Originally posted by orbitbaby
I agree with you OP. And I'll take it a step further. I think it should be mandatory for all
military personnel returning from foreign wars, to spend 90 days in a brothel before they
are let loose on the population.
That's the quickest way to wipe out any military.
It is impossible to screen all prostitutes for every disease out there. Do you see influenza screening of prostitutes in any brothel? No. Why?
Impossible. Too costly. With that said, like in my previous post it was 1918 flu hitting the Florida brothels that wiped out all the soldiers in
Other things that prostitutes DON'T screen for:
1. HTLV (all types): there's tests but prostitutes rarely screen.
2. HIV-2: Sure there's a test, but it's a separate test than HIV-1. Most prostitutes only screen for HIV-1, Group M. (and the blood banks don't
screen either--too expensive)
3. HIV-1, Group O and Group N: Yes, there's tests available for those too. But no, prostitutes rarely screen for them. They assume that the standard
HIV test screens all of them, when it does NOT. Many pharma companies hold global patents, such as Bayer's global patent on Group O. Their patent
prevents any other company from creating a test for Group O. That means if a person wants to screen for Group O, they have to buy a separate test sold
by Bayer-only. And doctors rarely ask for the extra test (which might be a bunk test anyway). Blood banks also do not screen for HIV-1, Group O, nor
HIV-1, Group N. Too costly. So never assume that you have been screened for them just because you donated blood. You weren't screened.
Things that prostitutes CAN'T screen for:
1. Mutation to HIV-1, Group M, Clade C in Southeast Asia: Around the mid 1990s a pharmaceudical company did some trial meds on prostitutes infected
with HIV-1, M, Clade C in southeast Asia (primarily Bangkok). Those patients began testing negative after the experimental med and they thought they
came up with a "cure". But alas, they still died of HIV-related illnesses. Turned out that the experimental medication caused a mutation to Clade C
and that the new mutation no longer shows up on the standard test for HIV-1, Group M. To my knowledge, they still haven't released a new test for
this mutation circulating around the globe as the mutation also hit Bangkok prostitutes.
2. Other mutations to HIV brought on by experimental meds: Ever hear how Magic Johnson began testing negative after he began his cocktail med regime
for HIV? Well it's the same thing as what happened in Southeast Asia. Experimental med cocktails cause mutations in HIV in those infected. And the
mutations start testing negative even though they are still infected. It's impossible to keep up with the mutations and creating new test after new
test for each mutation out there. And there's really no way to tell how many mutations are out there.
3. Other stealth viruses (with no tests on market)
4. Microviruses (with no tests on market).
So it would be impossible to screen for every disease that a prostitute can catch or spread. Whether it be a stealth virus like HIV and it's
mutations with no tests available, or airborn diseases like flu-mutations.
Quickest way to wipe out a military (or country) is to send them all to brothels. Let's use the Ukraine as an example.
After the Iron Curtain fell, the Ukraine legalized prostitution with government owned brothels. Then they created a law requiring all adult males to
join the military for 2 years. So every male Ukrainian citizen must join the military. Then once each male citizen is in the military they are
expected to "support" their government by using the government owned brothels.
What diseases have surfaced in Ukrainian brothels?
1. SARS, surfaces in Ukrainian brothels every couple of years. The last SARS outbreak in a Ukrainian brothel was 2011.
2. Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic Virus (CCHF): And that's how it got it's name. It surfaced in Crimean peninsula brothels that the military frequently
3. Black Lung Mutation to H1N1: very deadly, also surfaced in Ukrainian brothels used by the military.
4. Just about every form of HIV and their mutations. Ukraine has the highest HIV rates in Europe.
So what will happen when A) a country legalizes prostitution B) requires every adult male to join the military and C) expects all those men to support
their government by using those brothels owned by the government?
It's only a matter of time before the Ukraine wipes itself out and definitely wipes out its own military.
It's not like a condom protects them
against SARS, Black Lung Mutation to H1N1, or CCHF. Will SARS mutate in Ukrainian brothels? There's about a 90% probability it will. Will H1N1
mutate again in Ukrainian brothels? Probably.
(continuation of wiping out militaries in brothels in next post)