Us Americans now live in a country where it is common knowledge that any American can be assassinated by their
Common knowledge, as in - before they could do it, but it was "hush hush" - now, it's out in the open. Now it's propagated so your neighbor supports
it. This is the beginning.
Hello ATS, I was checking my youtube subscriptions when I stumbled upon the Judge, dropping knowledge as he usually does.
I was pretty appalled by what he said in this video. More and more, by paying attention to the U.S government, I am feeling that this country is
beginning to mirror that of George Orwell's book 1984. This is just going too far.
This is very disappointing, seeing the way Obama operates as if he is just shy of a King. Of course, only a fool would put the blame on the Puppet of
the United States - but nevertheless he should be impeached for avoiding his duties of upholding the Constitution.
I would like to thank the people who are protesting in wall street right now. Because this crap has gone on long enough without anyone lifting a
finger of disgust.
This big machine vacuums the suffering of Earth and transforms it into iPhones - and nobody cares. Nobody pays attention to the sacrifice around us.
And NOW, if you do care, the foundation for assassinating you without due process has been set in place.
edit on 7-10-2011 by ThinkingCap because: (no reason given)
edit on 7-10-2011 by ThinkingCap because: (no reason
Though it is in poor taste to have a secret kill panel, it is something i am sure every nation has. It's just if it changes from terrorists to anyone
we disagree with, then we have a problem.