posted on Oct, 8 2011 @ 02:33 PM
hello ive also been a long time lurker as many people here.
what fascinates me are the paranormal things, and funny posts that people make.
i am being raised as a christian and such.. you can see me probably compare me liek the lost son.
there are many friendly people here on ats. thats why i came out of the closet and took the time to make a thread.
i live in the netherlands and speak dutch. and no i do not like football or soccer. i wasn't really loved by my parents, and cried and was pretty
antisocial in my childhood so i didnt really care about sport.
when I was young I was pretty emotional if I talked about certain things. even when i write this it reminds of things wich makes me feel #, though
they aren't that bad. there was much depression in my family generation, suicides and stuff. you could say that i was the quiet kid in school who
didnt had any friends. but there were many people who were sympathetic and nice to me. but yeah i dont hate or dislike the majority who didnt
understood me or were assholes to me. i would probably acted the same way in their situation. i dont use any medication or psychiatrists to distract
me from my depression. i can write more about this but it's pretty annoying for me haha.
this was pretty hard to do lol.
anyways good day