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posted on Oct, 11 2011 @ 04:14 PM
reply to post by RisenAngel77

I certainly don't believe in ascension. I still can check off 1, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 14, 16, and 17.

Did anyone notice how there is such wide coverage that anyone should be able to check off most of the list?

posted on Oct, 11 2011 @ 04:21 PM
reply to post by stereologist

You don't have to believe in it to be true.
Yes, the coverage is wide, so what? Everybody is experiencing these things, but many people don't pay attention to them. Ascension is for everybody, not for some 'chosen few'.

posted on Oct, 11 2011 @ 04:27 PM
Thank you for a very insightful post that im sure many of us will appreciate. Information is everywhere, Its harder and harder to keep things hidden. We can and will change things for the better!

posted on Oct, 11 2011 @ 04:28 PM
reply to post by ElevenFlint

but you need to be willing to understand - something you are not.

I am certainly not going to gulp down every story hook, line, and sinker. I have to check the claims that are made.

consciously or not you are spreading disinfo.

How do we know you are not the one spreading the disinfo. That could be your game. That is why it is necessary to test the ideas that are proposed. Those that are against testing are those that are the disinfo agents.

I especially test ideas I believe to be correct. I need to make sure that those ideas are sound. Those are the most difficult issues to deal with.

But you can see by yourself what most of the people think on this matter.

This is known as sampling bias. It is correct to say that most of the people that have taken the time to post have posted statements in the affirmative. We actually can't tell what most people think. I would think that most people did not bother to read this thread or post in it if they did read the thread.

saige45, why would you wait for the government to release the information for you. You should know pretty well that would never happen, because they are playing on the other side. Even if the info is under your nose, will you still be waiting to hear it on the telly? Well, you choose.

I opened a thread about TPTB revealing or hiding and it was a rather small response. Some said no. Most said they would reveal if they thought they could do something.

posted on Oct, 11 2011 @ 04:38 PM
reply to post by WielderOfTheSwordOfTruth

Man, way to be a total mood kill, not everything is about having "proof" that you can hold in your hands. It's just food for thought, you totally missed the good points of the post just to tear it down calling for proof when you know very well there is none to be offered. I mean really you know he doesn't have proof why even waste your time? To prove a point? The only point you proved to me is you are incapable of using your imagination to imagine things(things that are not supported by "proof")

I know, RIGHT!

The only thing he left out of that post was "pics or it didn't happen."

posted on Oct, 11 2011 @ 04:42 PM
Well thought out and thought provoking article.

I dont think many people here will believe we are actually in control of anything, however. So many ATSers are absolutely convinced that they control nothing at all in their lives.

posted on Oct, 11 2011 @ 04:44 PM
It's about community,
it's about shifting perspective, towards the inner spirit of what life is..
it's about knowing you are of value (beyond the ego)
it's about knowing you are one with the source of all joy love & existence
it's about celebrating all of this
it's about respecting everything with reverrence
it's about optimism (knowing that without this nothing is possible, & with it everything is possible)
it's about building a better future, it's about world peace & utopia not just less conflict, no conflict anywhere at all.
it's about a path toward harmony instead of destruction
it's a path of humility not humiliation
it's a path of wisdom not ignorance
it's a path of learning and growing, not preaching & stagnating
it's about encouraging humanity to blossom
it's about recognising the reality that we stand on very fertile soil to plant the seeds of wisdom in every heart
at the end of the day its about eternal being, because the life essence is such

the higher self of all humans is the same & it is waking up in more and more people.

be it.

posted on Oct, 11 2011 @ 04:45 PM
reply to post by ElevenFlint

You are right, nice view! We can see the shift has it already happened. There is no turning back now.

Great post!

posted on Oct, 11 2011 @ 04:52 PM

Originally posted by ElevenFlint
reply to post by stereologist

You don't have to believe in it to be true.
Yes, the coverage is wide, so what? Everybody is experiencing these things, but many people don't pay attention to them. Ascension is for everybody, not for some 'chosen few'.

I find great irony in those who discard religion for an "ascension belief".

Do you not see you have simply made up your own religion? But instead of an omnipotent diety to worship, you substitute yourselves. Yet you offer no more proof, and yes, often much less than any religion. You insist that we shall "ascend", whatever that may mean, but offer no proof at all.

Do you not see your just developing your own religion and god complex?

posted on Oct, 11 2011 @ 04:53 PM

Originally posted by stereologist
I am certainly not going to gulp down every story hook, line, and sinker. I have to check the claims that are made.

Noone asked you to. Yes, you better do that!

Originally posted by stereologist
How do we know you are not the one spreading the disinfo. That could be your game. That is why it is necessary to test the ideas that are proposed. Those that are against testing are those that are the disinfo agents.

I especially test ideas I believe to be correct. I need to make sure that those ideas are sound. Those are the most difficult issues to deal with.

Total nonsence. You should know when you read my post, because it's all about stuff being in people's hands - for them to control it, to test it, to do whatever they want. But you are totally elsewhere. Spent enough time on your irrelevance. Move on! Next!

posted on Oct, 11 2011 @ 04:57 PM
This post hit me directly in the eye. I have felt this change for the past year. I see things daily that I once shrugged off as coincidences. I now see a path to follow if I listen to my gut.

Peace to you.

Your words are brilliant.

posted on Oct, 11 2011 @ 05:00 PM
Alright, I thought things over and watched the videos, and as often happens when I ponder infinity, I almost gave myself a headache.

The point I'm stuck on is choices in an infinite universe.

My understanding of the idea is, if you have a choice, both choices will be made and experienced. One by yourself and on by your alternate self creating an alternate timeline.

Of course my ego still tells me to make the best choice but does it matter to my higher self? Wouldn't the higher self experience the alternate choice also?

posted on Oct, 11 2011 @ 05:09 PM

Originally posted by ElevenFlint
Total nonsence. You should know when you read my post, because it's all about stuff being in people's hands - for them to control it, to test it, to do whatever they want. But you are totally elsewhere. Spent enough time on your irrelevance. Move on! Next!

Then waste some time on me.

What have you put in peoples hands? A false belief that they are gods? Maybe not gods but certainly much more than we see and experience here on earth. What can i "test or control" as you put it?

This esoteric crap is annoying to me. People claim they can feel a change, but when you ask them to explain it, they cant. I suggest it is simply growing up and having changing attitudes and opinions.

Again, your simply discarding traditional religions and making one of your own where you as the people take front stage center as your own happy little deities. There is no proof, and your as blind as you claim any bible-thumping christian or quran weilding muslim to be.

edit on 11-10-2011 by nightbringr because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 11 2011 @ 05:09 PM

Originally posted by nightbringr

I find great irony in those who discard religion for an "ascension belief".

Do you not see you have simply made up your own religion? But instead of an omnipotent diety to worship, you substitute yourselves. Yet you offer no more proof, and yes, often much less than any religion. You insist that we shall "ascend", whatever that may mean, but offer no proof at all.

Do you not see your just developing your own religion and god complex?

You totally misunderstood me here, friend. I haven't made up anything. You are reacting out of preconception triggered by the word 'ascension'. It has nothing to do with religion, but the sad thing is most people connect it with it because this is how we have been taught, and this is conceived as 'mysticism'. I don't have to offer you any proof, firstly because I am not here to prove anything to you and it's not about proving. Get out out of this outdated thinking that someone else has to 'prove' things for you so you can believe in it. Didn't you read what I am saying - go experience it yourself. Nowhere in my post did I 'insist' on anything, neither that 'we shall ascend'.
All I am saying is that you will chose what will be going on with you, so you better chose consciously. You may choose to descend, if you wish, but I am not sure that you really want that. Well, it's your choice after all. Take it or leave it.

posted on Oct, 11 2011 @ 05:18 PM
reply to post by villagesmithie

I agree with you so much. The human soul can create and the Elite have hid this from us. When we realize we can create than they will no longer have power to control us. We would not need to be control when we drop our Ego's. Everyone can live in peace as long as the person realizes their actions always cause an equal or greater reaction. We can use our Gut feelings to guide us. If we second guess what our gut tells us then we will be driven by the ego.

I also come to learn. Why does anyone want to get angry?

Peace to all.

posted on Oct, 11 2011 @ 05:25 PM
reply to post by stereologist

I am sorry for your ignorant view, but im sure you will say something like "i dont need you to be sorry for me" or somesuch but you are being a semantic and nitpicking his post. The OP is obviously a very spiritual person and makes claims that would seem outlandish to you, but there are some extremely valuable lessons to be learned from his thread and some everyday lessons that we should all take in.

reply to post by ElevenFlint

The world is waking up and its not an if anymore, it is now a when. Good luck in your journey through life my friend.



posted on Oct, 11 2011 @ 05:27 PM
First off, really not a good way of explaining why predictions that people make become false... if it's a prediction that is accurate they should be able to see the "track of things", which would actually make them special, most predictions are just crazy.

All in all, I enjoyed the idea behind the post, it was a little corny at times, and the message is far too hippieish for me to really respect it, but I do understand the concept. The point I agree with is that it is time for a change and whether that change is a "shift in consciousness", it really doesn't matter to me as long as people forget about all the negative thoughts, and actions which have brought us to where we are today.

The statement I don't agree with is the statement regarding the Elite, of course they are to blame, they made the choices with their money and power that put us in this situation, really since the beginning of humanity. There has always been someone in charge, whether it was a King, an Emperor, or a President, the point is the Elite have always made the "important" decisions that honestly reflect on the rest of society, and its well being. If you believe for one second that humanity could have been different, your sadly mistaken, because standing up to the King hundreds of years ago got you hung, there was more violence, blood-lust and unrest in the World hundreds of years ago then there is now. The difference is that in today's modern age, the rate at which news and information travels is ridiculous, and humanity has actually bettered itself in the sense that we no longer accept violence as a daily part of life, we are a much calmer people than we were in previous generations.

In conclusion, the thread was very well written, your words are strung together in a way that makes you seem very knowledgeable, and also makes you very convincing. This really isn't easy to do as many writers do this professionally and cannot achieve the feel that you did in your short thread, for this I commend you, but as a whole, you need to lay off the weed me thinks.

posted on Oct, 11 2011 @ 05:29 PM

Originally posted by ElevenFlint
I don't have to offer you any proof, firstly because I am not here to prove anything to you and it's not about proving. Get out out of this outdated thinking that someone else has to 'prove' things for you so you can believe in it.

No, i like to prove things for myself.

Im not sure if your implying that we should always trust what others tell us and not research or examine what we are told. You do realize the danger in that, dont you?

If you are not speaking of a "literal" acension like many here believe, i suppose i can understand what you say. But then again, your so vague as to never really fully explain what you are talking about, so all i can do is assume.

Would you please care to elaborate on what you mean by ascension? Are we one day going to be able to interact with more than say our 3 physical dimensions or unlock some mysterious mystery of the universe that allows us to use telepathy and more? Or do you simply mean we will come to understand ourselves, hold hands and sing kumbaya?

posted on Oct, 11 2011 @ 05:30 PM
When I saw the post concerning the photos of the Universe being the same exact design as a single human brain cell, I knew the time was growing very close.

This post, this wonderful realization, brings our goal a little more sharply into focus as well.

Consciousness expounds on itself, in exponential degrees folding outward, until it understands itself as one yet again.

Thank you for this, and our future looks very bright indeed, from this perspective.

Something every ATSer can use a bit more of...

posted on Oct, 11 2011 @ 05:34 PM

Originally posted by nightbringr
This esoteric crap is annoying to me. People claim they can feel a change, but when you ask them to explain it, they cant. I suggest it is simply growing up and having changing attitudes and opinions.

Explain what the back of your head looks like from the perspective of your eyeballs. Or explain in any meaningful way what Red feels like versus Orange. Describe how it feels to be in love (many words can be used, but nothing grasps the whole thing). Describe "Blue" to someone who has never seen it.

I'm sorry you can't feel whatever "this thing" is, but you are acting like someone who is color blind griping at people because they can't actually describe "red" well enough for you to "see" it too.

Perhaps rather than being annoyed... try relaxing and just listening and accepting that what they say is what they are experiencing (regardless of the truth of it). Rather than trying to figure out who is absolutely right or wrong... instead just try to see from their perspective on *their* terms. It won't happen first try. Understanding scientific or mathematical issues takes effort and mindfulness. Learning an instrument takes effort and mindfulness. Learning to understand this experience takes effort and mindfulness too (it doesn't have to, but most of us know no other way right now to "learn").

If you are annoyed at people who play the piano, and expect someone to "tell you how to play the piano", you are *probably* never going to play the piano. And that's ok... not everyone has to learn piano just like not everyone has to be "feeling this" thing going on right now. If it's not worth your time, then don't invest time into it. Having been on both sides of the coin though, I assure you that you won't be very convincing if your intent is to try to tell us that "it's just growing up". You are doing the equivalent of debating with someone who lives in a certain city about what it looks like, even though you haven't been there yourself.

An open attitude and state of being is the most important aspect of discovery, growth, and understanding. No matter what the subject matter is.

BTW, I'm a former (till a couple of years ago) "show me the proof" and fundamental materialist. Then I came across a couple of things that made me go "Hmm..." and then it was a waterfall that I couldn't stop and when it was all over I realized just how "blind" I had been, and how incredibly funny and beautiful that blindness really is when understood for what it is. But also glad to finally have been willing to "look within", if you will.

Namaste Friend
edit on 11-10-2011 by ErgoTheConfusion because: (no reason given)

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