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Shadow People Case Study

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posted on Oct, 6 2011 @ 02:11 AM
I've been starting to research the paranormal more and more,trying for the better part to remain objective and i have run into a phenomenon known as Shadow people. I have a theory that the Otherside or whatever you wish to call it is trying to break through into our reality and shadow people are in my opinion one of those instances. I found this great website and was wondering if anyone on the boards had any personal experiences they might want to share or links to great stories or instances of these stories being reported in the news or other sources of legitimate media?

posted on Oct, 6 2011 @ 02:16 AM
reply to post by zeroeffect

So when you say you have "run into" the phenomena,do you mean you have seen them?

posted on Oct, 6 2011 @ 02:29 AM
reply to post by zeroeffect

Think its more a difference in how sensitive people are to presence of disembodied spirits. Some see nothing, others see like seeing a real person.
Shadows must be somewhere in between those two. Often times accompanied with noises or "feeling" a presence.
Like chills, goose bumps or other physical symptoms.
I have seen ghosts so real they are indistinguishable from looking at a live person. So real in fact, only later did I discover it was a ghost.

posted on Oct, 6 2011 @ 02:31 AM
reply to post by zeroeffect

I have encountered the shadow people once, at first it was very scary, dozens of them floating all arouind me, after a while it became clear that they meant no harm and I felt protected by their presence.

posted on Oct, 6 2011 @ 02:34 AM
reply to post by intrptr

Ive seen Shadow People. Ive seen Ghosts,or the appearance of manifestation. The Shadow Person/thing was something that terrorized me as a child. Red eyes and all,standing over my bed. Felt like the life force was being sucked out of me. Years later,my daughter said she saw a man in black with red eyes. I dont believe they are the same thing. MHO

posted on Oct, 6 2011 @ 02:37 AM
i've seen a few different types of shadow people/figures. i've been seeing them since i was in my early teens. maybe before, and i just dont remember. i've read a lot about them too, and a lot of people seem to associate this intense feeling of dread with them, or that they get very very scared during these encounters. i must say, i have not experienced that with my encounters. im of course startled to see them, but not really scared.

posted on Oct, 6 2011 @ 02:54 AM
I really believe in Shadow People.

My reason for this is because I had an experience with them. I was having a cigarette on my back porch which overlooks an alley way and I saw something kind of poke its head out from a parked car, I thought i was just seeing things and then I saw what seems to be a shadow of a person walk between the parked cars. I could not see a person anywhere near.

It freaked me out so I went inside half way with my cigarette. About a few minutes later I went back out to finish it and next door I saw a person walk right thru the fence of their yard.. So yea I was done for the night.

Just my 2 cents.
edit on 10/6/11 by Mortika because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 6 2011 @ 02:55 AM

Originally posted by sonnny1
reply to post by intrptr

I dont believe they are the same thing. MHO

Dunno. The same thing as what? Inhuman vs. Human?

posted on Oct, 6 2011 @ 03:06 AM

Originally posted by devilishlyangelic23
i've seen a few different types of shadow people/figures. i've been seeing them since i was in my early teens. maybe before, and i just dont remember. i've read a lot about them too, and a lot of people seem to associate this intense feeling of dread with them, or that they get very very scared during these encounters. i must say, i have not experienced that with my encounters. im of course startled to see them, but not really scared.

Same here. Depends on the encounter though. Some have a here I am and no threat stance. And others seem to like you said, startle, almost playfully or prankishly. I wonder about that cause later I come away with the " So what was up with that?" Kind of scratching my head... why does a spirit reveal itself so clearly and yet have no message that I can discern?
Or why is there 7 people in the room and I'm the only one who sees it? One time the owner of the home would not let me leave his property until I told him what I saw. He said he knew there was a spirit in his house but had never seen it before. To this day I still can't figure that out.

posted on Oct, 6 2011 @ 03:09 AM

Originally posted by intrptr

Originally posted by sonnny1
reply to post by intrptr

I dont believe they are the same thing. MHO

Dunno. The same thing as what? Inhuman vs. Human?

You have me there. All I can say is what I saw,and experienced. The Ghost thing wasnt malevolent......Shadow person.........yeah.

posted on Oct, 6 2011 @ 03:25 AM
If dreams count, I suppose so

posted on Oct, 6 2011 @ 03:44 AM
Here's a link to the thread I wrote about my story, and there were several dozen interesting replies and stories added by other great members.

It was around or over 8foot tall and had completely straight edges, except the shoulder part which was round. And it was watching me in bed as I came to and caught it standing outside the hallway door.

I even drew a crappy picture of it for everyone to see exactly what this absurd looking thing looked like.
the ats thread

Also there are some links to other good stories as well. And doing some ats searches will reveal some really really good threads.

Also check out the Fresno "walkers" videos on youtube. They may actually be authentic, but they aren't shadow people. They do bear some interesting similarities however.

posted on Oct, 6 2011 @ 03:48 AM
reply to post by muzzleflash

Great link suggestion. I live in St. Louis,Mo City and we have a lot of old cemeteries here and when i walk by them at night i always get goose bumps and see shadows out the corner of my eye..

posted on Oct, 6 2011 @ 03:50 AM
I think that most people have seen Shadow beings, most dismiss them as tricks of the light. I must admit, I put it down to optical illusions until I met a young lady about 20 years ago who told me to be more mindful. After that, the figure started to take more form.

It still see them, from time to time, and I am almost 50.

posted on Oct, 6 2011 @ 04:14 AM
I still can't figure out what they are or what their purpose is.

It's a known unknown.

We will need a specimen to examine in order to push this investigation into a new cutting edge I am afraid. This may pose quite a challenge.

posted on Oct, 6 2011 @ 12:22 PM
I have seen these things as well! Looked like a solid person, when I saw it!
I will link my thread about my experience for you here!
I don't know what they are or what they want! I have seen things out of the corner's of my eyes now and again, but this incident was right in front of my eyes, a few feet away!

edit on (6/10/11) by SLAPurMAMA because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 6 2011 @ 12:42 PM
reply to post by zeroeffect

This is going to be lengthy.
I actually created a thread about what I see Here
For the past few months, (its actually been my whole life, but more increasingly recently) I see, with my bare eyes. What looks like an Orb. I can follow it around, but I can not get within about 5ft of it… I have Had Cat Scans, Eye DR. name it. No one has a reasonable explanation for this. I do not see it all the time.. Only on occasion, nothing I am doing provokes it to come around more.. and it shows up at completely random times. My only explanation for this is a Shadow Thing. No one else sees it, I cannot seem to photograph it and I am 100000000000% sure it is not an eye floater… it can be seen in different eyes and everything.
When I see it my heart rate increases and the hair on my arms stand up. I have tried to follow it but like I said when I get closer it moves away…

posted on Oct, 6 2011 @ 12:53 PM
reply to post by zeroeffect

In regards to the "shadow people" and other possible "poltergiest" experiences, I had quite a few growing up and then when as I became a mother and we moved into our new home, they increased. There were 3 of them , 2 small "innocent ones" and one BIG large, DARK menacing one that the two "little ones" seemed to run from. After about 2 years of this of and on crap, which never scared me, just pi$$ed me off, and just about every visitor to my home seeing them and getting scared or uptight. My son and niece came forward to let us know that their step-uncle had raped them!!
After, immediately calling the police and setting into motion that sick S.O.B' s incarceration, the "shadow people" and strange noises stopped! Believe it was my son's and niece's sub-conscious, replaying out the incident before they felt, safe enough to come forward! You could always investigate to see if there is some underlying emotional or physical type trauma beneath any of these types of happenings. With that said, never rule out someone "messing" around with dark forces (ie; ouija boards, etc..) and opening portals that should be left closed. Hope this helped in some way. Peace!

posted on Oct, 6 2011 @ 12:55 PM
reply to post by zeroeffect

Hey zeroeffect cool thread star and flag.
It reminded me of an event I would like your opinion on if you would be so kind.
I just started a thread with the question, addressed to you and whoever can answer it.

Thanks for the reminder.

Shadow people,... The White Kind...,

posted on Oct, 6 2011 @ 02:04 PM

Originally posted by sonnny1

Originally posted by intrptr

Originally posted by sonnny1
reply to post by intrptr

I dont believe they are the same thing. MHO

Dunno. The same thing as what? Inhuman vs. Human?

You have me there. All I can say is what I saw,and experienced. The Ghost thing wasnt malevolent......Shadow person.........yeah.

Sounded scary. Red eyes. standing over your bed. Sucking the life out of you. And your sister saw it too? Prolly human, used to live there or died there. Angry in life and angry in death. Stuck there for whatever reason. Dunno... without more information. Have you tried to talk to your sister about it recently? Similar experience of events lends more credence to it being a real thing as opposed to dream or such. Have you talked to current tennants about it? I know that can be hard. I lived in a haunted house for eight years. After I moved I went back and told the new owner about all the experiences and let him know that he might have similar unnerving encounters and that it would ultimately be OK cause no harm seemed to come from it. That was hard, cause he looked at me like I was crazy. I said just letting you know, and left. But felt better for it.

My brothers house has something going on. He's lived there for almost 20 years and finally he sees it now. He's selling the house and not disclosing that bit. I told him that wasn't right, that that may come back to "haunt" him. He doesn't care about anything or anybody but himself and his money and stuff. Any spirits to him are "the devil" and taboo to talk about at all. Sheez.

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