posted on Oct, 11 2011 @ 06:15 PM
When i first saw the first Anon thread, i thought 'wait & see' since the real Anonymous are a little more subtle than that.
When i got home last night, i searched the internet for any news of this 'attack' but found nothing.
So it didn't happen?
I expected as much.
Since the original 'Anonymous' video's went viral some months ago, there have been hundreds of copycats, jumping on the bandwgon, demanding all kinds
of sh*t and issuing threats.
I was afraid this would happen, and so did many other astute minds on ATS (i say that with a small touch of pride, there really ARE some sharp minds
I see Anonymous as the 'cyber terror' division of the Zeitgeist movement
I know, non violent approach etc, i agree, but i think people will just let their emotions take over, it will probably get ugly.....
We, the people, are addicted to our internet. We need it. Don't let them dare shut it down, don't give them a good reason to do so. Keep it real
In any case, a 'backup internet' already exists, in the form of old-fashioned BBS telephone links, and you can even use short-wave radio if the phones
are out-the germans have been doing this for years
edit on 11-10-2011 by playswithmachines because: Keyboard terminally ill...