posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 09:11 AM
zzzt*crackle*zzzt...and make that line fast!
Well, we're officially at sea now. Surprisingly enough, it wasn't the mob who caused it.
Just after sun-up, a fleet of 20+ trucks pulled up. They were labled with all kinds of agencies, FBI, FEMA, ATF, you name it, they were there. The
government was "here to help", and they were all heavily armed to make sure their help was accepted.
We had previously loaded the boats, so we just fired them up and got the hell out of there. There were a couple police boats there to try and blockade
us, but we just didn't stop. They popped a few shots at us, until our two 50-footers plowed right through them, at which point they were to busy
Our tanks were topped off, and we're carrying as much spare fuel as we can. We ended up taking 12 boats, some being towed, some vastly under-manned.
If we encounter a storm, or something worse, we'll have trouble, but the skies are clear at this point.
If anyone wants to join with us, we could use the extra manpower, and I'll trust ATSers before some random person we come upon. We're heading south
towards the Keys right now. At that point, we'll decide whether to head back up the coast, or into the Gulf. We can make any necessary stops to make
pick-ups, so if you want to come along, and can make it to the East or Gulf Coast, send word. Arrangements will be made.
Good luck, stay safe. Be wary of government intervention. It doesn't look to be benficial.
I said make that line fa....zzzt*crackle*zzzt...