Reading through some of these threads I find that there are way too many gullible people on here that will believe just about anything that gets
posted on here or on YouTube. There is a part of your brain called the (RAS) Reticular Activating System, it acts as a filter, when you focus on
something it goes in your RAS and you will see more of it, kinda like if you were to buy a certain car like a Hummer you would notice it a lot more of
them on the road, when in reality they were always there, you just didn’t pay attention to them. Same thing is happening with the 2012 SHTF
scenario, most of the people have already made up their mind that S will HTF and they look for evidence to support their belief and ignore anything
that isn’t according to their belief system. I was reading a post the other day, someone said that he thinks we might have an earthquake coming,
because his dog was barking a little more than usual, someone else commented to get the dog checked out by a vet and rule out that the dog is not sick
first and then look into other theories. Someone else said some natural disaster might happen, because their husband was a little moody lately. That
person should ask her husband how things are at work, maybe things are a little more difficult with the economy before assuming that it’s because an
earth changing event will occur. Another thing I noticed is that most want SHTF to happen and most people believe that when these natural disasters
occur and other people get killed, “they” will survive and life will be much better for “them”. Here is a reality check, even though some
people’s current situation might suck, if we lose power or something else happens that will prevent you from having normal access to food and clean
water it’s gonna suck even more. If things suck right now, try looking for a solution within and how you can change and not wait for the
environment to change around you.
Ok, here are some guidelines for weeding out the false stories from ones that actually are based on some truth. Ask yourself these questions before
believing something.
1. False prophet making a fat profit.
If someone is making any kind of profit selling DVD’s or some kind of survival kits or anything like that and they are telling you the world will
end, then their information loses credibility and is most likely false or exaggerated to sell their stuff. Why would you need to make money if the
world is ending, you should give the stuff away for free.
Harold Camping – this guy is a master at this, he has been predicting the end of the world to happen for years, his first end of the world was
supposed to happen in 1994 and he has been calling dates all the way up to Oct 21 2011. In the process he has made millions of dollars and ruined
many people’s life because they quit their jobs, emptied their kids college funds and invested money into him. This guy has been wrong for 17 years
now and people are still listening to him, I just don’t get it, I’m sure you’ll find many posts with people waiting for Oct 21st 2011.
Alexander Retrov - is another brilliant individual predicting 12-15 magnitude earthquakes to happen on 9/26/11 and making money of his DVDs. Not only
did he get simple facts wrong such as when planets were discovered, but he also predicted 12-15 magnitude earthquakes which are geologically not
possible. An earthquake that happen in Japan in 2011 was 9 on the Richter scale, an earthquake 10 on the scale would produce 10 times more shaking
than 9. Earthquake 12 would produce 1,000 times more shaking. An earthquake 12 on the Richter scale would be equivalent to earth getting hit by a
planet half the size of earth. Earthquake 15 would produce 1 million times more shaking than the Japan earthquake. Think about how much damage the
earthquake in Japan caused and imagine 1 million times the damage of Japan earthquake. Anyway, this is another guy that said his predictions are
correct, but the date was wrong and we shouldn’t focus too much on the date just on the predictions (and his DVDs).
2. Track record
If someone is making any kinds of claims and they are not selling anything, check their track record, have they predicted anything before and did it
come true, have they predicted something that didn’t come true and now they are just changing the date or have they never predicted anything and
this is their first one. So far I haven’t come across anyone who has been able to consistently predict future event correctly. There are people
who have predicted earthquakes and other things, but there are predictions made every day, so this is just a matter of chance.
3. Vague predications
Something big will happen in the next 6 months that will change things forever.
D4rk KN1ght – this guy’s IP address was traced back to another user name that made fake UFO predictions, his thread is in the HOAX section, his
predictions did not come true and people still believe him, not because he was such a great guy, but because people want to believe SHTF will happen.
People are taking bits and pieces out of his predictions and saying that the things that he was saying are happening, yes there are UFO sightings,
yes there are all kinds of noises, but if it appears that more of it is happening, it’s probably because you are paying attention to it and looking
for it.
4. People doing it for attention.
Sometimes people don’t care about money, but they are just doing it for attention, YouTube is a great source for these people. These threads or
videos usually start out by saying... I’ve been sent here to warn you or I’ve been given this message by a Zen monk or I’m have a confession to
make and want to help everyone. These type of people often make up some end of the world story and it's missing key information like how it will
happen. These people will also take vague versus from the bible and twist it around to fit their predictions, pointing to the bible that it’s
saying the earth will shake, it might say that in the bible, but it’s not referring to the specific time that they were referring to.
9Nania – this is some girl on YouTube that predicted an earthquake to happen on 9/26/11, then she moved up her prediction to 9/30/11, then she moved
it up a few more days, after she kept getting all these dates wrong, people on YouTube ripped her a new A-hole so she shut off all comments on her
channel and now she sounds like an even bigger nutcase. She is saying the government will do experiments on you without you knowing, you will
experience nausea, pain, itchiness, nightmares, vivid dreams, bruises needle marks, buzzing and you will not know where it’s coming from. Chances
are good that people will experience some of these symptoms at some point for some other reasons and they will think that she was right and the
government is experimenting on them like she said. Despite all these wrong predictions she still has over 14,000 followers.
I hope I don’t see another lens flare video of the sun saying that there is an object next to the sun, people who make these videos obviously know
they are fake but they just do it for attention.
edit on 10/9/2011 by taws6 because: fixed link