posted on Aug, 29 2004 @ 09:28 AM
All intellegent cultures on earth have works of art and such. But the question is, are these Non-Terrans really SIMILAR to us? We always associate
intellegence with us, and we base intellegent lifeforms on our standards because our species is so blantantly overtly egotystical in our own views.
Theres no real reason to even assume that Aliens are remotely like us. Maybe they have no art, they dont believe in recreational days and all work
every day as much as they can. They may have more of a Hive mind like ants, working together without laziness or individual thought. Aliens dont need
to be like us to be intellegent life, because we arent as intellegent or efficient as most of life on earth anyways. We're only a step up from a
monkey because we know how to make tools AND use them. And personifying an alien species with human characteristics wont work, because they arent