In a effort to stave off responsibility for Ivins actions, it appears that Justice Dept lawyers are admitting that USAMRIDS, where Bruce Ivins is
accused of cooking up his lethal batch of Anthrax at, doesn't even have the device used to dry the spores inside the hot suite there at the facility.
The hot suite is basically a complete containment zone that is sealed and everyone entering must be fully suited up. Apparently, the device, said to
be the size of a refrigerator, is located outside of the hot suite in the open lab.
This is a huge problem because the spores were so pure, they actually floated into the air with the slightest wisp of air. Meaning that they would
have been everywhere in the open lab and all over the drying machine. Also, the other workers would have been easily infected, and none were on
preventative medication. After the attacks, the lab was tested, they found nothing. All workers tested negative for anthrax. They still claim that
Ivins did it, they just don't know how or where he dried the spores.
The major problem here is that drying anthrax is forbidden by weapons treaties, yet USAMRIDS and Dugway Proving Grounds(CIA's Bio weapons testing
facility) are the only two places in the USA that have these machines and access to the Ames strain. So if Ivins didn't dry them in USAMRIDS, that
leaves two options, as to where the attack anthrax was dried: Outside of the United States or Dugway Proving Grounds.
Now if your a Ivins theory supporter, you have to admit that the Anthrax attacks had to of been a conspiracy, involving Ivins and at least someone
else with access to a drying machine. If your like me, you are not exactly buying this Ivins theory. I think, that again the FBI may have tried to pin
the Anthrax attacks on the wrong person. Except this time ending with tragic results.
How could it be a inside job, and linked to the 9/11 attacks?
The Anthrax attacks happen basically at the same time as the 9/11 attacks, the first letter was mailed seven days after 9/11. When you factor in the
amount of time to prepare the amount bio weapon used in the attacks, for me it is apparent that who ever committed the Anthrax attacks, was also aware
that their would be a major attack coming. That this major attack would signal these attackers to then go ahead with the Anthrax attacks.
The Anthrax attacks were a deadly serious threat, a second wave, used to encompass the whole gamut of goals they were trying to achieve with the
entire operation(9/11 included). It has been said, and most agree to this, that the Anthrax used in the attacks could not of been created in a
couple weeks at Fort Dietrick by one person(as claimed by the FBI right now), more like several months. And of course we are supposed to believe that
this lone wolf nut case (Ivins), one of our genius military scientists, decided to cultivate some very deadly weaponized Anthrax, in complete secrecy.
Then we are supposed to believe that he whipped up this batch of Anthrax starting in August and by complete chance the 9/11 attacks took place. After
witnessing the 9/11 attacks he then, also decided to attack his country. Blaming it on the same same(Al Qaeda) terrorists that attacked us on 9/11.
Also, the FBI admits that the same strain of Anthrax used in the attacks could of come from Dugway Proving Grounds, where the CIA was doing its own
Biological Anthrax weapons testing. Although the FBI says they were able to "rule" them out, yet they will not explain how they did this. People
that worked in the lab have said that even by the FBI's estimates, there is no way Ivins could have grown and dried the amount of Anthrax used in the
attacks, some 463 to 1250 petri dishes worth, in total secrecy , in a blazing fast completion time. Finally, the entire White House began taking Cipro
on 9/11, with amazing foresight, they thought a Anthrax attack was going to take place soon.
All of this is clearly pointing to, at the very least, our government having inside knowledge of the attackers and/or their operation, and either
Ivins didn't do it or had help. At the worst, it appears to have been some rogue group of US military/CIA, a conspiracy, that tried to first blame it
on the easiest scapegoat possible Al Qaeda. Then as a second cover, lead it back to USAMRIDS Hatfill or Ivin. But with the growing amount of
opposition to the FBI's Ivins theory, more evidence is coming to light, pointing in the worst case direction.
PBS's Frontline is premiering a new Anthrax attacks report tonight called "The Anthrax Attacks: Ten Years Later" ,for anyone interested I highly
recommend checking it out:
Information about hot suite not having the drying machine in it