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'No papers, no water’: The sign denying basic services to Alabama’s illegal residents.

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posted on Oct, 10 2011 @ 02:34 PM
reply to post by Alien Abduct

Yes, a small inconvenience that a caucasian person will never have that's what really sucks.

I agree with you, the border should be more secure, but a shoot to kill policy? Nah, there are other ways of dealing with people. But hey, your border, your right to protect it the way you see fit. Star for the answer.

posted on Oct, 10 2011 @ 02:35 PM

Originally posted by illuminatislave

Originally posted by Night Star
reply to post by fuzzy0087

That's what I say too, all States should be as strict as Alabama, otherwise the illegals will just move to another State. Stop the jobs and freebies to illegals ad they will self deport. Some have already!

What jobs are they taking? Do you think that an unemployed college grad is going to pick fruit?

College student here, 38 year old mother with a 17 yo son. HELL YES I'D PICK FRUIT. Anything to get a job and get OFF foodstamps and such. I'd clean danged OUTHOUSES gratefully because even 8.00 an hour is better than what I'm making now: zero.

Oh and I'm white, great greats moved here from Germany, but I was adopted but yes. I have strawberry blond hair and blue/green eyes. I'm not hispanic, asian, middle eastern. I'm as caucasian/American as they come, kiddies.
edit on 10-10-2011 by sarra1833 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 10 2011 @ 02:35 PM

Originally posted by benrl
reply to post by Destinyone

Yes, and that was in response to you saying the crossing was easy...

So which is it, is it easy, or is it hard but its their fault?

You seem not to know much about illegal immigration in general and relying on generalization.

Many times these immigrants come alone, with their family left behind, often time they are Males trying to feed their family at home, they have no intention of staying when they come, they want to go back once they have made enough.

They do not want to come here just to be poor in america and create more mouths for them to feed, some do this but most don't. The reason they come with such urgency is the immigration process is expensive and takes time, time that often their family does not have, they need food now not when the process is finished 5 years from now, its a move based on desperation.

AS for them taking jobs and services, this op was about a utility, one that is being denied to them, one that they PAID for btw... They take the jobs no one wants, unless you do want them here they will give them back to you.

So, from what you write, I can only conclude you have absolutely no respect for the laws of MY Country. Nuff said.

posted on Oct, 10 2011 @ 02:40 PM

Originally posted by Dembow
reply to post by DerbyCityLights

My friend if you want to talk about PR, with me, have Google ready. Yes, PR is not a state but it is a territory. Is the property of but not a part of the US. ALL, I repeat ALL federal laws apply here. Congress has complete authority over PR and can do with it as they please, like give it away to another country as they stated in the last White House report. Now that being said, we are citizens, second class since we can't vote for the president or bear weapons, but citizens nonetheless. We can get in and out, no problem. The whole issue matters to us, since Americans can't tell the difference between mexicans, colombians, cubans or puertoricans, we are likely to fall victim to racial profiling.

Your in this because of racial profiling??? Really????

Apparently you are not aware that racial profiling goes on for everyone every day of there lives. Oh, its a dirty little secret that no one can talk about because its not "politically correct", but buddy, I assure you, NOTHING can keep me, you or any of the rest of us from being profiled in one way or another every single day of your life.

Let them profile you. If you are legal, you prove it and move on. Then you can laugh smugly knowing that you win because you are a legal citizen. So what if they profile you!

And you better check some federal laws regarding the difference between State and territory. I think you are mistaken.

posted on Oct, 10 2011 @ 02:40 PM
The real crux of the matter is that legal citizens pay taxes for the upkeep of these services. Illegal aliens DO NOT pay ANY taxes. How is it fair that I pay taxes and contribute to the system and they get a pass? I do not buy into the poor poor illegal bit.

Being a poor illegal immigrant does not mean you can break the law. Yes being here illegally is breaking the law! Lets not forget that.

Its too rewarding for these illegals to come here. We need to make it inconvenient and less rewarding to be here so they go home and stop weighing down our system. Illegals enjoying the benefits of our welfare system and living off our government throws our economic system off balance because they contribute NOTHING and the legal citizens foot the bill.

Its not a racist view, its not mean or hateful to feel this way. Its basic economics. We are going broke as a nation and we cant continue to pay for illegals to live here. I don't want to sponsor an illegal alien with my tax dollars. I want that money going to legal residents who are having financial difficulties.

posted on Oct, 10 2011 @ 02:43 PM
reply to post by Destinyone

You know what, no no I don't. You know what else is illegal? songs on my ipod.

How about the war on drugs that sees 1000's of non-violent offenders locked up?

Or how about a president that assassination of an american citizen with out trial?

I guess if disrespecting the laws is good enough for The POTUS its good enough for me.

Laws should be enforced Humanely, you know there was a time when we could have moral superiority on certain issues with the rest of the world.

Guess we can add cutting off potable water for family's to the list of shameful actions by US lawmakers.
edit on 10-10-2011 by benrl because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 10 2011 @ 02:43 PM
Most people assume illegal immigrant refers to one of hispanic race. There are thousands of illegal people here from all over, Russian, Cuba, China, Koreans......lots and lots of illegal residents. Hispanics are probably more noted because there are, well, more of them. I cited this earlier:

Only Mexico (111 million) had a larger Hispanic population than the United States (48.4 million).

The problem is illegal immigrants from anywhere.

posted on Oct, 10 2011 @ 02:51 PM
I hate to say this but all illegals are not out picking fields. They work up north in meat plants they work at your local fast food place. They get a pay check taxes are taken out. Then six months later you have to go to them and say I need your social security card the number was kicked back. They don't have it with them but will bring it the next time they work. They come back with a social security number with numbers so different than the first one there was no way it was wrote down wrong by anyone.

My Sons social security number had him working and paying taxes in when he was 8 years old. Here I thought he was spending his days in school. It took me a while to get my tax return that year since I claimed him on my taxes and claimed he had no income.

Your all going to love it when you have that auto accident where an illegal hits you. They have no insurance either and that means you pay your deductible to get your car fixed when the accident wasn't your fault. Do you think they really pay the fines for not having insurance?

posted on Oct, 10 2011 @ 02:52 PM
reply to post by benrl

Would you prefer that we just completely open our borders? Let these poor little people in so they can make some change? Because they don't have their country right? I mean Americans didn't work hard to make this country the way it is right? We didn't build this country to the point that is is today, to the richness that it is.

If I recall correctly the Mexicans had their country before we had ours. Its not our fault that they failed in making it prosper.

If I recall correctly the United States gives more foreign aid to other countries than any other country in the world.

If I recall correctly we have given Mexico alone BILLIONS of dollars in foreign aid. Yet Mexico remains stagnant despite the huge amount of natural resources available.

You don't see Canadians scrambling to get across the border. Mexico needs to learn to be more prudent with what they have. Their country is a vibrant land flourishing with natural resources. If they are such hard workers then they need to focus on aiming their hard work toward making their country better suited to bring forth great fruit.

I say beef up our borders to the extreme. Kick out all the illegals. Shoot to kill any person attempting to illegally or covertly cross our borders.


posted on Oct, 10 2011 @ 02:53 PM

Originally posted by Gridrebel
Most people assume illegal immigrant refers to one of hispanic race. There are thousands of illegal people here from all over, Russian, Cuba, China, Koreans......lots and lots of illegal residents. Hispanics are probably more noted because there are, well, more of them. I cited this earlier:

Only Mexico (111 million) had a larger Hispanic population than the United States (48.4 million).

The problem is illegal immigrants from anywhere.

Don't let others try to flip the conversation and make you feel like its about race because its not. The other lame rationalization is people finding examples of you breaking the law and saying that you are somehow illegal also and by default the illegals are justified. Its all garbage!

I pay into the system. I don't care what color you are. If you are not contributing to the system we have in place here get the hell out or get legal and start contributing.

posted on Oct, 10 2011 @ 03:00 PM
For me, it ISN"T about race. I realize however, many people don't know just how many illegal immigrants are in the USA and from whence they came.

posted on Oct, 10 2011 @ 03:00 PM
Alien made an analogy about a ship having 2 leaks, and it made sense, of course. Let's keep that analogy going, let's say there are two ships, one is Mexico(or Canada, whichever you prefer) the other the U.S. Their ship is sinking 'cause their captain is incompetent as hell.(goverment). You wouldn't let the people jumping, onto your ship?

Look at it this way...Yellowstone blew up, half the US. is uninhabitable and Mexico said: Uh uh hell naw no way Jose... I mean Joseph you ain't coming in, sorry. It's a little extreme but if you look at Mexico, the cartels and corruption have made it almost impossible to live there. I agree get the illegals out, secure the border and all that, but they are humans, living in a narco state with no means of solving that problem, What? Let them rot? That's not right especially after invading, yes, invading (that word again) countries in the name of democracy and "humanitarian reasons". Mexico is right there, they are a democracy, friend and ally of the US, they don't get help with their huge drug problem that the US helped create? It ain't fair, plenty of countries on this contiinent to help.

posted on Oct, 10 2011 @ 03:03 PM

Originally posted by Digital_Reality
The real crux of the matter is that legal citizens pay taxes for the upkeep of these services. Illegal aliens DO NOT pay ANY taxes. How is it fair that I pay taxes and contribute to the system and they get a pass? I do not buy into the poor poor illegal bit.

Being a poor illegal immigrant does not mean you can break the law. Yes being here illegally is breaking the law! Lets not forget that.

Its too rewarding for these illegals to come here. We need to make it inconvenient and less rewarding to be here so they go home and stop weighing down our system. Illegals enjoying the benefits of our welfare system and living off our government throws our economic system off balance because they contribute NOTHING and the legal citizens foot the bill.

Its not a racist view, its not mean or hateful to feel this way. Its basic economics. We are going broke as a nation and we cant continue to pay for illegals to live here. I don't want to sponsor an illegal alien with my tax dollars. I want that money going to legal residents who are having financial difficulties.

Well stated
You're absolutely's not a Mexican issue it is in fact an illegal alien/immigrant issue all wrapped into one thing.....EXISTING IN THE US ILLEGALLY no matter your country of origin.

Why can't some of you get this? I don't appreciate "OUR" tax dollars going to anyone, including families of illegal immigrants that contributes 0.00 dollars in taxes or anyone who has not assisted in maintaining the crappy economic system we currently have. Now, if you as a citizen choose to sponser or assist any of these people, then go ahead..but this talk of violating human rights is very offensive to many of us.

Illegal Immigrants from ALL NATIONS are assisting in making it nearly impossible for the US economy to bounce back. Not to mention all the money being held hostage by the greedy banks and the money that's being spent on pointless wars. It's like taking one step forward only to "forcefully" take ten steps backwards.

We as US citizens/legal immigrants really need to care about ourselves first and look out for each other before attemtping to help others. All this bullying crap is gonna backfire one day....just wait.

posted on Oct, 10 2011 @ 03:09 PM

Originally posted by benrl
reply to post by Destinyone

You know what, no no I don't. You know what else is illegal? songs on my ipod.

How about the war on drugs that sees 1000's of non-violent offenders locked up?

Or how about a president that assassination of an american citizen with out trial?

I guess if disrespecting the laws is good enough for The POTUS its good enough for me.

Laws should be enforced Humanely, you know there was a time when we could have moral superiority on certain issues with the rest of the world.

Guess we can add cutting off potable water for family's to the list of shameful actions by US lawmakers.
edit on 10-10-2011 by benrl because: (no reason given)

Like I mentioned before in this very same thread.....

1. If I shut off your water would your family die of thirst? hell no

2. Is there clean "potable" water available at your local gas station's sink for free? yes

3. If you are here illegally could you simply turn yourself in and be afforded all the "potable" water you can drink? yes


posted on Oct, 10 2011 @ 03:11 PM
reply to post by DerbyCityLights

I'm not in this for racial profiling, uh uh. And dude ALL federal laws apply to the territories, however there are laws and programs that don't apply to STATES. Like section 936. Believe me I was born and raise here on this little colony, they treat us different, us, the virgin islands, guam, even D.C. We have to follow all laws but don't get all the benefits. I don't know how to post links, or I would show you. One example: Death penalty is illegal under the PR constitution, but break a FEDERAL law that's punishable by death and they WILL kill you.

posted on Oct, 10 2011 @ 03:14 PM

Originally posted by Alien Abduct
If I recall correctly the Mexicans had their country before we had ours. Its not our fault that they failed in making it prosper.

Mexico was still a colony of Spain when the United States of America was founded.

And by then the attitude of the Spanish monarchy towards economic development of its colonies was regressive.

posted on Oct, 10 2011 @ 03:16 PM

Originally posted by Dembow
Alien made an analogy about a ship having 2 leaks, and it made sense, of course. Let's keep that analogy going, let's say there are two ships, one is Mexico(or Canada, whichever you prefer) the other the U.S. Their ship is sinking 'cause their captain is incompetent as hell.(goverment). You wouldn't let the people jumping, onto your ship?

Look at it this way...Yellowstone blew up, half the US. is uninhabitable and Mexico said: Uh uh hell naw no way Jose... I mean Joseph you ain't coming in, sorry. It's a little extreme but if you look at Mexico, the cartels and corruption have made it almost impossible to live there. I agree get the illegals out, secure the border and all that, but they are humans, living in a narco state with no means of solving that problem, What? Let them rot? That's not right especially after invading, yes, invading (that word again) countries in the name of democracy and "humanitarian reasons". Mexico is right there, they are a democracy, friend and ally of the US, they don't get help with their huge drug problem that the US helped create? It ain't fair, plenty of countries on this contiinent to help.

If you don't think the drug Cartels in Mexico, have a finger in every Gov't office, bribing the path for have a lot to learn my friend. How dare you say the U.S. is responsible for the drug problem in Mexico. The going trend now in illegals entering over the borders, is for them to carry in back packs, 100s of pounds of drugs, for drop off as soon as they get over the border...Is Mexico doing anything to stop this?

Brewer released a written statement Friday doubling down on her claim.

"The simple truth is that the majority of human smuggling in our state is under the direction of the drug cartels, which are by definition smuggling drugs," she said, citing a Los Angeles Times report from March 2009 that found "the business of smuggling humans across the Mexican border has been brisk, with many thousands coming across every year."

The report, quoting government officials and congressional testimonies, also found that smugglers affiliated with the drug cartels "have taken the enterprise to a new level -- and made it more violent -- by commandeering much of the operation from independent coyotes."

Read more:

posted on Oct, 10 2011 @ 03:17 PM
These arguments are always so heated. You are either painted as a virulent racist or an anti-american illegal alien lover. There is a middle ground. Illegal aliens do pay sales taxes, they do in fact shop at your local stores. There is some benefit derived from that and you are being intellectually dishonest if you refuse to admit that. And according to the Social Security Administration many illegals do pay taxes. These are taxes collected from people who used stolen ID's, old TSN's etc. The IRS put out figures in 2006 that put the figure around 9 billion. It's hard to say because the Fed doesn't keep a tally of it. Most illegals who do pay taxes never file for a return even if they would be entitled to money back because they fear deportation.

When the economy goes sour the nativist argument always comes back. It's happened so many times in our countries history and it never has solved any of our problems. Maybe you can play it like the 30's and just round up everyone who looks illegal and throw em' out. (and that wasn't a good thing, many people who were born here were sent to Mexico).

posted on Oct, 10 2011 @ 03:19 PM
reply to post by Destinyone

Actually we are responsible. If there was no demand for drugs then there would be no market. The U.S. is the number one world-wide consumer of drugs. That is a fact. So in essence, as the cartel's biggest customer we are responsible for it.

posted on Oct, 10 2011 @ 03:22 PM
It seems all to easy for Americans to just say "go back to your country" or "they're all just criminals" thinking they can project their impotence and ignorance towards people they know nothing of..this is NO ONES land because when you die you take NOTHING!..of course some illegals want to go back to their country! but given the fact that they where forced to leave it in the first place they choose to look for the American dream. of course some are criminals..but did you forget America was founded on crime? try to place yourself in immigrant shoes for once because remember Chances are if your NOT Native American your an immigrant too! even the natives believed we are temporary caregivers of this land. After all this measly planet is but a speck in existence ..none of us really matter so why not DENY IGNORANCE and unite...

ps...sorry mods if its too much of a message.

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