posted on Oct, 7 2011 @ 10:51 AM
Okay, so just about everyone agrees it is lens flare. Now, for the sake of future reference, IF one were to suspect there is some sort of celestial
body obscured by the glare of the sun, what would be the most effective way of discerning and recording it? What sort of equipment would work best?
I've read elsewhere in other threads that some people use welding masks for their cameras. But we just saw we can still get lens flare, which to me
still looks like it could be something solid. So, what's the best way to get a good image of this hypothetical object that will ensure it can't be
confused with lens flare?
What other supplementary information should one research? I am guessing there would be some sort of noticeable gravitational effects of such a body so
near the sun. I know some people think the many quakes in odd places would be such a sign but I would think it would be a lot worse than what we have
seen. Would there not also be a noticeable effect on tides?
I do agree with others here who believe a few amateur photos run through photo shop filters is not going to make the grade here at ATS, now that I've
seen it in action. So, what would sort of presentation would? I'm not asking to be incendiary, but because I believe the OP made a sincere effort to
report something she believes in. But she made a lot of the same mistakes most of us amateur observers would. So how do we turn this from a negative
pile up and into an educational moment for the forum going forward?
edit on 7-10-2011 by SheeplFlavoredAgain because: (no reason