away and be with God. God is the source of life and without Him there is only darkness.

John 14:6 Jesus said unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man comes unto the Father, but by me.

What if Satan was able to deceive people really good?
What if he re-wrote parts of the Bible and erased a few parts?

Like for example, what if he came up with a clever plan to turn Jesus into a Idol worshiped as equal to God himself?

How do you know for sure that this couldn't be the case?

People make statues of Jesus and pray at them all the time, just like they did with the golden calf as Moses came down with the 10 commandments. Which clearly say not to make any 'graven images'.

There is a potential there has been foul play here and that the deception goes far deeper than most ever imagined.

Yes people still make statues and bow to them...that is idol worship. Do I do that? Never.

Jesus told us: Matthew 24:35 Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away.

posted on Oct, 11 2011 @ 03:49 PM

Originally posted by kwell
That will be the coming great deception talked about in the Bible for the end times. Read Revelation, it talks about, famine, war, death, a great deception by the devil to bring in a one world government, one world religion, one world monetary system. The devil is going to use this alien deception to bring in the one world government that will fool people into taking a mark in their right hand or forehead, the Bible says if you take this mark you will go to hell because you will be aligning yourself with the devil/antichrist.

We must be getting close to this deception because more and more people are talking about this and having dreams about this. Don't fall for their coming lies. They will show you miracles. Jesus is the Savior and they will do all they can to keep you from this truth and being saved. They will even take your life. Satan wants your soul to be lost...don't fall for it.

The problem i have with the traditional religions (I did read the Bible, the Qur'an and the Talmud) is that the God portrait in those books will let every child in the third world go to hell because they were born in the wrong part of the world. I cant side with a God that would do that. I rather go to hell with those children.

Originally posted by traditionaldrummer

Originally posted by FejkNick
The thing is that you cant take some bits from different theories and make your own theory and then call it truth. If it makes you feel good then be my guest, i will not intrude your free will.

Ummm... that's exactly what conspiracy theorists do. And that's exactly what you did in the remainder of your post (except calling it "truth")

Yes i did, but what i said was that you cant call it truth after doing it. And as you stated, i did not call it truth.

As far as WW3 goes.... Yeah, i think we are really close to that happening, and the scary thing is that people still would pick up their weapons and kill other people. Somewhere along the line we lost our humanity.

Is anybody in here ready to actually try to make a real change? Because i might have an idea on how we can organize a real change-movement. Not the OWS or anonymous stuff. I mean a real truth-movement.
Because in the last couple of years i have awoken and actually UNDERSTOOD that whatever conspiracy you are choosing to believe in, they all end with us getting killed. So we are fighting for our lives, not our money or freedom.

posted on Oct, 11 2011 @ 03:55 PM

Originally posted by FejkNick
"Those who are able to see beyond the shadows and the lies of their culture - will never be understood, let alone believed, by the masses." - Plato

I'm not religious and really don't trust anything in the political arena. Suspect the tptb understand peoples mental and environmental conditioning extremely well, how people will react... and they'll relentlessly shape our future with lies and experimental psychology or whatever..

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible, will make violent revolution inevitable.”
I see us in shackles in the near future if we don't get organized

with balance in mind, I think to some extent one needs a unrestricted imagination.... Daydream and research some and you'll eventually come across something in your mental terrain that could be substantial in "their" master plan.

if feel its all indirect, indiscreet, inconsistent and incomplete

edit on 11-10-2011 by WaffleBear because: (no reason given)

edit on 11-10-2011 by WaffleBear because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 11 2011 @ 04:11 PM
reply to post by FejkNick

I think you fail to see who God is...He is the perfect judge. The only way to heaven is through Jesus Christ. The Bible talks about the white throne judgments after the 1,000 year reign. If you notice it says that He judged them and those that were not found written in the book of life were the ones that were lost. He didn't say they all were lost. It says He judges them and He is a righteous judge. The Bible also tells us the truth is written on everyones heart. If you continue to decline the free gift of eternal life through God's son Jesus Christ you are in danger.

posted on Oct, 11 2011 @ 04:18 PM

Originally posted by kwell
reply to post by FejkNick

I think you fail to see who God is...He is the perfect judge. The only way to heaven is through Jesus Christ. The Bible talks about the white throne judgments after the 1,000 year reign. If you notice it says that He judged them and those that were not found written in the book of life were the ones that were lost. He didn't say they all were lost. It says He judges them and He is a righteous judge. The Bible also tells us the truth is written on everyones heart. If you continue to decline the free gift of eternal life through God's son Jesus Christ you are in danger.

What about the religions that precede the bible?
And what version of Christianity are you following?
Are you scared of hell?
Is that why you stick to your faith so hard?
Or do you feel in your heart that Jesus is the only way?

And believe me, if your religion is the "right" one, I am already bound to go to hell since I have "sinned".

posted on Oct, 11 2011 @ 04:36 PM

Originally posted by FejkNick

Originally posted by kwell
reply to post by FejkNick

I think you fail to see who God is...He is the perfect judge. The only way to heaven is through Jesus Christ. The Bible talks about the white throne judgments after the 1,000 year reign. If you notice it says that He judged them and those that were not found written in the book of life were the ones that were lost. He didn't say they all were lost. It says He judges them and He is a righteous judge. The Bible also tells us the truth is written on everyones heart. If you continue to decline the free gift of eternal life through God's son Jesus Christ you are in danger.

What about the religions that precede the bible?
And what version of Christianity are you following?
Are you scared of hell?
Is that why you stick to your faith so hard?
Or do you feel in your heart that Jesus is the only way?

And believe me, if your religion is the "right" one, I am already bound to go to hell since I have "sinned".

The Bible tells us all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God...that is why we need Jesus sacrifice. I am not any version of Christianity I believe God's word the Bible. Am I scared of hell, yes who wouldn't be. God is love but He is also a God of laws. It says the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. You ask if that is why I stick to my faith...I hope you can experience God's love like I have. I hope you can see His hand in your life leading you through. He is there, you just aren't paying attention. I love God. Jesus is the only way because God's holy word says so.

Romans 3:22 Even the righteousness of God which is by faith in Jesus Christ unto all and upon all them that believe: for there is no difference:

23For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;

24Being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus:

posted on Oct, 11 2011 @ 04:40 PM
Op, i do not think you and i understood Plato's parable the same it states,""Those who are able to see beyond the shadows and the lies of their culture - will never be understood, let alone believed, by the masses."

So lets break this down shall we?

This section to me clarifies that individuals who see beyond the scope of there intermediate surroundings will never be understood as they "get it" and the others prefer to stay in the cave if you will, as being outside the social norm is not a thing the "citizens" at the time tended to do.

Section 2)
I beleive this to mean by plato in relevance to his "cave" synopsis, which he states once ouside the cave of illusions and told the truth, the individual does not want to go back into the cave due to telling the other cave dwellers and dying.

So my gist, is plato so many centuries ago had it right, by acknowledging that even if one figures out the truth, it could provoc animosity within the micro family, or discontent among the aggregate whole.

But, your synopsis of Platos cave theory is exactly opposite. So i ask you did you really take the time in your 11 years to understand exactly what Plato was talking about?

As well did you go into platos blue-red scenario in which humans used to be one sex and sold themselves out for knowledge thus, seperating our sexes?

I digress, just curious as Plato for me was the very first Aristocrat that had the kooth to share to non-citizens the very truth of the human existence

posted on Oct, 12 2011 @ 02:13 AM

Originally posted by allprowolfy
Op, i do not think you and i understood Plato's parable the same it states,""Those who are able to see beyond the shadows and the lies of their culture - will never be understood, let alone believed, by the masses."

So lets break this down shall we?

This section to me clarifies that individuals who see beyond the scope of there intermediate surroundings will never be understood as they "get it" and the others prefer to stay in the cave if you will, as being outside the social norm is not a thing the "citizens" at the time tended to do.

Section 2)
I beleive this to mean by plato in relevance to his "cave" synopsis, which he states once ouside the cave of illusions and told the truth, the individual does not want to go back into the cave due to telling the other cave dwellers and dying.

So my gist, is plato so many centuries ago had it right, by acknowledging that even if one figures out the truth, it could provoc animosity within the micro family, or discontent among the aggregate whole.

But, your synopsis of Platos cave theory is exactly opposite. So i ask you did you really take the time in your 11 years to understand exactly what Plato was talking about?

As well did you go into platos blue-red scenario in which humans used to be one sex and sold themselves out for knowledge thus, seperating our sexes?

I digress, just curious as Plato for me was the very first Aristocrat that had the kooth to share to non-citizens the very truth of the human existence

I have been reading philosophy longer than i have been researching this conspiracy world. Just to clarify.

As far as the quote goes, you can always try to understand what he said, but we cant ask him what he meant.
I don't claim to understand what he meant, i just used the quote in the beginning for what it stated. And it is a powerful statement.

And Plato's biggest problem with the world was that what Socrates left him. What is virtue? And how should we define it in a "state" where power comes into the picture. As you stated I also believe that he had it right all those years ago. But he lived in a whole different world.

And about the cave scenario: Without any way to tell when one is seeing the truth, how is there any way to show that truth to others?

posted on Oct, 12 2011 @ 02:33 AM
reply to post by FejkNick

Great post, Fej,

What can you do?

Even the fact that I was visited by the Angel Ezekiel and posted it here and I had never heard of this angel before, people went "Oh, amazing" and then went back to their usual behaviour. Well, I am increasingly freaked out that I had contact with this angel - why?

God was fed up with His chosen race and sent Ezekiel to sort them out, but He said if you don't warn them you are damned as well - pretty tough, I think.

So that was the Jews, back then, but I think it is every human now.

So, basically, God has had it with humans and so that's it.

By the way, although I don't believe in a lot of the bible, try reading Ezekiel - pretty hard going but interesting.

posted on Oct, 12 2011 @ 02:34 AM

Originally posted by kwell

Originally posted by FejkNick

Originally posted by kwell
reply to post by FejkNick

I think you fail to see who God is...He is the perfect judge. The only way to heaven is through Jesus Christ. The Bible talks about the white throne judgments after the 1,000 year reign. If you notice it says that He judged them and those that were not found written in the book of life were the ones that were lost. He didn't say they all were lost. It says He judges them and He is a righteous judge. The Bible also tells us the truth is written on everyones heart. If you continue to decline the free gift of eternal life through God's son Jesus Christ you are in danger.

What about the religions that precede the bible?
And what version of Christianity are you following?
Are you scared of hell?
Is that why you stick to your faith so hard?
Or do you feel in your heart that Jesus is the only way?

And believe me, if your religion is the "right" one, I am already bound to go to hell since I have "sinned".

The Bible tells us all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God...that is why we need Jesus sacrifice. I am not any version of Christianity I believe God's word the Bible. Am I scared of hell, yes who wouldn't be. God is love but He is also a God of laws. It says the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. You ask if that is why I stick to my faith...I hope you can experience God's love like I have. I hope you can see His hand in your life leading you through. He is there, you just aren't paying attention. I love God. Jesus is the only way because God's holy word says so.

Romans 3:22 Even the righteousness of God which is by faith in Jesus Christ unto all and upon all them that believe: for there is no difference:

23For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;

24Being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus:

Let me ask you this, have you read the dead sea scrolls?

And have you ever thought about the bible in this way: what if the bible that exist today is the deception? What if the true religion is that god loves you no matter what. Hell is something you can create for yourself here on earth.
I am in no way an atheist, i just have a hard time getting around the religions of today when they state that they are right and i will go to hell and burn forever if I don't believe in that scripture.

How do you think black Africans came to believe in Jesus Christ? I can tell you how i think it happened.
African people are lined up in a row during the christian crusades.
Christian pilgrim asks a African what god he believes in.
"I believe in the Akan Religion." Hence he is shot in the head.
Now repeat this 3 times and somewhere along the row someone will say that they believe in Jesus Christ and will get to live. Does that sound far fetched?
Your religion is one of the biggest for a reason, and it could be that it's not because it's the right one. But because they scared people into believing it. Or you might be right. God gave us free will, you use it to believing in the bible and the words there in. I use mine to try to understand this world. Am i going to hell for it? In your eyes, yes. In mine, probably not.

posted on Oct, 12 2011 @ 06:41 AM
reply to post by kwell

Stop polluting these boards with your stinking religious propaganda.

Its a discussion board, not a sermon - if you want to share ideas and theories, fine, but don't come on here simply posting statements of intent to try and convert free-thinking, progressively minded people to your doctrine.

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