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Originally posted by illuminatislave
Originally posted by Night Star
reply to post by fuzzy0087
That's what I say too, all States should be as strict as Alabama, otherwise the illegals will just move to another State. Stop the jobs and freebies to illegals ad they will self deport. Some have already!
What jobs are they taking? Do you think that an unemployed college grad is going to pick fruit?
Originally posted by benrl
reply to post by Destinyone
Yes, and that was in response to you saying the crossing was easy...
So which is it, is it easy, or is it hard but its their fault?
You seem not to know much about illegal immigration in general and relying on generalization.
Many times these immigrants come alone, with their family left behind, often time they are Males trying to feed their family at home, they have no intention of staying when they come, they want to go back once they have made enough.
They do not want to come here just to be poor in america and create more mouths for them to feed, some do this but most don't. The reason they come with such urgency is the immigration process is expensive and takes time, time that often their family does not have, they need food now not when the process is finished 5 years from now, its a move based on desperation.
AS for them taking jobs and services, this op was about a utility, one that is being denied to them, one that they PAID for btw... They take the jobs no one wants, unless you do want them here they will give them back to you.
Originally posted by Dembow
reply to post by DerbyCityLights
My friend if you want to talk about PR, with me, have Google ready. Yes, PR is not a state but it is a territory. Is the property of but not a part of the US. ALL, I repeat ALL federal laws apply here. Congress has complete authority over PR and can do with it as they please, like give it away to another country as they stated in the last White House report. Now that being said, we are citizens, second class since we can't vote for the president or bear weapons, but citizens nonetheless. We can get in and out, no problem. The whole issue matters to us, since Americans can't tell the difference between mexicans, colombians, cubans or puertoricans, we are likely to fall victim to racial profiling.
Originally posted by Gridrebel
Most people assume illegal immigrant refers to one of hispanic race. There are thousands of illegal people here from all over, Russian, Cuba, China, Koreans......lots and lots of illegal residents. Hispanics are probably more noted because there are, well, more of them. I cited this earlier:
Only Mexico (111 million) had a larger Hispanic population than the United States (48.4 million).
The problem is illegal immigrants from anywhere.
Originally posted by Digital_Reality
The real crux of the matter is that legal citizens pay taxes for the upkeep of these services. Illegal aliens DO NOT pay ANY taxes. How is it fair that I pay taxes and contribute to the system and they get a pass? I do not buy into the poor poor illegal bit.
Being a poor illegal immigrant does not mean you can break the law. Yes being here illegally is breaking the law! Lets not forget that.
Its too rewarding for these illegals to come here. We need to make it inconvenient and less rewarding to be here so they go home and stop weighing down our system. Illegals enjoying the benefits of our welfare system and living off our government throws our economic system off balance because they contribute NOTHING and the legal citizens foot the bill.
Its not a racist view, its not mean or hateful to feel this way. Its basic economics. We are going broke as a nation and we cant continue to pay for illegals to live here. I don't want to sponsor an illegal alien with my tax dollars. I want that money going to legal residents who are having financial difficulties.
Originally posted by benrl
reply to post by Destinyone
You know what, no no I don't. You know what else is illegal? songs on my ipod.
How about the war on drugs that sees 1000's of non-violent offenders locked up?
Or how about a president that assassination of an american citizen with out trial?
I guess if disrespecting the laws is good enough for The POTUS its good enough for me.
Laws should be enforced Humanely, you know there was a time when we could have moral superiority on certain issues with the rest of the world.
Guess we can add cutting off potable water for family's to the list of shameful actions by US lawmakers.edit on 10-10-2011 by benrl because: (no reason given)
Originally posted by Alien Abduct
If I recall correctly the Mexicans had their country before we had ours. Its not our fault that they failed in making it prosper.
Originally posted by Dembow
Alien made an analogy about a ship having 2 leaks, and it made sense, of course. Let's keep that analogy going, let's say there are two ships, one is Mexico(or Canada, whichever you prefer) the other the U.S. Their ship is sinking 'cause their captain is incompetent as hell.(goverment). You wouldn't let the people jumping, onto your ship?
Look at it this way...Yellowstone blew up, half the US. is uninhabitable and Mexico said: Uh uh hell naw no way Jose... I mean Joseph you ain't coming in, sorry. It's a little extreme but if you look at Mexico, the cartels and corruption have made it almost impossible to live there. I agree get the illegals out, secure the border and all that, but they are humans, living in a narco state with no means of solving that problem, What? Let them rot? That's not right especially after invading, yes, invading (that word again) countries in the name of democracy and "humanitarian reasons". Mexico is right there, they are a democracy, friend and ally of the US, they don't get help with their huge drug problem that the US helped create? It ain't fair, plenty of countries on this contiinent to help.
Brewer released a written statement Friday doubling down on her claim.
"The simple truth is that the majority of human smuggling in our state is under the direction of the drug cartels, which are by definition smuggling drugs," she said, citing a Los Angeles Times report from March 2009 that found "the business of smuggling humans across the Mexican border has been brisk, with many thousands coming across every year."
The report, quoting government officials and congressional testimonies, also found that smugglers affiliated with the drug cartels "have taken the enterprise to a new level -- and made it more violent -- by commandeering much of the operation from independent coyotes."
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