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Mapuche people resist MONSANTO plan to enforce GM food and remove basic human rights!

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posted on Oct, 7 2011 @ 11:50 AM
This is a small article taken from the 'New Internationalist' magazine issue 446 October 2011.

In Chile the Mapuche people are mobilizing to resist the 'legal theft' of their genetic heritage following the Senate's adoption of the International Convention for the Protection of new Plant Varieties (UPOV91), the so called 'MONSANTO LAW'.
This law would prevent indigenous communities from saving seeds and would threaten their traditional free and collective exchange of plant varieties. Instead, indigenous communities will be exposed to the products of corporations like Monsanto, which already holds most of the worlds plant species patents. Mapuche poverty will deepen if they become reliant on hybrid or GM seeds and other expensive agricultural products sold by multinationals. Some 150 Mapuche community leaders have signed a declaration against the law.

Reported by Rebecca Blackwell.

I really can’t put into words how much this disgusts and depresses me.
We live in a sick, sick world.
Seems we will only learn when it’s to late that things such as plants, medicines and anything in the interest of 'life' should never be corporatised and patented.

Mods: wasn’t sure where to put this so please move if needed, thanks.

posted on Oct, 7 2011 @ 11:54 AM
This is so messed up. To think that Monsanto can be allowed to do this is INSANE. Next thing you know they will control all of the food and if we want to eat, we will have to go thru them. WTF?

posted on Oct, 7 2011 @ 11:54 AM
Don't fret Monsanto will be its own undoing. Time and patience.

posted on Oct, 7 2011 @ 11:58 AM

Originally posted by summerbreeze.ddp
This is so messed up. To think that Monsanto can be allowed to do this is INSANE. Next thing you know they will control all of the food and if we want to eat, we will have to go thru them. WTF?

it goes to show that 'legal' rights really mean nothing.
its very possible we could be left in a world with only gm foods, they are putting at risk the very fabric of nature and life..
people need to be very carefull before we get screwed hard by groups like monsanto

posted on Oct, 7 2011 @ 11:59 AM

Originally posted by outandopen
Don't fret Monsanto will be its own undoing. Time and patience.

the problem is they will be our undoing too

they and anyone like them need to be stopped soon

posted on Oct, 7 2011 @ 12:04 PM
All I can say is we have the opportunity right this very minute to address this.

Add this to our gripe list and take it to the streets. We can have the anti-Monsanto folks protesting at the Monsanto places as well. This is a pick your cause and protest event, we all may not agree as to what we are protesting and that is the beauty of it. Just protest, because at the end of the day it all comes full circle back to the same people ultimately responsible.

posted on Oct, 7 2011 @ 12:12 PM
reply to post by UniverSoul

here is the date oct 16th a map of events in cities across the US...up in Canada the majority of people seem to have no clue of what is really going on

posted on Oct, 8 2011 @ 01:04 AM
reply to post by UniverSoul

What a lameass idea. That wont happen in my country, where some GMO-plants is legal but most aint. No = zero farmers make GMO-food in Denmark because "we" the consumers hate these products and walk in a wide arc around it. Im disgusted that the "Empires" EU/US try to force the consumers to eat this crap, that obviously can be a danger to human lives. The longterm effect hasn't been documented on many of these GMO-products that might very well have influence on our genome.

I simply HATE the EU and US governments for the way they think they should decide what everyone is doing, what they are eating, when they should be allowed to sleep and which news our sensible ears may hear...The poleticians should be a good example and let their own families be testsubjects for a few years only eating this GMO-poison to show us it's ok before they enforce it upon us.

Shame on every person who try to take away our liberties. The EU and US looks more and more like dictatorships compared to democracies, because of all the restrictions if you ask me........Yes we got elections, but getting new government is just like turning the's nothing new except on the surface.
edit on 8-10-2011 by Mimir because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 15 2011 @ 04:33 PM
reply to post by UniverSoul

Just another sign that the Food giant is slowly screwing us over.

IMO, it's only a matter of time before a monocrop disaster hits... and it will hit. And it will destroy everything

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 03:11 AM
bloody shame literally no Americans today acknowledge the land and country we live on today, less than 250 years ago was MAPUCHE nation (all of north, south, central continent shared as one nation by various tribes)

the 49 continental united states of what we now call "America" or usa will likely in just another century or two, be likewise forgotten history.

Mapuche people practically exterminated and replaced with 'America'.. are we so vain and delusional to think we will not likewise within a century or two, be replaced?

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