posted on Oct, 9 2011 @ 01:43 AM
Thanks OP! Cool pic & painfully, it does seem like the Int'l Space Station explanation fits. Obviously, I'm more of a reader than contributor, but
I'm always looking out for that craft or being that will hold still long enough (or refrain from paralyzing me) to get a high-res/non-palsied video.
I've pasted a link from Fox News that may have contributed to our other incidents & some commotion that I saw:
Sorry about not embedding & for Fox News being the source, but it seems to have been the only station that covered this & I couldn't find the raw
cell-phone footage on YouTube to embed here on ATS.
Although not exciting, this is what I saw/didn't see: Tuesday night, I was eastbound on I-470/Hwy-291 (Lee's Summit/Independence area, just
southeast of KC's city limits). Traffic seemed light & it was a nice night, so my truck window was down, cruise set, & radio low when I heard
afterburners! To me, it's always very cool to see a jet climbing with burners on & even better when it's catching-up to other jets, although very
unusual in that area, at that time of night. What really caught my attention was lower to the ground. There was an inordinate amount of helicopter
activity (at least 6) between my 9 & 10:00 position north of the hwy. & in the vicinity of Lee's Summit's little airport.
I figured the choppers were news, police, etc. & related to a crime or wreck & the jets were just a coincidence(?). The next day, a couple of cohorts
(traveling the same path that night) asked what I thought the lights were that were flying around the jets! Well, I said that I saw jets & helicopters
& some little airplanes doing touch-n-gos, but no UFOs. They just looked at each other & at me & said don't mention it--probably glares from oncoming
cars er something(?). Admittedly, with all the b/s out there, even though I 'feel like' we're are experiencing increased contact, I'm more
skeptical, so it was easy to toss aside their anecdotes, but I just keep wondering where all the cell-videos are from our "traffic-jam sighting"
earlier this week & why a B2 would ever have a flight plan that required flying low enough to "uncloak"?
To the lower left of the Fox video, there's a boxed link to the experimetal plane guys debunking the sightings, they don't mention the lit-up
low-flying B2 or the jets or helicopters or the Independence woman's MUFON report.