posted on Oct, 7 2011 @ 07:14 PM
I do remote viewing, and I have seen the same event, but I have a completely different interpretation.
First off, some background. When I fist started viewing the future, each time I thought it was something really scary that was about to happen. to
give one example, I one viewing I saw my face really close up and it felt like I was being attacked from behind really violently.
When the event happened, it was soooo mundane and actually hilarious. I was shaving, and had leaned in really close to the mirror to get a close up
view. When you pass through a moment that was viewed before hand, there is a kind of a flash when the two connect. In the shaving incident, I was so
surprised at how mundane the actual event was that I fell back into the tub behind me, pulled down the curtain, broke the bar, and banged my head on
the tile. I was sitting their laughing my head of when the kids came into the bathroom to see if I was ok.
Each viewing that I had of the future that came true was also not only nothing to fear, but was either positively normal or even vary positive.
I the moment of the 'solar flar' described in the video above, I originally interpreted it as being in a nuclear explosion. But eventually I saw a
clip and realized that there is always a blast wave before hand, and that did not occur in my viewing.
The best tinterpretation I have come up with is the bit from Cottinthiajs in the Bible where is says 'I tell you a secret, we will not all die but we
will all be changed in an instant, in the blinking of an eye.'