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OCCUPATION of Atlanta has BEGUN!!!

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posted on Oct, 8 2011 @ 08:06 PM
reply to post by

Heck yeah,

Ga need this we all need this we need to stop the darn dictatorship that is taking over this nation run by the dirty big interest that has taken over our nations government, lets teach this rats that the people is the one that runs the country not them and their dirty money in politics.

Let bring this country back to the people. The dirty rats power grab of our nations government is about to end, hopefully.

posted on Oct, 8 2011 @ 09:26 PM
reply to post by Afterthought

Hi, I was actually present.

If you look at most cities, during the general assemblies, the speaker is repeated after. It's not necessarily chanting, just repetition for clarity and symbolically getting our message into the air. It represents unity.

We didn't wanna "silence him".. but it's a general assembly of people who want democracy, so there was a vote and it was not agreed upon to let him speak because of his place in congress.

Shaming him was not the goal.

posted on Oct, 9 2011 @ 09:34 AM
Thanks for responding to the video,

Although I don't agree with the whole "repeating what is said" tactic, I guess I understand. To me, though, it seems too robotic and it caused me to shut down instead of provoking me to listen. I feel that the meaning of the words was lost in the slow and methodic rhythm of the repetition because it caused the communication to be broken and too many long pauses between the stated phrases.

What exactly is his "place" in Congress? What does he represent that's frowned upon? Is he a Republican and the group was promoting Democratic issues? If this is the case, I can't say I smile upon this. The whole reason we have party affiliations is to divide and conquor. I'm registered as Independent because I refuse to side with either. I don't agree with all Democratic views and I don't agree with all Republican views. Who can honestly say that they can?

I don't believe that talking over anyone or deciding to shut anyone down is a positive move for protesters. We should listen to everyone who wants to speak, then offer constructive criticism or initiate a question and answer session so everyone has the opportunity to understand one another and our differences.

posted on Oct, 9 2011 @ 10:03 AM
Thankyou so much for being out there are uploading these videos. I also saw the John Lewis video. In the John Lewis video guys, they say he is welcome to speak at a later time. When he showed up they had not even made basic plans or an agenda. They hadn't even figured out food and safety, etc. So he is welcome to speak but he can't just come in and interrupt because he is important.

I knocked on over a thousand doors for the Ron Paul campaign in 2008. I cannot be out there with you for this protest, but it seems like you have some good numbers. One of the reasons I went to so many doors is because there were people involved who wanted to, but they had to work too much, or had to take care of their kids and simply did not have the time to go door to door because they had a family to support. But they loved this country and were passionate about the liberty message. So they were a big reason why I went out there daily once we got the ball rolling, because I was one of the only ones who really could.

Now I can't be out there for this protest, but you seem to be doing well and getting some great numbers. I want all of you to know you represent a lot of people who believe in what you are doing. This Occupy Wall street movement touches on an issue just as deep if not deeper than the message of freedom. That issue is bringing awareness about the way the wealthy elite manipulate and have manipulated the masses into a form of debt slavery and wars by every means they can come by. (among other things)

And believe me if you guys are out there on the front lines of this protest, whenever someone brings up this or tries to demonize you, I am going to defend you. That's why I made a thread to get documentaries about the elite. I am re-educating myself on these issues and trying to find good material to show others. ALOT of that good material comes in the form of citizen-journalism like this - the mainstream media is showing only garbage about these protests, but the youtube videos like this really make a person on the fence THINK. You are making news and people will be talking about these things, and it's giving us a chance to really bring this to light to the public.

posted on Oct, 9 2011 @ 10:06 AM
reply to post by Afterthought

Repeating what was said is not so much a "tactic" as a response to a tactic and a show of solidarity to the original OWS initive in NYC - who were denied megaphones or speakers by the NYPD. Repeating in unison what speakers say gets the message through the whole crowd. It's a work-around to the denial of the protester's rights to protest and free speech.

I hope the Occupy ATL takes off. I'm occupying Northside at the moment or I would definitely be there. Corporate greed and the impending and inevitable collapse of the house of cards it was building is what brought me to ATS

Good luck.

posted on Oct, 9 2011 @ 11:55 AM
reply to post by kosmicjack

Thank you fam.

Y'all stay strong up there..

Looks like rain today. lol

posted on Oct, 9 2011 @ 12:22 PM
From what I understand, the occupy movement really doesn't want to let any politicians speak so it won't seem like they are endorsing any one particular candidate.

Which I think is a smart move.

But I wonder what would happen if Obama went to address them. lol Would he be cheered or booed?
I suspect, both.

posted on Oct, 9 2011 @ 12:30 PM
This is John Lewis' account of what happened... which is true! lol

Speaking to CNN Sunday morning, Lewis said he had visited a rally in Atlanta near his office "to lend my support and to encourage the people because I support their efforts all across America." He was unable to speak to the crowd, he said, but not because he was refused. Lewis said the group told him he could speak after they finished their business, but that he had to leave.

cnn story

posted on Oct, 10 2011 @ 05:24 PM
It's been pretty rainy an kinda chilly today, and I had to work but I'm heading to Troy Davis park in a few minutes. Nikon D60 in hand. I hope to capture the spirit of a rainy day in solitude.

posted on Oct, 10 2011 @ 05:31 PM
I just don't get these 'occupy' protests.
What's the point of them? It seems like the people there don't exactly know what they want. It's like they are there just to be part of something but have no clue as to what is going on. Oh well......

posted on Oct, 10 2011 @ 05:36 PM
reply to post by WhatTheory

Sean Hannity? Is that you...??

posted on Oct, 10 2011 @ 05:49 PM

Originally posted by
Sean Hannity? Is that you...??

Wow, thanks for the awesome insight.

Don't know what you are talking about, just make useless and off-beat comments.
You're awesome.

posted on Oct, 10 2011 @ 05:53 PM
reply to post by WhatTheory

in answer to your question, I'll give first hand exp.

At occupy ATL, the feeling is kinda like ATS off the net. People are frustrated and angry with many things, and 90% of the time the root of that still goes back to Amerika being a country run by corporations. The over all majority want politicians and bankers and those ceo's that got bonuses off of we the people to pay the price in money & jail time.

posted on Oct, 10 2011 @ 06:09 PM

Originally posted by
in answer to your question, I'll give first hand exp.

At occupy ATL, the feeling is kinda like ATS off the net. People are frustrated and angry with many things, and 90% of the time the root of that still goes back to Amerika being a country run by corporations. The over all majority want politicians and bankers and those ceo's that got bonuses off of we the people to pay the price in money & jail time.

Thanks for a proper response.

Are you talking about the companies that the Federal Government owns thanks to Obama like GM and all the special treatment given to GE like money and putting people from GE in positions of power?
Otherwise, what specific corporations are running America?

I agree that those who recieved tax dollars for a bail out should not have gotten bonuses but jail time should be for those you gave them the tax dollars in the first place.

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