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The Monetary Systems Replacement

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posted on Oct, 7 2011 @ 03:09 AM
reply to post by xxshadowfaxx

So then, slaves had no jealousy, greed. Are you telling me that they had absolute respect for all other slaves, and I could go on and on.

No, your assertion that the monetary system causes the human condition is patently wrong.


posted on Oct, 7 2011 @ 03:09 AM

Originally posted by xxshadowfaxx
reply to post by Subjective Truth

There is no need for trade when everything is free and easily accessible, stop putting a value on things.

I hate to tell you but skills have value. This is why Communism does not work. It truly is that simple people with skills want something for it.
edit on 7-10-2011 by Subjective Truth because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 7 2011 @ 03:13 AM
reply to post by Subjective Truth

They're conditioned to believe they need something for it. If you change the paradigm, and people have a new found respect for each other, and don't have any knowledge of what money is, because it doesn't exist in the system, then people would be happy to provide for others, because others are providing for them. The system works because everyone is a volunteer at what they love to do. When you are asked what you wanted to be as a kid, and you said a fireman, did you think of the money before you said it?

posted on Oct, 7 2011 @ 03:14 AM

Originally posted by Subjective Truth

Originally posted by xxshadowfaxx
reply to post by Subjective Truth

There is no need for trade when everything is free and easily accessible, stop putting a value on things.

I hate to tell you but skills have value. This is why Communism does not work. It truly is that simple people with skills want something for it.
edit on 7-10-2011 by Subjective Truth because: (no reason given)

I'm more inclined to think that these people with skills only want something for it because they are told they NEED to get something in return for their skillset, In a system where almost all jobs are given to computers/robots, Do you still believe this would be the case (I ask that you think outside the box for this one, or rather outside our society).

posted on Oct, 7 2011 @ 03:16 AM

Originally posted by xxshadowfaxx
reply to post by Subjective Truth

They're conditioned to believe they need something for it. If you change the paradigm, and people have a new found respect for each other, and don't have any knowledge of what money is, because it doesn't exist in the system, then people would be happy to provide for others, because others are providing for them. The system works because everyone is a volunteer at what they love to do. When you are asked what you wanted to be as a kid, and you said a fireman, did you think of the money before you said it?

You sound like a Fascist. So you would force conditioning on people to accept a unnatural system that sounds good in your head?

Many other leaders had bright ideas on how the world should run just look back into history after WW1. How did that work out?
edit on 7-10-2011 by Subjective Truth because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 7 2011 @ 03:18 AM
reply to post by Subjective Truth

Your idea of an "unnatural system" is relative, I'm sure if society was the way the op was describing our current system would make you sound like a fascist

posted on Oct, 7 2011 @ 03:18 AM
reply to post by Subjective Truth

Force people? Where did you read that? Read my post again, I did just commas, and mention the word paradigm shift. When I said conditioned, i meant in todays society.

posted on Oct, 7 2011 @ 03:20 AM
reply to post by xxshadowfaxx

So who coordinates the volunteers.

To be honest this is starting to sound a bit like the volunteering they do in North Korea and in the past Cambodia.


posted on Oct, 7 2011 @ 03:20 AM
reply to post by myselfaswell

Read the government section.

posted on Oct, 7 2011 @ 03:26 AM
Anyways, I'm going to bed, I have to work tomorrow. Thanks for the discussion everyone.

posted on Oct, 7 2011 @ 03:28 AM
reply to post by xxshadowfaxx

Just taking a step back a little.

Did you read my post at the top of the page? So your going to forcibly condition natural human traits into oblivion the result of which cannot be known. As I have stated, they do than in North Korea and tried it in Cambodia.


posted on Oct, 7 2011 @ 03:34 AM
The system I have proposed, does not force anyone to do anything. I suggest reading my original post again.

posted on Oct, 7 2011 @ 03:38 AM
The simply fact about the volunteer work, is that its entirely volunteer. You do not have to do any work if you do not want to . Period.

However, once you take the money out of the picture... people will not want to sit around and be bored, people will want to work, or learn, or create something. People have natural instinct to do these things. Money is not the motivator.

posted on Oct, 7 2011 @ 04:26 AM
reply to post by xxshadowfaxx

Like yourself I have been thinking about how to formulate a world to live in that is not based on money. I read your entire post with interest. It is only through starting the debate that we can even start working on an alternative, so I emplore you for taking that step. Star and flag from me.

Money, after all, actually has no value. It is true. Think a little away from what you have been brainwashed to percieve money to be. The easiest test of the actual value of money is to place yourself in the desert with only a bag of money. What value does it have? Nada. Nothing. Now, place yourself in the desert with a big barrel of water, what value does that water have? So, what has value, water or money? Yet, today you can still get water free while walking next to the river or when it is falling out the sky, for instance, but money is never for free.

Money is paper. The only real (true) value it has, is that it can burn, you can write on it, and you can maybe use it in stead of toilet paper if you are desperate. (hee hee hee! It is worth s%&t anyway!)

So, dear Rudolf Steiner-arien, naturopathy, soul seeking type person xxxshadowfaxxx, I agree with you 100% that money must go.

If I may make some suggestions to your plan:

1.) Fist step would be for us to either totally cut down our numbers by agreeing that for the next two or three or even six generations very few of us must fall pregnant. Alternatively, we must urbanise again, so that each family have bigger living space.
The reason? I think that food production should mostly happen at home. Children should be taught from small about growning plants and harvesting food. (will get to my idea of education later on)

As a race we have become completely decadent in our feeding routine. We have become spoilt brats, especially when it comes to food. Food has become a comodity that has nothing to do with actually feeding the body. What we call 'food' these days, is actually causing massive damage to our bodies, minds and social behaviour. It has been proven that the body has the ability to heal itself. (if you cut yourself, it will heal and the same is applicable if you were to obstain from all the rubish - that caused the illness in the first place - that you eat.) This has been one of our world's best kept secrets because TPTB cannot afford this truth to come out.
They allow us to poison ourselves more and more, encourage us even, with what we stuff into our mouths. The more they succeed the more ill we become. Then tehy make us pay through our teeth for medication that makes the symptoms disappear, sometimes, while causing damage to other parts of the body, so we can get medication to prevent that from happening, which will cause damage to.... wow! IT must stop!

Grow your own food. Swop apples for bananas with your neighbour and simplify your feeding habits by 95% and you will feel wonderful and think clear and be free!!!.

When I was a child, we lived in Zululand and had 3 mango trees and 4 avocado trees plus veggies and herbs in our garden. It is most precious to me, the memories of those hot summer nights, sitting on the logs under the trees while the sun was going down, each member of the family with a massive bowl for peels (which will become compost) and a knife and a mountain of mangos in the middle to feed from. Oh what paradise. Such a sweet atmosphere too. Somehow, it was always a time of utmost harmony and contentment while eating those mangos.

It may be extremely difficult to think that more pleasure could be derived from a bowl of mangoes than from a macdonalds burger or whatever, but, this is an illusion. You see, the body is amazing. When the bloodstream is constantly full of these impurities of 'normal food', your taste changes. Fruit does not taste very nice when the body is impure. But once the body is clean, and the mind has started understanding and experiencing the wonderful rewards of FEELING TRULY ALIVE, HEALTHY AND HAPPY again, which can only be achieved by eating 'live' foods such as raw fruit and veg, then the taste/palet changes and there is no allure in a burger anymore. It is like smoking, I believe. Only smokers crave sigarettes. Non smokers dont.

For now I will toss this one into the pond.

I do really believe that the sky is not the limit. We can go soooooooo much further!

The reason we are, is to grow spiritually, emotionally, physically and mentally. But mostly, to develop our souls.
NOT TO DEVELOP A MAZE OF CONFUSED SLAVERY!! It is not what alll this is about. That kind of thinking HAS to change!

Love, light and peace without limit,

edit on 7-10-2011 by UnlimitedSky because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 7 2011 @ 04:53 AM

Originally posted by UnlimitedSky
Money, after all, actually has no value. It is true.

Cool. Can I have yours?

posted on Oct, 7 2011 @ 07:29 AM
reply to post by xxshadowfaxx


I will draw your attention to my original suggestion and leave it there. Consider the human condition much deeper than you have. There is a full gamut of individuals out there, from rapists, child molesters and worse, to those who in all honestly are near saint like, and I'm not religious. Consider also the seven deadly sins, which are virtually hard wired into the human condition. Then consider that reality in terms of your volunteer proposal. Hopefully then you may realiise that what we need are real and practical solutions not fantastic utopian fantasies.

All the best with that one and Cheers

posted on Oct, 7 2011 @ 08:52 AM
Seems like the views of Jaque Fresco. He runs the venus project which you can go and read on. Watch the first video on the front page, the go to the FAQ that he has assembled from 25 years and 122 questions.
I agree totally. Monetary system NEEDS to go. Its an incentive to work, yes, but its an incentive for corruption. What would be the incentive to get out of bed every morning if there was no money? Freedom. Absolute freedom. We need to move past money and go to a resource based economy. The way I see it; We are NATURAL beings of this planet, just like the resources. Why should we have to pay money for the things that provide us with life. Our cities our inefficient using the monetary system, People starve in the monetary system. Its a Con game, who can win over whom, JUST like democracy, and its not even a democracy now, its a imperialist republic. When you think of ET's, how do you imagine their world like? If they are advanced, i would say they are peaceful because they understand there is only one race, Their race of beings. Like we need to. One race; The Human Race. And we need to move forward together. The technology is within our grasp to make them do the work for us. And its not a bad thing. We have gotten to the point to where we can make that happen. Self maintaining robots; like a car that gets the gas light on, by sending a signal, now if it had the gas then, it could easily pull it itself using a simple piece of technology. Or a robot building a log cabin out of lincoln logs. They could EASILY build a house. But if your happy in the misery of others then so be it.

posted on Oct, 7 2011 @ 10:11 AM
Sounds like the thread I had a couple weeks ago

Jobs themselves are becoming obsolete. We need a work-volunteer system to get work done in our communities. Straight up jobs aka working for someone richer than you to buy food and shelter, is an idea thats fading really, really fast.

posted on Oct, 7 2011 @ 11:21 AM
I remember reading this article about how we would just replace the current monetary system with something similar.

The example they used was a group of people stranded on an island.
It would start by trading food or materials and before you know it you're looking at another "currency" in one form or another and there would always be an individual with far more than the rest, making him the "leader".

posted on Oct, 7 2011 @ 12:08 PM
We need to get rid of the debt based money system and the Fed's control over the economy. Leave that all to the Treasury which is actually accountable. Since we have had a debt based money system, we have seen very little increase in the overall net wealth of America, yet we have had the dollar become worth 95%+ less. Letting banks create money is the other thing that has to be stopped.

First thing we need to do is reclaim part of the wealth that the extreme wealthy have taken out of the economy. We can do this with a progressive wealth tax. We can then eliminate the income tax and let the government print the balance of what they need to operate. If the spending is beneficial it will not be inflationary. The changes to the banking system will take much of the past imaginary money out of the economy leadling to major deflation. Free printing of money is the only thing that will reverse it. No better way to do it than to have the government simply print the money needed for their own expidentures and that is neccesary for continued economic growth.

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