posted on Oct, 9 2011 @ 08:37 PM
reply to post by Convicted
Notice the sign above the head of the skinhead raising the "white power" salute... "The System Is Racist". That's a bit ironic, don't you
The sign held up in the center of the picture which reads "This Is My Occupation" sends a clear message that professional protesters - people who
protest for a living without knowing what they are really protesting - may be present at the OWS protests.
The sign on the right is the funniest of all... "Live Simply So Others May Simply Live". It is ludicrous to insist in protest that people do without
the luxuries of life that they have worked so hard for just so that people who think "jobs equal slavery" (one of the popular chants of the OWS
protesters) don't have to work. If they want to live, they can get a job. If they can't find a job, I see enough people in that photo that a new
company could be formed that met the needs of others for a price, if only they would be willing to work.
Ohe yeah... another funny thing in this photo... The chick near the center (under the arm of the skinhead) must really be dumb, walking down the
middle of the street with her boob hanging out.
Personally, I don't think that the media is out to make these protesters look extremely foolish. The protesters are doing a good enough job of
looking foolish on their own.