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I've been against the "NWO" for 15 Years, but now realise my mistake, we should be embracing it!.

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posted on Oct, 6 2011 @ 06:30 AM

Originally posted by futuredude
reply to post by Neo-V™




NEW RELIGION , IT CAN PROVOKE WAR UPON US AND ........its just not right , but its gonna happen anyway

so yeah , if you look at the population growth of the world offcorse there's gonna be a food crises , ofcorse there's
gonna be a WWIII , and one world leader that will promise peace to the world and be hailed (Anti-Christ in my opinion\Believes)
but the question is WHEN?

ive done some research and the time line that ive found is between 2018-2022

i don't know just have to wait and see


Chill out. Nobody really cares, if he wants to be NWO then let him. Whatever happens just happens.

Only thing you can do is live life.

Many people anticipate the end or some cataclysmic event being natural or manufactured a little too much.

True, something is coming. So lets just..... live for now and deal with that later.

posted on Oct, 6 2011 @ 06:37 AM

Originally posted by Gridrebel
It's a nice thought but that is not NWO

I see what your problem is, your hungup on the definition and aren't able to grasp what I'm trying to say. So what's your solution then, carry on just talking about how bad "tptb" are and their plans?, which is what I'm now sick of doing because it hasn't gotten us any where. Isn't it funny how people in the Middle East who supposedly live under oppressive regimes are now starting to rise up, but us here in the West who have more of a means to do so would rather talk about than act against what's inevitable if we don't.

Originally posted by futuredude
reply to post by Neo-V™


The point you've also clearly missed, is that IT DOESN'T have to!! Is the current order of the World acceptable, or would you prefer to see something "NEW"? I don't get what's so hard to grasp here, seems that some people that would claim to the high hilt that they are open minded, actually have quite a narrow vision.

posted on Oct, 6 2011 @ 06:42 AM

Originally posted by Mizzijr
Nobody really cares, if he wants to be NWO then let him.

“I'm for truth, no matter who tells it. I'm for justice, no matter who it is for or against. I'm a human being, first and foremost, and as such I'm for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.”

- Malcolm X

That pretty much sums me up.

posted on Oct, 6 2011 @ 10:45 AM
Really starting to get tired of these misleading headlines.

Anyone know how a headline works? It's suppose to inform you of what your about to read.

The way you titled it and what you wrote are two different things.

Sure your embracing a "new world order" but when you say "nwo" it looks like youre talking about the one world government "nwo".

I'm sorry, but I've been seeing too many post with misleading headlines and your post is the perverbal straw that broke this camels back.

posted on Oct, 7 2011 @ 12:44 AM
reply to post by Neo-V™

seems to me that while reading what hes saying UNTIL you get to the part where he mentions "New World Order" and automatically you do what you are programmed to do, is to hate the person saying those words in a good light.
The way I understand what he was trying to convey is that he is NOT saying we should just join TPTB (infact everything he seems to be saying is very ANTI-TPTB), instead hes saying that we the 99% should embrace a new way of looking at things, that we can become the New World Order and change this world to be the place our friends, family and children would be proud to live in. He is NOT saying to let TPTB, rule over us, but to instead, change our way of thinking and to effectively make TPTB impudent in this world. ONLY by taking off our blinders and erasing our "old programming" well we ever be able to stop TPTB and not be their slaves like we are now. Its just like the words "Jesus Christ", alot of you have programmed yourselves to react to those words with anger saying, "OMG another bible thumper or Jesus freak". While others that hears those two words instead hears " A very wise man who tried to teach us to love each other and to stride for peace"
again its all programming. Now most all of us that see the words "New World Order" instantly think of TPTB wanting to kill and/or enslave all of mankind, the very pentacle of evil, OR you can look at it as 3 words that can mean what WE the 99% make them stand for. New = changing from the old way of thinking, to a NEW, enlighted way of thinking; World = by changing our way of thinking, true love and peace could have a chance to spead WORLDwide; Order = once the whole world is looking at things with fresh eyes, then there can finally be ORDER. Please learn to read the whole message instead "cherry-picking" a few words from what hes saying.
Isnt the motto of this site "Deny Ignorance"? well by cherry-picking words is the polar opposite of denying ignorance.
Just saying.

S+F for you OP

edit on 10/7/2011 by Shaade because: typo

edit on 10/7/2011 by Shaade because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 7 2011 @ 01:08 AM

Originally posted by FloatingGhost
reply to post by Neo-V™

A people's new world order? Now... I've never heard that one. Sounds lovely. And extremely naive if you have any belief in that ever happening. We can't get the worlds leaders to agree... Do you really think that that worlds people would? That's like trying to get ten people on the same page having it fail and upping the number for 2nd try!!!

ACTUALLY its happening NOW. As I am typing these words people from around the world have woken up and finally realized that the J.P. Morgans, the Goldman, Sachs, the world elite bankers are NOT the true Powers That Be. WE ARE, the 99% are the true Powers That Be, the 99% can create a New World Order. Over the last 100 years we have GIVEN our power to our governments and bankers to rule over us. Those same awakened people around the world are fighting and dying RIGHT NOW to take their power back. We now need to cure ourselves of our Ostrich-idis and pull our heads out of the sand and take our power back.

posted on Oct, 7 2011 @ 01:10 AM
reply to post by Gridrebel

another perfect example of "cherry-picking" words to attack.

posted on Oct, 7 2011 @ 01:25 AM

Originally posted by futuredude
reply to post by Neo-V™




NEW RELIGION , IT CAN PROVOKE WAR UPON US AND ........its just not right , but its gonna happen anyway

so yeah , if you look at the population growth of the world offcorse there's gonna be a food crises , ofcorse there's
gonna be a WWIII , and one world leader that will promise peace to the world and be hailed (Anti-Christ in my opinion\Believes)
but the question is WHEN?

ive done some research and the time line that ive found is between 2018-2022

i don't know just have to wait and see

People PLEASE for the love of all mankind. STOP CHERRY-PICKING WORDS. Quit perpetuating ignorance, but instead, please, please DENY IGNORANCE. All you people can see with your programming and your blinders firmly in place are 3 SIMPLE WORDS and you are blind to the other 100+ words that surrounds them. You want to know why J.P. Morgan and the wall street bankers has all our power? BECAUSE OF YOU. Your programming is designed to spot KEY WORDS and when or if you see any key words, your programming kicks in and fills in the rest of whats being said automatically. "Why should I read the rest of what he wrote? He said NEW WORLD ORDER, so he was obviously siding with the bankers and corrupt governments that wants us all dead" DERP DERP and more DERP

posted on Oct, 7 2011 @ 06:56 PM

Originally posted by Shaade
reply to post by Neo-V™

seems to me that while reading what hes saying UNTIL you get to the part where he mentions "New World Order" and automatically you do what you are programmed to do, is to hate the person saying those words in a good light.
The way I understand what he was trying to convey is that he is NOT saying we should just join TPTB (infact everything he seems to be saying is very ANTI-TPTB), instead hes saying that we the 99% should embrace a new way of looking at things, that we can become the New World Order and change this world to be the place our friends, family and children would be proud to live in. He is NOT saying to let TPTB, rule over us, but to instead, change our way of thinking and to effectively make TPTB impudent in this world. ONLY by taking off our blinders and erasing our "old programming" well we ever be able to stop TPTB and not be their slaves like we are now. Its just like the words "Jesus Christ", alot of you have programmed yourselves to react to those words with anger saying, "OMG another bible thumper or Jesus freak". While others that hears those two words instead hears " A very wise man who tried to teach us to love each other and to stride for peace"
again its all programming. Now most all of us that see the words "New World Order" instantly think of TPTB wanting to kill and/or enslave all of mankind, the very pentacle of evil, OR you can look at it as 3 words that can mean what WE the 99% make them stand for. New = changing from the old way of thinking, to a NEW, enlighted way of thinking; World = by changing our way of thinking, true love and peace could have a chance to spead WORLDwide; Order = once the whole world is looking at things with fresh eyes, then there can finally be ORDER. Please learn to read the whole message instead "cherry-picking" a few words from what hes saying.
Isnt the motto of this site "Deny Ignorance"? well by cherry-picking words is the polar opposite of denying ignorance.
Just saying.

S+F for you OP

edit on 10/7/2011 by Shaade because: typo

edit on 10/7/2011 by Shaade because: (no reason given)

b.s O.P. played us with this bait and switch:
new ATS thread:
" I HATE THE "NFL" THEY'RE ALL Girly men!"
but televised "American football "is Okay! I watch it all the time; can't get enough!...

edit on 7-10-2011 by 46ACE because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 7 2011 @ 07:38 PM
reply to post by Neo-V™

no u don't get it....the cabals at the top LIKE creative destruction. its good for new and different ways or places to profit off

they are the cause of lots of the results you see now...and of course some want to swoop in and sell you on an artificial PEACE and a world where everyone thinks the same, buys the same corporate products, has the same currency, etc

posted on Oct, 7 2011 @ 08:14 PM
If there were the Return of Christ, by which this means a Kingdom in the "Heavens" descending upon the Earth.

This "Christ" would have first lifted the Saints under the alters! Then he would have "raptured" 144,000 virgin men, who would be lifted pre-Tribulation, so as to be "trained" in the House of the Lord's "Rules" governing mankind.

Then, at the end of the Tribulation he makes a dramatic comeback and destroys the Evil once and for all; we suppose this is the Anti-Christ he takes down. Those that have taken the "mark" will be cast through the Leviathan with the demons that possess them.

That just about covers the New World Order if I have ever understood it properly. The 144,000 will immediately be placed in the position of "figurehead" or leader of each Nation. Everyone will be converted to One World Government of Christ with One World Religion.

I would guess to say that this means losing 95% of the World.

So, the very thing we fight against may very well be the very thing that will be embraced. An odd thought considering!

posted on Oct, 7 2011 @ 10:05 PM
Specifically the version by H.G. Wells. (Yes, that H.G. Wells. Indeed.) Look it up. Read it. Sound familiar?

I need say no more.

posted on Oct, 9 2011 @ 03:47 AM

Originally posted by ThirdI
Sure your embracing a "new world order" but when you say "nwo" it looks like youre talking about the one world government "nwo".

Then clearly you have done what I think every poster has done so far, not grasped the point.

Up until a short while ago I was frequent poster on "The Sun"'s "SOL" forum which was recently closed, and the one thing that really used to annoy me was people replying without anything to say about the actual information whether it was my own thoughts and opinions or an article.

The "New World Order" as I see it is a concept envisioned by people whom have no interest in the advancement of Humanity, that lack of interest as the most of us know has and keeps us in the dark ages, sure we've come along way in the last 100 years but we could and should be far more advanced in every aspect of Life, Science, Space, The Mind etc etc etc than we actually are today.

What I'm trying to say is that it's the People of the World that can dictate OUR vision of what and how the N.W.O should progress, and all it takes is a little logic and common sense. I'm not saying we should all become hippys and start meditating and stuff (although it doesn't hurt ;
), but what we have learned about Human-Beings and our psychology is that behavior teaches behavior, "kid's don't learn to hate, they're taught it", and Einstein said "We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.".

I have changed my thinking, I've gone from just wanting to try and wake People up so to speak regardless of the uphill struggle because of the information which is just too much for a hell of a lot of people to digest. Some People still see the N.W.O as still just a "conspiracy" but clearly you have to be a "loon" these days not to see it, it's in motion, but far from final and right now WE still have the power to direct it's course before it will inevitably become too late to.

But what we need is something to progress to, something like The Venus Project, which is far from perfect but a step in the right direction. Every Country needs a Government but we need to get rid of the multiple parties system imo and just have competent people doing the job they are employed to do and who elected by us. There was a BBC2 documentary on last month, "How Facebook changed the World"...

The story of how the Arab world erupted in revolution, as a new generation used the internet and social media to try to overthrow their hated leaders. In the first of this two-part series, Mishal Husain charts events in Tunisia and Egypt by meeting those who led the revolts and showing the unique footage they shot.

...the time is now for the People of the M.E and the People of the West to unite using the power we have at our finger tips.

reply to post by Shaade

Finally, someone who grasps the point, thanks.

Originally posted by Shaade
As I am typing these words people from around the world have woken up and finally realized that the J.P. Morgans, the Goldman, Sachs, the world elite bankers are NOT the true Powers That Be. WE ARE, the 99% are the true Powers That Be, the 99% can create a New World Order.

EXACTLY!!! And WE are now in the greatest position to unite.

Originally posted by SuperTripps
no u don't get it....the cabals at the top LIKE creative destruction.

Oh I get it alright, what you also clearly haven't grasped from my post is the majority of US don't like "creative destruction", do we?, but it continues because of the Public's "5 Monkey Thinking".

posted on Oct, 9 2011 @ 04:42 AM
reply to post by Neo-V™

Well done OP, I hear you, understand and agree.

The problem we face is that even aware people living under the present system sometime struggle with concepts of where we are and where we are going. The 'world order' they are against is the one we have. Tptb in power, dictating war, media, 'healthcare' 'entertainment' employment, social structure. They gave us a scenario under which things would be worse, the NWO which they advocate but prefer the current system. This keeps us distracted, fighting against something which has not happened, they actually lose some power if they bring in their 'NWO'. It's a farce.

A 'Venus project' scenario is what we should be working towards/demanding, but not enough people know of the concept. 'Thrive' will be out in a few days, hopefully it will help them to 'get it'.

Jesus was a good man. He was clued up about all this stuff. Christians, for the most part seem to work against what he actually advocated because they have been misled. To discover that a person, a Christian is working against everything Jesus wanted must be difficult to consider. The misinfo in the bible is clouding their vision. The bible can say that women are to be subject to men, that hierarchy is essential and many things which we today reject. The bible has some beneficial elements but is not a 'rule book' Jesus tried to free you from that. The ruling council decided what went into the book, not Jesus, he didn't write one.

We need a NWO yes, by the people, for the people. We need to stop judging each other and letting tradition keep us divided. You have as much chance being murdered by one of the groups you have separated yourself from as you have tptb. We need to unite, stop condemning each other and see that we are all wanting the same thing, what Jesus wanted for us, to be free. We are the 99% we rule the world, majority rules, we must take this opportunity to show the 1% that we have the power.


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