posted on Oct, 9 2011 @ 11:09 AM
reply to post by DangerDeath
They also claim everything is predestined in genes. This is clearly Borg mentality. ...
You've struck a nerve there. In case anyone thinks we'll figure this out and things will get better, well, better think again. We have been fairly
consistent in the past where as soon as someone thinks they have gained a bit of knowledge or invented some new technology, there will be another who
will take that and run with it to absurd extremes.
They used to measure people's heads or study the bumps on them, to try and predict behaviour or personality. Today it is genetics and biometrics.
The authorities, or the guys trying to make a buck on the system, will claim all sorts of preposterous notions and those in charge will try and
capitalize on it -- all for our own good!
Life is going to get more intruded upon, not less as technology "progresses". There will be no end to this tightening of the noose around a free
person's neck until the "end of the world as we know it" actually comes to pass. In the meantime, resist!
WTF? Thats a great quote on the last line of my signature. I have no idea how or when it got there tho.!!
edit on 10/9/2011 by wayno because:
(no reason given)