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Reporter incites D.C. riot–to write about it

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posted on Oct, 10 2011 @ 04:37 PM

Reporter incites D.C. riot–to write about it

A reporter for the American Spectator--who says he "infiltrated" a group of Washington, D.C., protesters "in order to mock and undermine" their cause in his magazine--claims he helped incite a riot at the National Air and Space Museum on Saturday afternoon and was pepper-sprayed in the process.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Oct, 10 2011 @ 04:37 PM
Someone here asked early for the evidence that msm was distorting the truth.

Someone here asked for proof that people were manipulating the situation on OWS...

It seems that some conservatives here need to reign in there party...

Why does OWS(type thing) need infiltrating?

History is replete with examples of infiltrating going south...

The most famous was a German Corporal's case... You may have heard of it....

Mods if this is i the wrong section I humbly apologize...

Recently I have become more attuned to the dirty tricks both sides are playing and they seem to be steam rolling towards disaster.

It truly is a shame that this garbage is being done...

I digress... I believe the last shreds of the media just disappeared
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Oct, 10 2011 @ 04:42 PM
He should be charged with conspiracy and inciting a riot.
He should also have to pay retribution to the museum since they had to close early.
His boss should fire him, too. Unless, of course, the boss was in on it.

posted on Oct, 10 2011 @ 04:57 PM
reply to post by Afterthought

I agree...

Restitution... but if I was in charge I would go a step further...

He should be charge with Treason...

(inciting rebellion)
He admitted he went to start a riot and did as such....

Remember he went pretending by his own words to be part of the crowd...

unfortunately I do not believe he could be tried for it... Mind you it would be fun to try....

posted on Oct, 10 2011 @ 04:58 PM

Originally posted by Afterthought
He should be charged with conspiracy and inciting a riot.
He should also have to pay retribution to the museum since they had to close early.
His boss should fire him, too. Unless, of course, the boss was in on it.

A good laugh just like Breitbart. It isn't a dirty trick when they do it.

posted on Oct, 10 2011 @ 04:58 PM
reply to post by ripcontrol

By not being organized and having a clear message, the OWC movement caused its own demise. Now that MoveOn, Soros, Van Jones and the Unions have taken over it's part of the Democratic Party. Pelosi, Reid and all of them are claiming to be behind it and using it to push their agenda. I can't help but wonder if the DNC was not behind it from the beginning?

posted on Oct, 10 2011 @ 05:00 PM
reply to post by ripcontrol

Restitution... but if I was in charge I would go a step further...

Thanks for correcting me. That's what I meant.

posted on Oct, 10 2011 @ 05:05 PM
As an intellectual honesty test, I wonder how people feel about the Anarchists and the George Soro's flunkies who incited riots at protests? Do you feel the same way about them?

I'm always amazed at how both sides, equally corrupt and wrong generally think its OK for them but wrong for the other side to do what amounts to the same thing.

Do you think it's right the DNC and the Unions have taken over the protests? Isn't that more of the same? Is it right that operatives for the Democratic Party have taken over a protest against things they helped cause? That they should take money straight from Wall Street and people like Soros while pretending to oppose them?

The world is watching and the world is laughing.
edit on 10/10/2011 by Blaine91555 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 10 2011 @ 05:13 PM

Originally posted by spyder550

Originally posted by Afterthought
He should be charged with conspiracy and inciting a riot.
He should also have to pay retribution to the museum since they had to close early.
His boss should fire him, too. Unless, of course, the boss was in on it.

A good laugh just like Breitbart. It isn't a dirty trick when they do it.

I am an EEOA person so lay it out...

Put the link on here to the story you refer to... because it does go with this or... find a thread start one on it....

I think it would be social issues because of the past part... put the link and I'll go with it...

I have to shake my head that the conservatives are stepping down to this garbage..... They are acting like old liberals...

So many stories out there and he has to try and attack a group that no offense is as posted here and elsewhere just about powerless...

All they are doing is giving them momentum..... they should have ran it (ows) as big news and played it for awhile to where people where sick of it..

I wonder if I ran for president and taxed political acts and lobbying at 200% if it would be supported... neither the Tea Party or OWS is the problem ... I came to this conclusion a long time ago...

I cant help but wonder what would happen if the tea party broke free of its slavery to the Republicans and the OWS movement got a little better organized... It would be a third party that would shake the world to the core....

So much in common yet both are falling to dirty tricks like this....

posted on Oct, 10 2011 @ 05:16 PM

Originally posted by Blaine91555
reply to post by ripcontrol

By not being organized and having a clear message, the OWC movement caused its own demise. Now that MoveOn, Soros, Van Jones and the Unions have taken over it's part of the Democratic Party. Pelosi, Reid and all of them are claiming to be behind it and using it to push their agenda. I can't help but wonder if the DNC was not behind it from the beginning?

Partially from what I have heard... but they are trying to move up in prominence in the groups....

to disorganized... so infiltration is a little harder.... building powerbases takes a little longer... more unified groups like the tea party are easier to occupy because you can get in an assimilate the leadership faster...

posted on Oct, 10 2011 @ 05:17 PM
reply to post by Afterthought

promise not to laugh to hard....

I had to reread it after you posted to catch it... I missed....

I then began to like your post a whole lot more

posted on Oct, 10 2011 @ 05:23 PM
reply to post by Blaine91555

there are at this point more ways to look at this...

for intellectual honesty... the news should be required to have a lead of ' for entertainment purposes only'

I see both the Tea Party and OWS as people who are frustrated.... the ones in the tea party are more conservative and the OWS seem to be more liberal...

The frustration is the same.... over the same issues... want answers.. and solutions...

and then you reporters like this are bringing down this nation... free speech doesnt have limits but inciting riots does... I think it would be funny for the reporter to be arrested for this...

i reread this response and I know it sounds choppy but the words will not flow completely right...

edit on 10-10-2011 by ripcontrol because: no editing can make it better so it will have to brooklyn it the whole way

posted on Oct, 10 2011 @ 05:28 PM
reply to post by ripcontrol

The man behind this stunt was Paul Singer.

posted on Oct, 10 2011 @ 05:36 PM
also links in the op that are related..

the writer who did this???

The writier Patrick Howley American Spectator

and the blog itself..

The Standoff in DC.... a blog...

WASHINGTON -- The fastest-running protesters charged up the steps of Washington's National Air and Space Museum Saturday afternoon to infiltrate the building and hang banners on the "shameful" exhibits promoting American imperialism. As the white-uniformed security guards hurried to physically block the entrances, only a select few -- myself, for journalistic purposes, included -- kept charging forward.

Roughly one hundred protesters marched on the Air and Space Museum Saturday, following a planned assembly held the night before in Freedom Plaza. At that assembly, the "Action Committee" for the protest movement organized by suggested storming the museum in order to state their opposition to American militarism, which they perceive as a root cause of the federal deficit. The marchers started out in the early afternoon, and after a roughly half-hour parade through the streets of D.C. they reached their target. As the museum doors approached, all of a sudden liberal shoes started marching less forcefully, and the crowd split into two factions -- those rushing the doors, and those staying behind.

I decided include the link in the article.... The original source listed.... this way you can easily access the os that the yahoo is based on...

just so it is not biased from me.. also this is

The American Spectator

This is the website itself

posted on Oct, 10 2011 @ 05:39 PM
reply to post by JBA2848

cool... not I what I thought but applies 100% to the story..

Think progress... paul singer venture capitalist

The campaign to marginalize and destroy the growing 99 Percent Movement is in full swing, with many in the media attempting to smear the people participating in the “occupation” protests across the country. However, several of the so-called journalists deriding, and in some cases sabotaging the movement, have paychecks thanks to a billionaire whose business practices have been scorned as among the worst of the financial elite.

As the New York Times has documented, Paul Singer, a Republican activist and hedge fund manager worth over $900 million, has emerged as one of the most important power brokers within the GOP. Now, it appears that the reporters financed by Singer are at the forefront of efforts to tarnish the reputation of 99 Percent Movement demonstrators:

do we have a shaking your head smiley?

posted on Oct, 10 2011 @ 05:42 PM
the way i see it,

the whole OCCUPY thing is designed to incite riots,


cuz, that is intrinsic of MOB PROTESTS

which Occupy is.
edit on 10-10-2011 by ignant because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 10 2011 @ 05:42 PM
reply to post by Blaine91555

The world is watching and the world is laughing.

No they're not. The World isn't seeing anything that is going on with the occupy protests as the MSM are not covering it.

I have saw reports on RT and Press T.V, but they have not focused on Soros or any othere groups you have claimed to have ifiltrated the movement.

So where are you getting this information from?

I know you are anti-Occupy, but what alternatives do you think would work? Or are you happy with the way the Banks have handled the whole economic collapse?

In the U.K we were told by our Prime Minister to start paying off personal debt in order to get the economy kick started. Whilst I agreed with his sentiments, he was agreeing a £75 Billion Quantative Easing programme designed to get Banks loaning to people and businesses.

I know as well as everyone else this was a Bailout by another name. Another £75 Billion that will be the direct responsibility of the U.K Tax Payers. Agreed by a Government who promised that they would not take that action and the banks would be on their own if faced with the same problems as 2008.

So what is the best way to deal with the BS we are being fed and the foolish antics of these Governments?

Occupy is gaining Momentum and will go Global 15th October. I would never support the likes of Soros, but I want my voice to be heard and my Government to take the Bankers to task.

edit on 10/10/11 by Cobaltic1978 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 10 2011 @ 05:49 PM
reply to post by ignant

I have to disrespectfully disagree...

*The position if I understand correctly is to have their be an Obama organization to riot against the supporters of the GOP..

*this is so organized that they started with a mob group and are feeding it...

I disagree... so far Obama has not demonstrated this level of street smarts organization wise to pull off this feat...

I tend towards the growing a movement then using your growth to win the election aka tea party style...

this element is missing... Although I will give the Republicans a nod on organization I cant give it to the Dems...

I have to respectfully disagree... the infiltration by apparently multiple reporters by conservative (read GOP) agencies points to non- organization... The O-mans organization is not geared or that organized... I see more of DEMS trying to get control and use...

posted on Oct, 10 2011 @ 05:53 PM
reply to post by Cobaltic1978

you bring up a good point.. the link was not to soros i posted later so it is a good call

where is the info please...

If someone like him is behind it I do care how my voice is heard... but my frustration almost shared levels with yours on this...

As I posted earlier it would be hilarious if the Tea Party broke free of RNC's control and then converted the OWS to a third party...

A simple theme song applies...

posted on Oct, 10 2011 @ 06:01 PM
reply to post by ripcontrol

Now that's a tune I can go with.

Regardless of who tries to hi-jack this movement we are still many, they are still few.

I am going down to my City's protest on Saturday, I will talk to people to get their view on where this is going and report back. Peace.

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