posted on Oct, 5 2011 @ 07:52 PM
I'm going to take what may be an unpopular stance here.
That guy was yelling how BOA kept foreclosing on homes, as if they were evil for doing so.
I am TRULY sorry that the housing market has crashed all over America. I've personally been hurt by it. Our house is not worth what we have
invested in it. HOWEVER, if I stopped paying my mortgage, I would expect to lose the house. I would not expect the bank to cut me some slack. A
bank is not a charity. They paid out hundreds of thousands of dollars for my house, and I have only paid a fraction of it back to them. They
actually OWN my house, and they are letting me live here in return for paying them each month. We have got to stop blaming the banks for the ACT of
Yes, some crooked deals were made in the mortgage marketplace (selling mortgages, bundling bad mortgages, etc.) but that does NOT relieve the
homeowners of their DUTIES to pay back the money they borrowed. No matter how you scream, it does NOT.
Yes, BOA was bailed out. Blame the GOVERNMENT for that. So BOA doesn't pay enough taxes? Again, blame the GOVERNMENT for that. The government has
made the tax laws and bailed the banks out.
Seems to me our anger is misplaced. We should be mad at the government. We can blame ALL of Congress AND the past 2 presidents for their policies.
The government should NOT give special treatments to "favored" companies.
But if the government does grant these favors, of COURSE the banks and corporations are going to take advantage of it. They have a duty to their
stockholders to maximize profits. Stockholders are us. All of us with 401K plans, IRAs, etc. We ARE the stockholders. Mom and pop. Your
neighbors. While there are many "fat cats" on Wall Street, millions of Americans benefit from corporate profits.
If I ran a bank, I wouldn't let in an angry mob, either. I'd probably call the police. If those men had calmly entered the bank like any other
customer, of course they could have closed their accounts.
This video is pure propaganda. I can't believe how many of you are falling for it.
Now, I'm sure the flaming of me will begin. There's a lot of emotion being thrown around right now, with a lot of anger behind it. I challenge you
to really think about where the blame should fall. Look to the government.