posted on Oct, 6 2011 @ 04:30 AM
Heres the conversation...
My friend:
For the past three nights, I've had some pretty bad nightmares; two, back to back on each night. The nightmares just feel too real. Waking up with my
heart racing and being SO goddamn thankful for being in my bed, for the fact that it was just a dream and not some absolutely horrible reality. This
happens to me, every couple of months.
Amid these nightmares, there are interesting little details. There's all this symbolism that seems unimportant, but most often, they end up being
omens of things that happen in waking life. I'm no psychic, by any means, its just fun to have very lightly prophetic dreams, from time to time. I
usually don't realize until after the fact. I neglect to delve into the symbolism and extract the pieces that can help me avoid something. Even so, I
like that feeling, after something happens in real life, when I can recall the abstract metaphor in my nightmare/dream for the exact thing that
I found a shirt at the thrift store, the other day that I just had to have. For just 49 cents, I got a grey shirt with black letters on it. It read:
Nightmare Gold, with the number 14 on the back. I guess that's some sort of sports team? What a strange name for a team!
Anyway, I'm both, delighted and afraid to go to sleep, but its about that time.
Only one of the nightmares is recurring. Its been happening for probably 2 years.
There's a lot going on with me, right now. I've got a lot of stuff to do and am working on, but I'm also going through a very transitional time in
my life. Yesterday was my 4 month anniversary of sobriety, so yes, life is very different, which could be some of the cause of the nightmares. I also
just have a very active and imaginative mind. Constantly daydreaming or coming up with ideas/schematics/templates for stuff. I'm also an
The symbolism runs the gamut. I'll message you sometimes, because I'm starting to really fade. takers on whats going on???