posted on Oct, 6 2011 @ 03:20 PM
reply to post by gabby2011
I left a lot of my views off this thread because its not the place but I guess I can let two slide.
1. Reptiles. A thread with a video that shows Jimmy Johnson's eyes change for a second is not definitive proof. Also the person that made said thread
and his biggest supporter both claimed Jimmy Johnson is a lesser known sports commentator. He's won an NCAA title and back to back Superbowl's. Also
there are like ten threads with the same video. I could be wrong but I think they were all moved to hoax.
2 Government Shills. Very often have I seen when someone is about to lose an argument in a thread they resort to calling the other person a government
agent or something along those lines. If there is one thing I learned from these threads it's that just about everyone on ats works for the
government, according to the rest of ats.
I actually really like ats, I come here multiple times a day to read new threads, read reply's to threads I liked, but over the past two years I've
been coming here things have gone so downhill with ridiculous bs threads that make the masses ask how high they need to jump. It's time to really step
up and challenge these people, and its also time to stop thinking that every little thing that happens is a conspiracy or has some government
corruption in it. A leaf can not fall on the ground without people at ats claiming the powers that be were behind it, while behind closed doors so no
one would find out about it.
Ok while I'm ranting I have to add one more
3. Sheeple. This one bugs me the most I have to say. By using the word sheeple, you sound like a bigger tool than the people you are calling tools by
calling them sheeple.
Anyway I'll have more when my post count is high enough and can go into more detail.
edit on 6-10-2011 by DenyStupid because: words were coming
fast and I accidentally put a minor curse word in, edited it out
edit 2: Gabby I would also like to say I don't have the truth, that is why I came here, but there are too many non truths(I won't say lies because the
people that post the stuff probably truly believe them) lately
edit on 6-10-2011 by DenyStupid because: (no reason given)