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Avenge Amanda Knox! Give Italy Nothing!

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posted on Oct, 10 2011 @ 04:16 PM

Originally posted by Walkers

Originally posted by mistermonculous

No, Rudy was convicted because he never had a superpower pushing down on Italy for his release.

Or: because the evidence strongly indicated his guilt.

Also, it's so much easier to stomach a black killer, than it is to stomach the fact that Meredith was killed by a white middle class western woman.

I'd say that, to the contrary, our culture has quite the fixation on white middle class western lady murderers. BTW, I find killers difficult to stomach regardless of their demographic profile. Also, anyone who relies on the body of evidence available for review to form an opinion is a racist? Off-putting argument.
edit on 10-10-2011 by mistermonculous because: thing-a-ma-bob

I'm afraid you're just wrong on this case. Innocent people don't do cartwheels in the police station. Innocent people don't have to change their story 5 times and frame people who were totally uninvolved. Innocent people don't have public fits of laughter when they are released. Innocent people don't have to force out vile crocodile tears. She did it
edit on 10-10-2011 by Walkers because: (no reason given)

Yeah, see, all of the above examples cited appear to me to be the work of Euro yellow journalism run amok. Like that one time when she had no access to her wardrobe, what with it being in the middle of a crime scene. So, she buys a change of underwear.

The EU press seizes upon the event with headlines like "Foxy Knoxy Shops for Lingerie While Victim Lies Cold!"

Or, alternatively, she needed to change her underwear.

Laughing? Um, I haven't ever been arrested for a murder I didn't commit, but I'm pretty sure I'd be exhibiting some weird behavior.

Look, man, your argument for her guilt is based on biased interpretations of her behavior which come from questionable sources. You never address the FACT that there was no physical or circumstantial evidence to tie her to the crime scene.
edit on 10-10-2011 by mistermonculous because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 10 2011 @ 04:17 PM
Avenge Amanda Knox? I'm not that convinced she was completely innocent.


posted on Oct, 10 2011 @ 04:19 PM

Sadly, I have been. I wouldn't go back even if your country paid me. I feel so sorry for Canadians. They have a much more beautiful country, much better quality citizens, far more refinement and culture yet they suffer through having you as a neighbour,

Wow, buddy, after that statement, I'd LOVE to see you throw the word "bigot" around a little more.

Go ahead, I could use a good laugh.

posted on Oct, 10 2011 @ 04:20 PM
reply to post by cluckerspud

No dude. I thought that was stupid, too (Freedom Fries).

The Amanda Knox case is important because it illustrates how American is seen in the international community.

Please check the thing out, CluckerSpud. Do you really think all that hoopla was about a murder? Go check it out and then let me know what you think. Your opinion is important.

posted on Oct, 10 2011 @ 04:22 PM
reply to post by Blaine91555

And using social action to illustrate injustice is what then?

posted on Oct, 10 2011 @ 04:24 PM
I think your post is childish and naive, you are over-generalizing.

I followed the case a bit, and if we assume that she is indeed innocent (which i slowly tend to believe)...its that stupid prosecutor's guilt with his idiotic fantasies about satanic orgies PLUS the sloppy work of their CSI teams PLUS a set of really stupid circumstances Amanda brought herself in by bad luck and naivety.

Over-generalizing that "the Italians hate the Americans" is just stupid, sorry.

Also..please be aware that a general feeling against armed forced *stationed* somewhere does not mean that the general public hates "all" Americans..this is just dumb....however some might have an aversion against people stationed there - we in EU *usually* do not agree as much with the US involvement in all kinds of global conflicts as you should know...but this does not mean that "we don't like Americans".

Also..what has this to do with Amanda Knox?

posted on Oct, 10 2011 @ 04:26 PM

Originally posted by Frater210
reply to post by cluckerspud

No dude. I thought that was stupid, too (Freedom Fries).

The Amanda Knox case is important because it illustrates how American is seen in the international community.

Please check the thing out, CluckerSpud. Do you really think all that hoopla was about a murder? Go check it out and then let me know what you think. Your opinion is important.

You should remember that people don't usually think badly of another with out a reason and what i mean by this is that America has caused alot of damage to the world itself and you seem to fail to realise is that the rest of the world does pay attention. So you are right, the Amanda Knox case is symbolic in a way.

posted on Oct, 10 2011 @ 04:26 PM

Originally posted by Frater210
The Amanda Knox case is important because it illustrates how American is seen in the international community.

I see it more as an example of how the Italian justice system works.

If Amanda Knox was not from the US you would probably never know about this case, but someone that sees European news everyday has seen things like this happen.

PS: why do "Americans" think that everybody hates them? I never seen anyone more paranoid about hate than people from the US, and I don't see anyone hating the US as they are supposed to be, according the "Americans".

posted on Oct, 10 2011 @ 04:31 PM
reply to post by Frater210

I think US Tourists that come to Britain get better treatment than this:-

posted on Oct, 10 2011 @ 04:33 PM
reply to post by flexy123

Sorry, we come, I am sure, from two totally different backgrounds. I am sorry that the news that Italians (and lots of Europeans) hold feelings of hatred for Americans is bothering some of you.

Did you think that America has the market cornered on hating others? I know that the world would like for you to see it that way.

So it is just as easy for me to call you naive for believing that somehow this hatred is relegated to neat little packets, 'This hate is for this, That hate is for that". It goes much deeper than that.

Telling yourself that these problems don't exist is really what is naive. These problems exist because we have not solved them yet. Not bringing up the fact that Amanda Knox was done the way she was by the Italians because they cant' stand Americans is dishonest and if you push it, yes, really naive.

posted on Oct, 10 2011 @ 04:34 PM

Originally posted by Traydor
I really don't know if Amanda Knox was involved with the killing of Meredith Kercher but i do believe she knows something about it at least and is not telling. I don't believe Amanda is quite so innocent at she wants the rest of us to believe because she did try to frame an innocent man for the murder - this speaks of somebody who has something to hide.

Either way, Amanda Knox is no longer welcome in Europe.
edit on 10/10/2011 by Traydor because: grammer


the more i dig and research and read up on the case, the more odd it becomes - but the MORE i tend to think she is indeed innocent.

Every book or documentary is biased..i am aware...but the recent 48hrs documentary summed it up quite a bit speaking for her.

Forensic Evidence: NADA
Motive: ?!??!?! NOPE
Prosecutor' Story: An idiotic, made-up story which doesn't make any sense.

I "know" that Amanda was too intelligent and eager to study in Italy (you can read this in some of her letters)..she simply would not have done something so STUPID which would have prevented her to chase her big dream living and studying in Italy. It was her ultimate goal. She was happy in Italy and very much looking forward to the studying there....not screw up all her life's dreams like that. Read some of her wouldnt make sense.
edit on 10-10-2011 by flexy123 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 10 2011 @ 04:34 PM

edit on 10-10-2011 by flexy123 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 10 2011 @ 04:35 PM

Originally posted by Frater210


I just can't bring myself to write anything snarky.

Well I guess I will have to take a look at where I was coming from with this. I have never been called xenophobic before, but I suppose I must be to some extent.

You're not xenophobic. You're just an ignorant American, just like the other 299,000,000

Originally posted by Frater210

Yeah, poor Meredith. What can I say. I stand by my OP. Sorry so cynical but I really do believe that Amanda was wrongly dragged through what she was because Europe has this long standing psychological need to punish America. I am not the only one to have said that. If you can't find reasons to agree with that it's OK by me.

We don't have any longstanding need to punish you. You just have the arrogant idea that Americans are above the law wherever they go. Had this case happened in any other nation, she would have spent at least 3 more years for the lies she told regardless of her obvious guilt in the murder.

Originally posted by Frater210
The funny thing to me though, is that the folks that have chimed, presumably from Europe, seem to think that they are not also responsible for the way the world is. You can't save yourselves by punishing us. The world is a giant Tar baby and we are all equally stuck to it. I get the feeling that you would like somehow for America to take the hit for that.

No, what we want is American criminals to take the punishments they deserve without foreign governments interfering in our legal processes and perverting the course of justice.

Originally posted by Frater210
That pisses me off, too. I hope that any Americans that are thinking of making travel arrangements to Europe (Euro-Land) are paying attention to these responses.

I hope any US Americans reading this in the USA (Fat-Land) also pay attention to the responses. You better learn that if you break our laws, you will be subjected to our legal systems just like anyone else who breaks the law. Also the fact that none of us want you here should play a part in your plans.

Originally posted by Frater210
I have a small cruel streak and personally I would have no problem watching you all starve for American tourist dollars. Just for the fun of it.

Oh we don't starve for your tourist dollars. Most of the tourists here are either from other EU nations or Asia. The US actually contributes very little in terms of tourist dollars. Hell, if you all stopped coming here we'd be happy!

Originally posted by Frater210
But considering the remarks here, I think any Americans reading this thread that are thinking of travelling to Europe to patronize and give money to these people that hate us must be having second thoughts.

Keep having those thoughts. Then decide to go somewhere else.

Originally posted by Frater210
But all things considered, on this particular day, I have no love at all in my heart for the Italian scumbags that can't see past their noses.

Americans have hearts? Oh well, your hatred will never even reach the levels of disgust we reserve for you.

Originally posted by Frater210
To me, Amanda Knox is symbolic of where America stands in the world now and I hope others are getting the message.

America has no standing in the world. You're an international joke.

Originally posted by Frater210
Screw Italy and their pantomime system of justice.

Yeah, screw them damn Eyetalians! Kidnapping innocent 15 year old boys and locking them up in Gitmo for no reason...oh wait, that's the US, silly me.

In that case, screw them damn Eyetalians for executing all those innocent people, even though in most cases the evidence supporting their innocence is plain...oh damn, that would be the US again!

Well then, screw them damn Eyetalians for wanting to extradite and execute a man with Aspergers who walked into an open dawg...US again!

Ok, screw them damn Eyetalians for running that damn pantomime trial of the doctor involved in MJ's death, parading him around like that infront of the cameras and humiliating him like that. guessed it...US again!

posted on Oct, 10 2011 @ 04:37 PM
Well at least they didn't use the death penalty, a luxury not offered to many accused of murder in the US. Maybe a thank you to the justice system of Italy would be better. I wouldn't worry about Knox, she will be a millionaire this time next year profiting from her story. Seems she got away nicely from this one.

posted on Oct, 10 2011 @ 04:38 PM
reply to post by alldaylong

All that is, is the same 'How to boil a frog' principal that they are applying to the rest of us.

America is not doing this to you. We are all doing this to each other.

You all wanted globalism. There it is. The tyranny is global. People have been fooled into thinking it is all coming from America.

Thanks for the link.

And before anyone says that they did not want globalism, well more people wanted it than you did.

Just like the Italian Courts; he who yells loudest wins.

posted on Oct, 10 2011 @ 04:38 PM

Originally posted by ArMaP

Originally posted by Frater210
The Amanda Knox case is important because it illustrates how American is seen in the international community.

I see it more as an example of how the Italian justice system works.

If Amanda Knox was not from the US you would probably never know about this case, but someone that sees European news everyday has seen things like this happen.

PS: why do "Americans" think that everybody hates them? I never seen anyone more paranoid about hate than people from the US, and I don't see anyone hating the US as they are supposed to be, according the "Americans".

ArMap, you never fail to please with your astonishing command of good sense. That two sentence analysis is air-tight.

My take on the Everyone-Hates-Us syndrome:

It's no secret that we live well off the backs of others, that we have a for-profit military fueled by constant internecine conflict abroad, and that we are in decline. So right there, we have the foundation for mass guilt and inadequacy complexes, which are repressed and subsequently expressed by projecting anti-American sentiments where none may exist.

Our media and government continually reinforce this fallacy, as it keeps the population nice and scared.

posted on Oct, 10 2011 @ 04:39 PM
reply to post by Traydor

Yeah, and the rest of the world had better remove the beam from their eye before attempting to remove the mote from the eye of their brother. Yada Yada.

posted on Oct, 10 2011 @ 04:41 PM
reply to post by Frater210

'Cause so many ATSers are taking trips to Italy, buying Italian wine, and sucking down Italian olives i nthe first place, right?

Ah well. GOod luck. If I run into Ms. Knox in the near future (it's a small community here on the island, after all!) I'll ask her what she thinks of you guys

posted on Oct, 10 2011 @ 04:41 PM

Originally posted by Frater210
reply to post by flexy123

Not bringing up the fact that Amanda Knox was done the way she was by the Italians because they cant' stand Americans is dishonest and if you push it, yes, really naive.

Then you obviously didnt follow the case and see the ECLATANT mistakes they made and the very obvious bias of that prosecutor. Hey, MAYBE the main prosecutor "hates" Americans (this can very well be) - but this would still be a long shot to say that "everyone hates Americans".

By the way, having lived 10 years in the US...but i am German and i know the "average" opinion eg. of us Germans when it comes to the US foreign policy, their politics and politicians. Yes, a HUUUUGE majority is only shaking their heads, eg. after Bush was elected etc..etc.. and does not agree with their politics on MANY levels - but NO WHERE NEAR does this mean that "we hate Americans"...this is just wrong.

posted on Oct, 10 2011 @ 04:42 PM

Originally posted by Frater210
reply to post by Traydor

Yeah, and the rest of the world had better remove the beam from their eye before attempting to remove the mote from the eye of their brother. Yada Yada.

I was more-or-less saying the exact same thing about America, sorry if you couldn't figure that out
edit on 10/10/2011 by Traydor because: (no reason given)

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