I am not sure if this is the correct forum for this but I wanted to point out that CNN now has the Occupy Wall Street on a front page poll (right side
of page about 2/3 of the way down). It sure took them long enough to take it to a poll.
Good or bad, for or against, it does bring attention to it nonetheless. But I do agree that they have nothing to do with it. More so, just a week or
two ago they, as well as other MSM, were placing this story on the back pages of their sites/news and only recently have put it up front when they
realized they could benefit from covering this story . . . go figure.
As of the time and date of this post the CNN poll: "Do you plan to participate in a Wall Street protest?" Is still holding at . . .
80% No with 76,872 votes
20% Yes with 19,701 votes
Again this poll is located on CNN's front page approximately 2/3 of the way down on the right side of the page if interested. And no, I do not work
for CNN or represent them in any way, shape, or form.