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Occupy The Planet ---- Why Bother?

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posted on Oct, 9 2011 @ 11:14 AM
As much as I want to say this protest will accomplish anything, I just can't. This does smell a lot like 'Wag The Dog'.....
The only thing this will accomplish is: maintaining the Status Quo.
Nothing will change. Nothing ever will. None of the NYC protesters, or protesters anywahere else in North America should expect to get a new job due to their actions. They shouldn't expect Warren Buffet, or George Soros to come walking dorn the street handing out $1000.00 bills to everyone.
If you want to make a change, protest the POLITICAL LEADERS! They put you in this situation. they ALLOWED the bankers to steal your money, and spend it willy-nilly
You're a bunch of idiots, protesting the WRONG people!

posted on Oct, 9 2011 @ 11:49 AM
Who do you think influenced the Government when they made their choices on bailouts, criminal forgiveness and regulations?

posted on Oct, 9 2011 @ 11:53 AM
reply to post by moondoggy2

When you go about calling people idiots it doesn't show a lot about yourself....

But with that said a lot of the protesters believe that wall street and the politicians are in each others pockets. So you can protest just the politicians like you said but wall street will buy them up again...

The whole system needs to be revamped.... the politicians, the federal reserve, and wall street...

posted on Oct, 9 2011 @ 12:29 PM
You are wright so wright. If everybody in all 50 states called all there people that they put in office in DC and said come home we need to have A sit down. This is it you are there to represent the people not corporations we wont to see all your financial disclosure and start there. Then if there are any ill gotten gains seize any and all assets like the feds do in forfeitures. Intel proven other wise. Start fresh and not with a corporation whore. Theses people that are in public office have a fiduciary duty to the people and if the don't do there jobs take away there pay and benefits like retirement. They get nothing from the people. STAND UP PEOPLE There are 535 Representatives in DC 237 of them are MILLIONAIRES making a $174.000 a year and they are not there for the pay or the people they are there for Corporations that they own are have friends who own them. THE GIG IS UP.

posted on Oct, 9 2011 @ 12:33 PM
Are you stupid? You think the government controls the bankers n ceo's??..... and we're the idiots?????

lazy couch potato lames are always the first to criticize those of us who are on our feet..

posted on Oct, 9 2011 @ 01:36 PM

Originally posted by
Are you stupid? You think the government controls the bankers n ceo's??..... and we're the idiots?????

lazy couch potato lames are always the first to criticize those of us who are on our feet..

There is nothing stopping the politicians from siezing assets, and closing down big banks, and big businesses. The protesters in NYC, LA, Dallas, and every other city in America, need to move to Washington DC.
The politicians are the ones who have allowed the big banks such power.
Americans need to STOP paying taxes.... Then see how quickly DC will jump for them.....

posted on Oct, 10 2011 @ 05:50 PM
reply to post by moondoggy2

no, the politicians alone wouldn't have allowed it.

answer me this: why do you think politicians have sooo much money??

it ain't because we're generous... THEY GET PAID in STOCK and CASH by the same CORPS you think they should just PULL THE PLUG ON.

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