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I just got back home from Occupy the Fed Dallas/Occupy Dallas. with pics

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posted on Oct, 8 2011 @ 12:36 AM

Originally posted by wingsfan
reply to post by dr_strangecraft

I like this!! this could mean left/right are putting nonsense aside for the common goal,.....hopefully..

imagine what we could accomplish if we attacked washington/wallstreet/fed on the same page and left our other minor differences to the state level?? this country might very well be back on track in no time.

After the ALCS, maybe.

2nd, line, and back to the topic at hand.

Seriously, it was a good turnout for all that is in town this weekend. In no particular order:

1. ALCS opener home game
2. UT v OU football game (the 70-somethingth "Red River Shoot-out")
3. Taylor Swift concert at Reunion Arena (all teenage daughters have compulsory attendance, apparently)
4. A gun show out in Mesquite. But then, that happens every weekend anyway.

edit on 8-10-2011 by dr_strangecraft because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 8 2011 @ 12:38 AM

Originally posted by wingsfan

Originally posted by gimme_some_truth
Awesome awesome awesome. I am from Dallas myself and plan on getting up there ASAP.

Glad I missed Alex Jones though.... he can go away.

edit on 8-10-2011 by gimme_some_truth because: (no reason given)

you're an upper-tier poster here, any chance you can get pics/vids?? if not no big deal.

Well, I dropped my flip cam the other day which broke it, but I can still take stills with my other camera.

I honestly don't know if I can make it up there today ( It is 12:40 am here) but I will try. If not today, than tomorrow.

I will bring my camera with me. Wish I could take video though.

I will do my best to get there.

Side note. That little girl in the second picture looks just like my little cousin, from behind. But I doubt her or her parents were there.
edit on 8-10-2011 by gimme_some_truth because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 8 2011 @ 12:44 AM
reply to post by dr_strangecraft

true, not just cause I'm a tiger fan, but the baseball this year has been very good!! but I would gladly drop it to help now that I'm seeing this thing move in a better direction.

posted on Oct, 8 2011 @ 12:48 AM
reply to post by dr_strangecraft

Seriously, it was a good turnout for all that is in town this weekend. In no particular order

Haha, I forgot to say something else in my OP. We had a few people drive by us and say....."You're #'n up the game !!!!"......and gave us the finger....

Apparently, we did something that really ticked some sports fans off.

reply to post by gimme_some_truth

I honestly don't know if I can make it up there today ( It is 12:40 am here) but I will try. If not today, than tomorrow.

Ive been hearing that Tuesday will be something big. I havent heard that 'officially' from OccupyDallas, but my friends that were with them today told me that Tuesday is the next big day. Im not really sure why though. If there is something big, there will be more info soon.
edit on 8-10-2011 by buni11687 because: (no reason given)

edit on 8-10-2011 by buni11687 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 8 2011 @ 12:51 AM
reply to post by buni11687

Oh that is an awesome tip. A friend of mine is apparently up there right now. Pft, should have let me know I would have gone with him!

He is staying the night and everything.

Let me talk to him and see if he has heard anything.

Anyway, These are awesome pictures OP. The little girl in the second picture, looks just like my baby cousin, from behind. But I doubt she or her parents were there. They are not the type to get involved with things like this and they would not be letting her get in there and holding signs.

I had no idea Alex Jones was coming. Not a big fan of his personally. But exposure is exposure, I suppose.

edit on 8-10-2011 by gimme_some_truth because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 8 2011 @ 01:02 AM
reply to post by buni11687

Question, are they anywhere near the dart bus/train line?

I actually live north of Dallas in Plano. Would be nice to save gas if possible.

I am trying to remember if a bus or train goes by pioneer plaza.

EDIT: Nevermind. I looked it up on the dart site. Yep. Goes right where I want it to.


edit on 8-10-2011 by gimme_some_truth because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 8 2011 @ 01:15 AM
Occupy America seems to be a great idea....except the only way big business and the feds seem to really notice the average "Joe" is when we don't show up. Like change banks, carpool, vote them out of office. Buy used items instead of new, barter! Keep your money close to your wallet and they will notice very quickly. Bargain shop and pay off the stupid credit cards. File bankruptcy! If someone could unite people to quit feeding the huge companies all our hard earned money I would listen.And point me in the direction of a volunteer / barter forum, I personally jump would on it. The only way to get them to take us seriously and maybe even fear the silent majority is to quit playing their game and start one for ourselves.

posted on Oct, 8 2011 @ 01:15 AM
reply to post by gimme_some_truth

I would check the occupy dallas website or their facebook for big updates. Some of their movements got posted at the last second, so I would have a cell phone or something with internet at all times if you take a trip out there. Also, the police are fine with the movement setting up camp and staying overnight again today. (They were fine with it yesterday to.)

I had no idea Alex Jones was coming. Not a big fan of his personally. But exposure is exposure, I suppose.

He decided at the spur of the moment to come here to. He annouced only yesterday that he was coming up here. If he announced atleast a week in advance, there would definantly be more people I believe. But yea, Im not a fan of everything he says, but I do agree with him on what we were there for today, and he really can inspire a crowd.

posted on Oct, 8 2011 @ 01:27 AM

Originally posted by buni11687

He decided at the spur of the moment to come here to. He annouced only yesterday that he was coming up here. If he announced atleast a week in advance, there would definantly be more people I believe. But yea, Im not a fan of everything he says, but I do agree with him on what we were there for today, and he really can inspire a crowd.

that is true. Like him or not, he can attract a crowd. And if he can spread the message as to what this is all about... Then I think that is awesome!

Because frankly, the media is letting me down once again.

Are you going back at all? I would say just look for the young hippie looking guy, but that probably does not help.

edit on 8-10-2011 by gimme_some_truth because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 8 2011 @ 01:35 AM
reply to post by gimme_some_truth

thats ok, if you can go, try to get a good cross-sectional view of the opinions, and then give the establishment a little hell yourself!!

posted on Oct, 8 2011 @ 01:40 AM
reply to post by wingsfan

ahah, duly noted, but if I get arrested, you have to bail me out.

Nah, I wont do anything to get arrested, I promise.

Buni, thanks for sharing all this. This is so awesome. Great pictures and great and info. Got me pumped.

I have to go now.
edit on 8-10-2011 by gimme_some_truth because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 8 2011 @ 02:09 AM
reply to post by gimme_some_truth

Are you going back at all?

Eventually, yes. When? Im not really sure. Next week at the earliest. If what Im hearing about Tuesday is true, I will be there next Tuesday. For this weekend, I will be in Denton and we are trying to form our own little rally.

I would say just look for the young hippie looking guy, but that probably does not help.

Hahahaha. Yea, that dosent really help much. (I would of described myself the same lol)
edit on 8-10-2011 by buni11687 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 8 2011 @ 02:23 AM
Good thread! S&F! Occupy The Fed and Occupy Dallas should put any political differences aside and unite.Sadly,I think the reason they stayed in the park is because they buy into the left/right scam.

posted on Oct, 8 2011 @ 02:45 AM

Originally posted by buni11687

Eventually, yes. When? Im not really sure. Next week at the earliest. If what Im hearing about Tuesday is true, I will be there next Tuesday. For this weekend, I will be in Denton and we are trying to form our own little rally.

Hahahaha. Yea, that dosent really help much. (I would of described myself the same lol)
edit on 8-10-2011 by buni11687 because: (no reason given)

That is cool. Not sure when I am going. Today at the soonest, Tuesday at the latest. My interest is peaked as to what this big thing could be on Tuesday.

ahaha, Yeah, I was watching the Occupy Dallas live feed from their site...I saw lots of young hippies.

and a bongo band that was struggling to keep any kind of beat.

Now it is some guy with a guitar and another with a drum and a bunch of people sitting around listening and talking.

Seems cool.
edit on 8-10-2011 by gimme_some_truth because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 8 2011 @ 02:53 AM
reply to post by mike dangerously

Occupy The Fed and Occupy Dallas should put any political differences aside and unite.Sadly,I think the reason they stayed in the park is because they buy into the left/right scam.

This is the only thing that dissapointed me during the protest today. OccupyDallas was infront of the Fed yesterday, but when hundreds more people show up today from another movement that has similar views (where I was), only a tiny amount showed up to stand with us.

Here's some of the most recent stuff said on OccupyDallas facebook.

really annoyed by the "Occupy Dallas" actions today. in stead of joining the hundreds and hundreds of people in front of the fed reserve, you alienated yourself and chose division over unity. we all have to same goal, to make this country better. you decided to make it about one media personality(AJ) or one politician(RP), who are on the same page as us by the way, and chose to stay a street across, and then leave the protest to return back to base camp while the protest still had hundreds of people in front of the reserve building. seriously check your goal and regroup. wont be wasting my gas to support yelling at chase bank or bank of america. go yell at the real problem, the fed reserve.

I wasn't there but I agree you need to avoid division. A unified front is absolutely vital.

(In response to the ex-text above, only a small group of OccupyDallas came and supported Occupy the Fed. IMO - Nothing wrong with being a street across. Both sides of the street with protesters = fine with me!)

Someone said this in response to Occupy the Fed. (Occupy Dallas was just there yesterday!!!)

What is going on with Occupy Dallas at the Federal Building? Where Alex Jones is, Ron Paul is not far behind! Why is this being allowed. Ron Paul is the antithesis of Occupy Wall Street. He is part of the problem - he is a representative of corporate greed and control and anti-human rights! He is part of empire!

And some responses to the above

(The person that made the above response to Occupy the Fed went on a long rant and the first ex-text below quotes the "Paul believes free...." from the persons long rant)

Who cares what any "party" anyone was/is from? ARE YOU A DEMOCRAT? WHO CARES! I want the TRUTH and I want Freedom,,, "collectivist mindset is at the heart of racism" yep pretty much, "Paul believes free speech is being threatened when we bar insulting and racist remarks" ABSOLUTELY!!! Not Hate, hater

Would you hate me if I was a Republican? Would you "PRE JUDGE" me before you even met me? That would mean you are prejudice,,, and a bigot.

we dont need this division. we need to stand united. each side may have their own grievances, but we each have something in common....we are pissed as hell at the system.

My advice is to keep politics out of it for now. This movement isn't about political party or who's the best president. Those issues come later. Right now the government is owned and it doesn't matter WHO is in office. Bringing up these topics just weakens your efforts. We should be supporting the main goals of the original Occupy protest. We don't just need to be united within each city, we need to be united across the nation.

---End of responses to "What is going on with Occupy Dallas at the Federal Building...."

All the "End the Fed" folks supported "Occupy Dallas" Thursday it was beautiful, Tonight "Occupy Dallas" Protested the "End the Fed" Folks!!! Occupy Dallas should be ashamed, you should change your name to the 9%, you just alienated the other 90%,,, Good job Soros lackies.

What is above is stuff that will divide and eventually destroy the movement. Its only been since Thursday down here and people are already dividing. If things cannot be straighted out, this movement will collapse.
edit on 8-10-2011 by buni11687 because: (no reason given)

edit on 8-10-2011 by buni11687 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 8 2011 @ 03:31 AM
reply to post by buni11687
Buni,could it be that OWS is afraid of the Fed? I think we are seeing the beginning of a feud? I knew this would happen,Whoever is behind Occupy Dallas does not like the fact that OTF is targeting the Fed...

posted on Oct, 8 2011 @ 04:02 AM
reply to post by mike dangerously

Buni,could it be that OWS is afraid of the Fed? I think we are seeing the beginning of a feud? I knew this would happen,Whoever is behind Occupy Dallas does not like the fact that OTF is targeting the Fed...

1st sentence - I cant really give an opinion on all the locations of OWS, but for the Dallas location, I dont fully understand what they want or what their demands are. I mean, they were at the Fed on Thursday, and then you can see what is being said about today when Occupy the Fed showed up.

2nd sentence - In Dallas, there was a feud between members of the OccupyDallas yesterday about wether or not to comply with the police (they allowed OccupyDallas to stay over night yesterday and today, and helped with water, and helped with crossing the streets today and yesterday). Then today, get the idea from the above facebok comments and what Ive said in the thread.

Dallas has the police on their side. Dallas has more than one movement/protest that agrees on similar issues. Also, Dallas has the Texas unity (example - see cannon explanation on first page). We have everything that can make this the size of NYC and even a heck of alot more peaceful and better.......

But we dont have the coordination and cooperation that is needed. If OccupyDallas stays dull and divided, we will fall. What Dallas needs is something like what happend in San Diego today.

They are organized. They cooperated with police. They marched down the street instead of on the sidewalk. They are not feuding. I cant say San Diego has a "concrete" demand, but they are a heck of alot more organized and louder than Dallas.

ETA - I finally found a video from today on youtube, This was taken before I showed up (im not sure how long) - because OccupyDallas isnt on the other side of the street. (there may be some OccupyDallas there, but you could easily see them in the video if this was taken at the time I was there.)

edit on 8-10-2011 by buni11687 because: (no reason given)

ETA 2 - Not sure if I mentioned this already, but a few members of Oath Keepers were there standing with us to.
edit on 8-10-2011 by buni11687 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 8 2011 @ 06:08 AM
Nice pic of the Alex Jones handshake.

That ones the real deal. No Ma hah BS shake there.
edit on 8-10-2011 by Shadowalker because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 8 2011 @ 08:51 AM
reply to post by buni11687

Well done; pleased to see Alex Jones there as I assumed he would.

Cudos to the Texan Police Force where it's due, while protestors did their own thing respectably without any drama. The Texans should all be proud of themselves.

Very different to what I saw online re the G20 in Canada or the OCCUPY protests in NYC.
edit on 8-10-2011 by bluemirage5 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 8 2011 @ 09:15 AM
S + F.

Alex Jones!

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